三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
リア・ショック修復への道 1 / The way to rebuilding the rear shock - Part. 1
Day 414: 2011年9月12日
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,084km to 41,085km = 1km
昼は近くの飯屋で。ステーキ定食12ボリ。それから散歩がてらスーパーに買い物。途中荷物山積みのBMW R1200GS ADVが歩道に停めてありました。荷物山盛りの上にスペアタイヤを前後一本ずつ運んでます。しばらくそこにいて持ち主が来るのを待ってましたが、現れないのでスーパーへ。
早速宿に戻り、原サイクルのWナベさんに問い合わせメールを。そしてHorizons Unlimited (HU)とADVRiderのフォーラムにも問い合わせをしてみました。
夜は昨日に引き続き「El Parrillin」にて。今日はスペアリブを。30ボリ。ボリュームたっぷりで美味い!! ボリビアの物価からすると少々高いですが、病み付きになりそうです。
夕飯から戻りメールをチェックすると、BMWサンタ・クルスから返信が。ESAリア・サスは10日搬送で3,600米ドル、25日搬送で3,000米ドル!! 高すぎる!!! これは是非ともハイメさんにがんばってもらいましょう!!
Day 414: 12 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,084km to 41,085km = 1km
Today I brought my GS "Esperanza" to "Motoservi". I got there around 9:30am and Jaime was about to leave for teaching in a school.
He checked on the rear suspension and said "Today I am busy, but it can be done in 2 - 3 days. I can replace the oil seal and refill oil." I was glad to hear his confident comment.
I resistered my detail and went back to the hostel. Jaime said "You can come here anytime you want!" Very friendly he is indeed.
Back to the hosel I checkedon e-mails. I sent an inquiry to BMW Santa Cruz to find out how much a ESA rear shock cost. But there was no reply.
I had lunch at nearby restaurant and walked to the supermarket. On the way, I saw a BMW R1200GS ADV with full of luggages and 2 spare tyres. I wanted to see the owner of the bike and waited there for a while, but none turned up. So I went to the supermarket.
Back from the supermarket, the BMW was still there. So I waited there for a while but the owner did not come back.
I visited "Motoservi" after 3pm. WHen I got there, a young mechanic was taking off the rear shock from the bike. The botom bolt of the shock was really hard to take off.
When the young one took off the shock, Jaime came back. He said "I will look at the shock tomorrow. I want you to research on the web which oil viscosity should be used, the quantity of oil to be filled and if it is a good idea to fill oil of higher viscosity." He said he can do it without knowing those, but it would be better to rebuild the shock according to the specification of the manufacture.
I went back to the hostel and sent an inquiry to my BMW dealer in Japan. Also I posted the questions to Horizons Unlimited (HU) and ADVRider. Hopefully I can get the answer by tomorrow morning.
I had dinner at "El Parrillin" again. I had grilled spare libs for 30Bs. It was a little expensive for Bolivian standard, but it was excellent.
After diner, I received a reply from BMW Santa Cruz. The cos of a ESA rear shock would be US$3,600 (10days delivery) or US$3,000 (25Days delivery)!! In this case, Jaime is my hope. Hopefuly he can rebuild the shock without any problem.
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,084km to 41,085km = 1km
昼は近くの飯屋で。ステーキ定食12ボリ。それから散歩がてらスーパーに買い物。途中荷物山積みのBMW R1200GS ADVが歩道に停めてありました。荷物山盛りの上にスペアタイヤを前後一本ずつ運んでます。しばらくそこにいて持ち主が来るのを待ってましたが、現れないのでスーパーへ。
早速宿に戻り、原サイクルのWナベさんに問い合わせメールを。そしてHorizons Unlimited (HU)とADVRiderのフォーラムにも問い合わせをしてみました。
夜は昨日に引き続き「El Parrillin」にて。今日はスペアリブを。30ボリ。ボリュームたっぷりで美味い!! ボリビアの物価からすると少々高いですが、病み付きになりそうです。
夕飯から戻りメールをチェックすると、BMWサンタ・クルスから返信が。ESAリア・サスは10日搬送で3,600米ドル、25日搬送で3,000米ドル!! 高すぎる!!! これは是非ともハイメさんにがんばってもらいましょう!!
Day 414: 12 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,084km to 41,085km = 1km
Today I brought my GS "Esperanza" to "Motoservi". I got there around 9:30am and Jaime was about to leave for teaching in a school.
He checked on the rear suspension and said "Today I am busy, but it can be done in 2 - 3 days. I can replace the oil seal and refill oil." I was glad to hear his confident comment.
I resistered my detail and went back to the hostel. Jaime said "You can come here anytime you want!" Very friendly he is indeed.
Back to the hosel I checkedon e-mails. I sent an inquiry to BMW Santa Cruz to find out how much a ESA rear shock cost. But there was no reply.
I had lunch at nearby restaurant and walked to the supermarket. On the way, I saw a BMW R1200GS ADV with full of luggages and 2 spare tyres. I wanted to see the owner of the bike and waited there for a while, but none turned up. So I went to the supermarket.
Back from the supermarket, the BMW was still there. So I waited there for a while but the owner did not come back.
I visited "Motoservi" after 3pm. WHen I got there, a young mechanic was taking off the rear shock from the bike. The botom bolt of the shock was really hard to take off.
When the young one took off the shock, Jaime came back. He said "I will look at the shock tomorrow. I want you to research on the web which oil viscosity should be used, the quantity of oil to be filled and if it is a good idea to fill oil of higher viscosity." He said he can do it without knowing those, but it would be better to rebuild the shock according to the specification of the manufacture.
I went back to the hostel and sent an inquiry to my BMW dealer in Japan. Also I posted the questions to Horizons Unlimited (HU) and ADVRider. Hopefully I can get the answer by tomorrow morning.
I had dinner at "El Parrillin" again. I had grilled spare libs for 30Bs. It was a little expensive for Bolivian standard, but it was excellent.
After diner, I received a reply from BMW Santa Cruz. The cos of a ESA rear shock would be US$3,600 (10days delivery) or US$3,000 (25Days delivery)!! In this case, Jaime is my hope. Hopefuly he can rebuild the shock without any problem.