三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
タラブコの市場 / The market @ Tarabuco
Day 427: 2011年9月25日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は朝6時15分に起床。キャンプしてたら別に早い時間でもないんですけど、最近のダラケた生活を送っているワシにはキツイ!! というか、アダムにもキツイ!!
1時間とちょっとトコトコと車に揺られてタラブコへ。3週間前に同じ道をスクレまで走ってきたんですよね。もう3週間前!! 時間が経つのは早いですね。



しばらく歩き「田舎っペ市場(Mercado Campesino)」へ。ここでは色鮮やかなジャガイモなどの野菜、肉、ハーブ、コカの葉、乾燥した脂身、などなどが売られています。

市場の外には運搬用トラックが駐車していましたが、その中の一台が「生鮮野菜 安達商店」とあります。日本でも野菜を運搬し、ボリビアでも野菜を運搬。やりますねトラック。もう一台は「産廃運搬」とありましたが、コーラなどの飲料運搬に使われていました。

しばらく中庭でスージーやコーリたちと歓談し、夕飯へ。アダムと南米で最後の夕飯となるので、ちょっと贅沢に(最近贅沢しすぎですね)「Joy Ride」でチリ・コン・カルネを。
Day 427: 25 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Adam and I woke up at 6:15am! If we were camping, it was not really early at all, but we had been lazy in Sucre for a while, so it was hard.
We went to Motoservi to see Jaime, and we caught a taxi to a collectivo station. To Tarabuco, it took 1 hour and 15mins or so. I came the same way from La Higuera 3 weeks ago, 3 weeks!! I really neet to move on ASAP.
We arrived Tarabuco just before 9am. The street stands and shops were not fully ready and there was no any tourist (except us) so far. We had breakfast first and started to look around.
At the central plaza, there was a statue of a Tarabuco worrier and a Spanish solidier of 19th century. It was quite brutal one. The Tarabuco worrier got the Spanish soldier's heart and was eating it!!
What drew my attention was the costume of those Indigenas of Tarabuco was very different from other Indigenas. To me, from Guatemala, those costumes of Indigenas looked almost the same. Especially, those men were in their traditional costume, which was very unusual. As tehy did not like to be taken a photo, I did not take any.
When we passed a street, we saw a Blacksmith. In order to take his photos, we had to pay 5Bs, but he let us take photos while he was working and told us his story. He was 67 years old and started to work as a blacksmith whe he was 12! So he had been working for 55 years.
Then we walked to "Mercado de campesinos (farmers market)". There those vegetables, meats, herbs, dried fat of animals, coca leaves, colourful potatos were sold.
In front of the market, there were those tracks carrying veges, bottled drinks and so on. One of them were clearly from Japan (a used comercial vehicle). It was used to carry veges in Japan as well, so it was interesting to see that it was used for the same purpose in Bolivia as well.
We had lunch at a restaurant, then we tooka collectivo back to Sucre. We all were sleeping on the way back.
Back to the hostel, we met Marcelo - the local motorcyclist whom Uwe met on the way here - and he was telling Uwe to go to the workshop of his friend where he could weld his broken frame. He also said, at the same workshop my shock could be rebuilt. He said there was a guy with GS 1200 with the same problem got his shock rebuilt there.
So we will visit his friend's workshop and will see if he really can rebuild my shock. It is better to have more options in a situation like this.
Then we went for dinner with Susie @ Joy Ride as tomorrow Adam is leaving to Uyuni. I had Chili con Carne. It was a little expensive, but was good.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
1時間とちょっとトコトコと車に揺られてタラブコへ。3週間前に同じ道をスクレまで走ってきたんですよね。もう3週間前!! 時間が経つのは早いですね。
Day 427: 25 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Adam and I woke up at 6:15am! If we were camping, it was not really early at all, but we had been lazy in Sucre for a while, so it was hard.
We went to Motoservi to see Jaime, and we caught a taxi to a collectivo station. To Tarabuco, it took 1 hour and 15mins or so. I came the same way from La Higuera 3 weeks ago, 3 weeks!! I really neet to move on ASAP.
We arrived Tarabuco just before 9am. The street stands and shops were not fully ready and there was no any tourist (except us) so far. We had breakfast first and started to look around.
At the central plaza, there was a statue of a Tarabuco worrier and a Spanish solidier of 19th century. It was quite brutal one. The Tarabuco worrier got the Spanish soldier's heart and was eating it!!
What drew my attention was the costume of those Indigenas of Tarabuco was very different from other Indigenas. To me, from Guatemala, those costumes of Indigenas looked almost the same. Especially, those men were in their traditional costume, which was very unusual. As tehy did not like to be taken a photo, I did not take any.
When we passed a street, we saw a Blacksmith. In order to take his photos, we had to pay 5Bs, but he let us take photos while he was working and told us his story. He was 67 years old and started to work as a blacksmith whe he was 12! So he had been working for 55 years.
Then we walked to "Mercado de campesinos (farmers market)". There those vegetables, meats, herbs, dried fat of animals, coca leaves, colourful potatos were sold.
In front of the market, there were those tracks carrying veges, bottled drinks and so on. One of them were clearly from Japan (a used comercial vehicle). It was used to carry veges in Japan as well, so it was interesting to see that it was used for the same purpose in Bolivia as well.
We had lunch at a restaurant, then we tooka collectivo back to Sucre. We all were sleeping on the way back.
Back to the hostel, we met Marcelo - the local motorcyclist whom Uwe met on the way here - and he was telling Uwe to go to the workshop of his friend where he could weld his broken frame. He also said, at the same workshop my shock could be rebuilt. He said there was a guy with GS 1200 with the same problem got his shock rebuilt there.
So we will visit his friend's workshop and will see if he really can rebuild my shock. It is better to have more options in a situation like this.
Then we went for dinner with Susie @ Joy Ride as tomorrow Adam is leaving to Uyuni. I had Chili con Carne. It was a little expensive, but was good.