三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ステーキ!!再び / Steak!! again
Day 441: 2011年10月9日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
昼飯は宿の近くの飯屋で。部屋でBBCの「Power of the Earth」を鑑賞。シベリアの永久凍土が溶けてメタンが発生して温暖化が加速する可能性があること、世界中の氷河が急速に溶けていること。我々の未来はそんなに明るくない!?
中庭でマルコとウベと珈琲を。今夜はアキルとフランシスカのスクレでの最後の夜なのでみんなで例のステーキハウス「Cumana Churrasqueria」に行くことに。
アキル、フランシスカ、マルコ、シモネ、ウベ、そしてワシの6人で歩いて「Cumana」へ。しかし今日は休み!!! 中から肉の焼ける匂いがするんだけど?? ノックしたらなかからスタッフが出てきて、やはり今日は休みだと。近くのステーキ屋「Chrrasqueria El Asador」を紹介してくれました。
アキルはインド出身ですが、オーストラリアのパース在住。オーストラリアねたで盛り上がります。彼と彼女のフランシスカ(スイス出身)は明日ウユニに行ってしまうので、再会はオーストラリアですね。Buen viaje mis amigos!!
Day 441: 09 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Today is the 44th aniversary since Ernesto "Che" Guevara kicked the bucket. I wonder how Bolivia and the World have "evolved" for thease 44 years. His idea is still alive in us.
Well, I woke up after 10am this morning, as I stayed up late last night. Usually I don't drink any alcohol and I only shipped a champaign for a toast last night. But I had a headache this morning. Hangover??
Having breakfast and coffee, I had a lazy morning.
Uwe and I was planning to go to Mercado Campesino to find jerrycans. But Uwe had a really hangover, so we decided to stay at the hostel.
We had lunch @ the nearby restaurant and I watched BBC "The Power of the Earth" in the room. The program was talking about the global warming is melting permafrost in Siberia, which is causing methane gas released to the atomosphere. Methane gas has 20 times more greem house effect than CO2, so more methane gas will be released, more green house effect wil be. A catastrophic chain reaction.... Also the program was talking about how fast those glaciers on this planet are quickly disappearing. Very disturbing stories, indeed.
I had a cuppa with Marco and Uwe in the courtyard. As Akil and Franceska is leaving Sucre tomorrow morning, we planned go to "Cumana Churrasqueria " for dinner tonight.
Akil, Franceska, Marco, Simone, Uwe and I walked to"Cumana". But the door was closed!! We could smell of cooking meats, so we knocked the door. A staff came out but she said they were closed today... But she told us there was another nice Churrasqueria neearby, so we went there.
"Churrasqueria El Asador" it was. The price was a little cheaper than "Cumana". The quality of meats were good but we could not ask how we would like the meat to be cooked, so I still prefered "Cumana". Anyway, we all had a good time there.
Akil is from India but living in Perth, Australia. We talked about Australia a lot. He and his girl friend Franceska will go to Uyuni tomorrow. When I go back to Australia, one day, I will visit him in Perth. Till then, Buen viaje mis amigo.
Hopefully I can receive an update from Carlos (Wilbers Chile) tomorrow. As he said earlier, if the new shock absorber will be shipped from Germany this Wednesday and will be in Santiago around 17th of Oct, I might go to Jungle meanwhile.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
昼飯は宿の近くの飯屋で。部屋でBBCの「Power of the Earth」を鑑賞。シベリアの永久凍土が溶けてメタンが発生して温暖化が加速する可能性があること、世界中の氷河が急速に溶けていること。我々の未来はそんなに明るくない!?
中庭でマルコとウベと珈琲を。今夜はアキルとフランシスカのスクレでの最後の夜なのでみんなで例のステーキハウス「Cumana Churrasqueria」に行くことに。
アキル、フランシスカ、マルコ、シモネ、ウベ、そしてワシの6人で歩いて「Cumana」へ。しかし今日は休み!!! 中から肉の焼ける匂いがするんだけど?? ノックしたらなかからスタッフが出てきて、やはり今日は休みだと。近くのステーキ屋「Chrrasqueria El Asador」を紹介してくれました。
アキルはインド出身ですが、オーストラリアのパース在住。オーストラリアねたで盛り上がります。彼と彼女のフランシスカ(スイス出身)は明日ウユニに行ってしまうので、再会はオーストラリアですね。Buen viaje mis amigos!!
Day 441: 09 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Today is the 44th aniversary since Ernesto "Che" Guevara kicked the bucket. I wonder how Bolivia and the World have "evolved" for thease 44 years. His idea is still alive in us.
Well, I woke up after 10am this morning, as I stayed up late last night. Usually I don't drink any alcohol and I only shipped a champaign for a toast last night. But I had a headache this morning. Hangover??
Having breakfast and coffee, I had a lazy morning.
Uwe and I was planning to go to Mercado Campesino to find jerrycans. But Uwe had a really hangover, so we decided to stay at the hostel.
We had lunch @ the nearby restaurant and I watched BBC "The Power of the Earth" in the room. The program was talking about the global warming is melting permafrost in Siberia, which is causing methane gas released to the atomosphere. Methane gas has 20 times more greem house effect than CO2, so more methane gas will be released, more green house effect wil be. A catastrophic chain reaction.... Also the program was talking about how fast those glaciers on this planet are quickly disappearing. Very disturbing stories, indeed.
I had a cuppa with Marco and Uwe in the courtyard. As Akil and Franceska is leaving Sucre tomorrow morning, we planned go to "Cumana Churrasqueria " for dinner tonight.
Akil, Franceska, Marco, Simone, Uwe and I walked to"Cumana". But the door was closed!! We could smell of cooking meats, so we knocked the door. A staff came out but she said they were closed today... But she told us there was another nice Churrasqueria neearby, so we went there.
"Churrasqueria El Asador" it was. The price was a little cheaper than "Cumana". The quality of meats were good but we could not ask how we would like the meat to be cooked, so I still prefered "Cumana". Anyway, we all had a good time there.
Akil is from India but living in Perth, Australia. We talked about Australia a lot. He and his girl friend Franceska will go to Uyuni tomorrow. When I go back to Australia, one day, I will visit him in Perth. Till then, Buen viaje mis amigo.
Hopefully I can receive an update from Carlos (Wilbers Chile) tomorrow. As he said earlier, if the new shock absorber will be shipped from Germany this Wednesday and will be in Santiago around 17th of Oct, I might go to Jungle meanwhile.
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