三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
選択肢を探る / Finding out options repairing the rear shock absorber
Day 413: 2011年9月11日
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は9.11テロが起こってから10年なんですねぇ。もうそんなに経つんですね。あれから世界は一変しました。アメリカ合衆国主導の資本消費主義の限界が見えてきたのもアフガン・イラク侵攻後ですね。この10年で確実に世界のパワーバランスが変わりましたね。ワシが今いるラテン・アメリカ諸国の“発展”は目覚しいものがあるのではないでしょうか。我が国日本はどうでしょう? 経済の後退、格差の広がり、特に東日本大震災の影響などなど、あまり明るい方向には向かっていないような。今回の震災の対応をもって政府が無能なのを目の当たりにした国民が立ち上がらないのが不思議なくらいです。逆境の中からこれからの日本の中核となる「何か」を生み出さなくてはいけませんね。さて、この先10年世界はどう変わっていくのでしょうか?
作業をしていたらR1200GS ADVのフランクが起きてきました。「昨晩うるさくて眠れなかったよ。」と。今日ラパスに向かうとのこと。ワシのリア・ショックを見て、「TouratechでOhlinsのショックを購入して送ってもらうか、アルゼンチンの北部の街サルタ(Salta)のMoto DRがショックのオーバーホールのエキスパートだから、その選択もあるよ。」と教えてくれました。ウユニ塩原を超えたライダーがリア・ショックに問題があると「Moto DR」に行くんだそうです。彼の友達もショックからオイルが漏れて、アメリカ合衆国からOhlinsのショックをパラグアイまで取り寄せたそうです。なるほど、その線があったか。ダニエルも起きてきて、「サルタのMoto DRは良かったよ。」と。ここで直せなかったらサルタまで走ってしまうのも有りかな。
宿に戻り昼寝。夜は近くのパリーヤ屋「El Parrillin」にて。チュレータ(骨付き肉のステーキ)が22ボリ。美味い!! 明日もここにしよう。
Day 413: 11 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's been 10 years since 9.11. Time realy flies. Since the incident, the world has changed a lot. THe power balance of the world certainly changed, especially in Latin America, where I am now. In Japan, there are no much good news these 10 years, economical down turn, higher unemployment rate, increasing in gap of wealth distribution, the disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami ealier of this year.... We need to find the way to make better 10 years ahead.
Last night, there were fireworks went on till late (or early in the morning), and it was very noisy. But I got nothing much to do today, so I had a late morning.
After breakfast, I started to clean my GS and unloaded luggages as I will take her to "Motoservi" tomorrow. I had time, so I cleaned the air filter as well.
While I was working on my GS, Frank - R1200GS ADV - came out and started a chat. He said "You can order Ohlins shock from the States and ship it here. Or there is a really good shop in Salta, Argenitina. Moto DR. Many of guys across Salar went there to fix the rear shocks." Hisfriend also had the same problem and he ordered a Ohlins shock from the States to Paraguay (as his visa in Bolivia was running out). So there are a few options I have even if I might not be able to repair the shock.
Daniel also said "Moto Dr at Salta was excelent. They know what theyare doing." So it sounds really good. If Jaime of "Motoservi" cannot repair the shock, I might ride to Salta.
After cleaning my GS, I searched on Internet about the options Frank told me. Then I went for lunch at the near by restaurant. I had "Milanesa de Pollo (Chicken Schnitzel) for 12Bs. It was cheap and good.
After lunch I walked to "Motoservi" to make sure where it was located, so I wouldn't get lots tomorrow.
Back to hostel, I felt soooo sleepy, and had a nap. When I woke up it was 6:30pm already! I went to have dinner at Parrilla neaby "El Parrillin". Chuleta (steak with ones) was 22Bs. It was the really good steakI I should go back there tomorrow.
Well, hopefully Jaime wil say "Yes, I can do it!" tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は9.11テロが起こってから10年なんですねぇ。もうそんなに経つんですね。あれから世界は一変しました。アメリカ合衆国主導の資本消費主義の限界が見えてきたのもアフガン・イラク侵攻後ですね。この10年で確実に世界のパワーバランスが変わりましたね。ワシが今いるラテン・アメリカ諸国の“発展”は目覚しいものがあるのではないでしょうか。我が国日本はどうでしょう? 経済の後退、格差の広がり、特に東日本大震災の影響などなど、あまり明るい方向には向かっていないような。今回の震災の対応をもって政府が無能なのを目の当たりにした国民が立ち上がらないのが不思議なくらいです。逆境の中からこれからの日本の中核となる「何か」を生み出さなくてはいけませんね。さて、この先10年世界はどう変わっていくのでしょうか?
作業をしていたらR1200GS ADVのフランクが起きてきました。「昨晩うるさくて眠れなかったよ。」と。今日ラパスに向かうとのこと。ワシのリア・ショックを見て、「TouratechでOhlinsのショックを購入して送ってもらうか、アルゼンチンの北部の街サルタ(Salta)のMoto DRがショックのオーバーホールのエキスパートだから、その選択もあるよ。」と教えてくれました。ウユニ塩原を超えたライダーがリア・ショックに問題があると「Moto DR」に行くんだそうです。彼の友達もショックからオイルが漏れて、アメリカ合衆国からOhlinsのショックをパラグアイまで取り寄せたそうです。なるほど、その線があったか。ダニエルも起きてきて、「サルタのMoto DRは良かったよ。」と。ここで直せなかったらサルタまで走ってしまうのも有りかな。
宿に戻り昼寝。夜は近くのパリーヤ屋「El Parrillin」にて。チュレータ(骨付き肉のステーキ)が22ボリ。美味い!! 明日もここにしよう。
Day 413: 11 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's been 10 years since 9.11. Time realy flies. Since the incident, the world has changed a lot. THe power balance of the world certainly changed, especially in Latin America, where I am now. In Japan, there are no much good news these 10 years, economical down turn, higher unemployment rate, increasing in gap of wealth distribution, the disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami ealier of this year.... We need to find the way to make better 10 years ahead.
Last night, there were fireworks went on till late (or early in the morning), and it was very noisy. But I got nothing much to do today, so I had a late morning.
After breakfast, I started to clean my GS and unloaded luggages as I will take her to "Motoservi" tomorrow. I had time, so I cleaned the air filter as well.
While I was working on my GS, Frank - R1200GS ADV - came out and started a chat. He said "You can order Ohlins shock from the States and ship it here. Or there is a really good shop in Salta, Argenitina. Moto DR. Many of guys across Salar went there to fix the rear shocks." Hisfriend also had the same problem and he ordered a Ohlins shock from the States to Paraguay (as his visa in Bolivia was running out). So there are a few options I have even if I might not be able to repair the shock.
Daniel also said "Moto Dr at Salta was excelent. They know what theyare doing." So it sounds really good. If Jaime of "Motoservi" cannot repair the shock, I might ride to Salta.
After cleaning my GS, I searched on Internet about the options Frank told me. Then I went for lunch at the near by restaurant. I had "Milanesa de Pollo (Chicken Schnitzel) for 12Bs. It was cheap and good.
After lunch I walked to "Motoservi" to make sure where it was located, so I wouldn't get lots tomorrow.
Back to hostel, I felt soooo sleepy, and had a nap. When I woke up it was 6:30pm already! I went to have dinner at Parrilla neaby "El Parrillin". Chuleta (steak with ones) was 22Bs. It was the really good steakI I should go back there tomorrow.
Well, hopefully Jaime wil say "Yes, I can do it!" tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!