三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
世界一標高の高い都市・ポトシ / The world's higest city - Potosi
Day 410: 2011年9月8日
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
マーク&クレアが起きてきたので歓談。彼らは今日は出発しないそうです。そして10時半には出発です。マーク&クレアはこの後ウユニ、塩原、そしてチリに抜けるので、もしかしたらウユニで再会ですが、そうでなかったらチリかアルゼンチンの南部での再会となりますね。Buen viaje, mis amigos!!
ポトシまでは約150キロ。ワインディングを抜けて走ります。スクレは標高2,800㍍。ポトシは4,060㍍!! 世界一標高の高い都市だそうです。

まぁ、フアンがつかまらないので宿探しです。「Residencial Sumaj」というのが安くて駐車スペースもあるのですが、マーク&クレアが前回泊まってよくなかった、というのでスキップ。ロンプラに載っている「Hostal Campana de Jesus」に行って見ました。バイクは駐車できますが個室80ボリ(シャワー・トイレ付。WiFi、朝飯付。)と高い。悪くは無いのですがまだ時間が早いので他をあたってみました。
向かいの「La Casona Hostal」は個室65ボリ(シャワー・トイレ共同。WiFi、朝飯付)と少し安いですが、入り口のギャップが少し高いので却下。「Hostal Maria Victoria」は良かったのですが(個室50ボリ。シャワー・トイレ共同)、WiFiが無いのと朝飯付かないので却下。
結局最初の「Hostal Campana de Jesus」にしました。決める前にもう一度ファンに電話してみましたがつながらず…。明日またかけてみますかね。

チェックインして街散策。虹色の鉱山セロ・リコ(Cerro Rico)が誇らしげにそびえているのが見えます。メルカドなどを見て廻って帰ってきたら3時半。宿の女将さんとしばらく歓談(日本にもオーストラリアにも行ったことがあるそう!!)。安くて美味しい店の場所を教えてくれました。
このような日本の中古車がボリビアでは何処でも見られます。「大阪市下水道局 道路維持作業車」とありますね。
それから明日の鉱山ツアーを申し込みに行きました。Koala Tourがオーストラリア人経営で有名なのですが、とりあえずツーリスト・インフォに行って見ました。
それから4人組とカフェ。5時半近くまで歓談していたので、もう外は寒い!! Tシャツに短パンだったので急いで宿に戻りました。
リサとエメリーは向かいの「La Casona Hostal」に泊まっています。
Day 410: 08 SEP 2011
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
I got up around 8am. Mark&Claire were planning to leave Sucre today but they decided to stay one more day in Sucre. They will be heading to Uyuni, Salar, then to Chile. If I am not see them in Uyuni or Salar, next place we would bump to each other would be the south of Chile or Argentina. Till then, buen viaje, mis amigos!!
The altitude of Sucre is around 2,800m, whereas Potosi is 4,060m!! which makes Potosi the world'S highest city.
The road to Potosi was paved all the way and in good condition. I could enjoy riding through those curves. Once climbed up to 3,100m high or so, it became a flat plain and I could cruise at 100km/h.
Just 25km before Potosi, the road went up to 3,700m high and more and it got really colder. I arrived Potosi before 1pm. First thing was to feed myself! I found a saltena shop and had 2 saltenas and a cone of ice cream for 13Bs.
Then I called Juan - the local motorcyclist I met in Chochabamba, but I could not reach him. So I left a message on the voice mail. So I needed to find a place to stay. "Residencial Sumaj" was the cheap and popular hostel with parking space, but Mark&Claire stayed here before and they said it was bad... So I skipped "Sumaj".
I went to "Hostal Compana de Jesus" recommended in Lonely Planet. I could park my GS inside, but the private room (with shower/toilet.Wifi and breakfast included) cost 80Bs. Little too expensive. So I went to see other hostels ("La Casona Hostal" - opposite of "Campana de Jesus") and "Hostal Maria Victoria", but "Campana de Jesus" was I reckoned better deal, so I decided to stay there.
After checked in, I walked around the city. The Cerro Rico - the famous mountain of mines could be seen mignificently from the city. I walked around Mercado and plazas.
I was back to the hostel around 3:30pm. I chat with the lady ownerof the hostel. She said she travelled around the world for a year as well and visited Japan and Australia! She told me where to eat and where to visit in Potosi.
