三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ショック紛失??? / The Shock Absorber might be missing...
Day 428: 2011年9月26日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

さて、今日は朝早く起きてアダムを見送ります。今回は前後スペアタイヤ(ウユニの街で履き替えるそう)、20リットルのガソリンタンク(ツアーの4WDに運んでもらい、途中で受け取る予定)を積んでいるので、いつも軽装のアダムにしてはてんこ盛りの出発となりました。運が良ければウユニ塩原で再会できそうですが、まぁ、いつワシのショックが届くかわからないので、どうなりますかね。とにかく、友よ良い旅を!! Buen viaje y suerte!!
さて、一体どうすればいいのでしょうか?? もうしばらく待つか、それともハイメさんに修理してもらうか、チリにWilbersのショックを発注するか。いずれにしても荷物が紛失したとなると560ドルがパァです。
Day 428: 26 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I got up early to see Adam off. He was usually travelling light, but this time he was carrying 2 spare tyres (he will change them in Uyuni) and a 20L fuel tank (he will organise a fuel dropping by a tour operator), so his DR650 looked overloaded.
Depending on when my shock will arrive here, but I am hoping we can catch up in Salar de Uyuni. Nos vemos pronto y buen viaje, mi amigo!!
Around 9:30am, Marcelo came to the hostel and took us to his friend Yerko's workshop. Yerko said he could weld Uwe's broken frame with MAC welding and could rebuild my shock. So we made an appointment with him at 2pm.
We went to Motoservi and told Jaime of our plans. Yerko was a friend of Jaime as well, and Jaime said he had a good welding skill. But for my shock rebuilding, Jaime reckoned, Yerko would need to make a valve to insert gas. Just as Jaime was planning to do with my shock before.
Back to the hostel, we rested until 2pm. I received an e-mail from USPS. I thuought it was a reply to my inquiry, but it was a survey e-mail. USPS did not reply to my inquiry but asking me "How was the service?" That's insane....
Then we visited Yerko. Uwe made sure that he had the same material - Chromium Molybdernum steel for welding, but he did not have... Uwe asked Yerko this morning though.... And as Jaime said, Yerko also needto arrive now.ed to make a valve...
Now Uwe and I though we should not go ahead with Yerko, so we returned to Motoservi. Jaime gave Uwe advises for getting the material, and he would contact Santa Cruz if they can send the material here. I just needed to wait for the shock to arrive here.
I went to the Spanish class at 3pm. Then back to the hostel, I received an e-mail from the seller of the shock. He checked with USPS, but they could not locate my shock!! They are checking now, but if he seller would not receive any reply within 5days, USPS asked him to call them back.... Soes this mean my shock is lost?? Really insane.
I don't know what to do now. Should I ask Jaime to rebuild the shock with a valve? Should I order a Wilbers shock in Santiago, Chile? Or should I jus wait for the shock from the States?? So Uwe and I will be shipwrecked here for a while....
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
さて、今日は朝早く起きてアダムを見送ります。今回は前後スペアタイヤ(ウユニの街で履き替えるそう)、20リットルのガソリンタンク(ツアーの4WDに運んでもらい、途中で受け取る予定)を積んでいるので、いつも軽装のアダムにしてはてんこ盛りの出発となりました。運が良ければウユニ塩原で再会できそうですが、まぁ、いつワシのショックが届くかわからないので、どうなりますかね。とにかく、友よ良い旅を!! Buen viaje y suerte!!
さて、一体どうすればいいのでしょうか?? もうしばらく待つか、それともハイメさんに修理してもらうか、チリにWilbersのショックを発注するか。いずれにしても荷物が紛失したとなると560ドルがパァです。
Day 428: 26 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I got up early to see Adam off. He was usually travelling light, but this time he was carrying 2 spare tyres (he will change them in Uyuni) and a 20L fuel tank (he will organise a fuel dropping by a tour operator), so his DR650 looked overloaded.
Depending on when my shock will arrive here, but I am hoping we can catch up in Salar de Uyuni. Nos vemos pronto y buen viaje, mi amigo!!
Around 9:30am, Marcelo came to the hostel and took us to his friend Yerko's workshop. Yerko said he could weld Uwe's broken frame with MAC welding and could rebuild my shock. So we made an appointment with him at 2pm.
We went to Motoservi and told Jaime of our plans. Yerko was a friend of Jaime as well, and Jaime said he had a good welding skill. But for my shock rebuilding, Jaime reckoned, Yerko would need to make a valve to insert gas. Just as Jaime was planning to do with my shock before.
Back to the hostel, we rested until 2pm. I received an e-mail from USPS. I thuought it was a reply to my inquiry, but it was a survey e-mail. USPS did not reply to my inquiry but asking me "How was the service?" That's insane....
Then we visited Yerko. Uwe made sure that he had the same material - Chromium Molybdernum steel for welding, but he did not have... Uwe asked Yerko this morning though.... And as Jaime said, Yerko also needto arrive now.ed to make a valve...
Now Uwe and I though we should not go ahead with Yerko, so we returned to Motoservi. Jaime gave Uwe advises for getting the material, and he would contact Santa Cruz if they can send the material here. I just needed to wait for the shock to arrive here.
I went to the Spanish class at 3pm. Then back to the hostel, I received an e-mail from the seller of the shock. He checked with USPS, but they could not locate my shock!! They are checking now, but if he seller would not receive any reply within 5days, USPS asked him to call them back.... Soes this mean my shock is lost?? Really insane.
I don't know what to do now. Should I ask Jaime to rebuild the shock with a valve? Should I order a Wilbers shock in Santiago, Chile? Or should I jus wait for the shock from the States?? So Uwe and I will be shipwrecked here for a while....
10月4日から6日ですね。ショックさへ届けばいつでもウユニにいける状態なので、うまくいけばお会いできるかも。「穂高岳旅行社」の隣にあるホテル「HOtel Avenida」(Av Ferroviaraにあり)に宿泊する予定なので覗いてみてください!!