Then I went to book Cooperatives mines tour. Koala Tour is owned by an Aussie and famous, but I went to Tourist Information office first. Here I went 4 Aussies, Liam, Ashley, Lisa and Emily. They were booking the tour for tomorrow here. It turned out to be those guides working at the tourist information office used to worked for Koala Tour and now they are independent. So I decided to join them. The tour cost 100Bs (including lunch).
With 4 Aussies I went to have cuppa. We talked till 5:30pm or so, and it got really chilly! I was wearing T-shirt and shorts only, so I rushed back to the hostel.
I went to eat at "Parrilla" on Calle Bolivar. Grilled beef cost 20Bs and it was excellent! I will go back there tomorrow.
It tour starts at 8:30am, so I'd better to go to bed early. Buenas noches!!
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
マーク&クレアが起きてきたので歓談。彼らは今日は出発しないそうです。そして10時半には出発です。マーク&クレアはこの後ウユニ、塩原、そしてチリに抜けるので、もしかしたらウユニで再会ですが、そうでなかったらチリかアルゼンチンの南部での再会となりますね。Buen viaje, mis amigos!!
ポトシまでは約150キロ。ワインディングを抜けて走ります。スクレは標高2,800㍍。ポトシは4,060㍍!! 世界一標高の高い都市だそうです。
まぁ、フアンがつかまらないので宿探しです。「Residencial Sumaj」というのが安くて駐車スペースもあるのですが、マーク&クレアが前回泊まってよくなかった、というのでスキップ。ロンプラに載っている「Hostal Campana de Jesus」に行って見ました。バイクは駐車できますが個室80ボリ(シャワー・トイレ付。WiFi、朝飯付。)と高い。悪くは無いのですがまだ時間が早いので他をあたってみました。
向かいの「La Casona Hostal」は個室65ボリ(シャワー・トイレ共同。WiFi、朝飯付)と少し安いですが、入り口のギャップが少し高いので却下。「Hostal Maria Victoria」は良かったのですが(個室50ボリ。シャワー・トイレ共同)、WiFiが無いのと朝飯付かないので却下。
結局最初の「Hostal Campana de Jesus」にしました。決める前にもう一度ファンに電話してみましたがつながらず…。明日またかけてみますかね。
それから明日の鉱山ツアーを申し込みに行きました。Koala Tourがオーストラリア人経営で有名なのですが、とりあえずツーリスト・インフォに行って見ました。
それから4人組とカフェ。5時半近くまで歓談していたので、もう外は寒い!! Tシャツに短パンだったので急いで宿に戻りました。
リサとエメリーは向かいの「La Casona Hostal」に泊まっています。
Day 410: 08 SEP 2011
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
I got up around 8am. Mark&Claire were planning to leave Sucre today but they decided to stay one more day in Sucre. They will be heading to Uyuni, Salar, then to Chile. If I am not see them in Uyuni or Salar, next place we would bump to each other would be the south of Chile or Argentina. Till then, buen viaje, mis amigos!!
The altitude of Sucre is around 2,800m, whereas Potosi is 4,060m!! which makes Potosi the world'S highest city.
The road to Potosi was paved all the way and in good condition. I could enjoy riding through those curves. Once climbed up to 3,100m high or so, it became a flat plain and I could cruise at 100km/h.
Just 25km before Potosi, the road went up to 3,700m high and more and it got really colder. I arrived Potosi before 1pm. First thing was to feed myself! I found a saltena shop and had 2 saltenas and a cone of ice cream for 13Bs.
Then I called Juan - the local motorcyclist I met in Chochabamba, but I could not reach him. So I left a message on the voice mail. So I needed to find a place to stay. "Residencial Sumaj" was the cheap and popular hostel with parking space, but Mark&Claire stayed here before and they said it was bad... So I skipped "Sumaj".
I went to "Hostal Compana de Jesus" recommended in Lonely Planet. I could park my GS inside, but the private room (with shower/toilet.Wifi and breakfast included) cost 80Bs. Little too expensive. So I went to see other hostels ("La Casona Hostal" - opposite of "Campana de Jesus") and "Hostal Maria Victoria", but "Campana de Jesus" was I reckoned better deal, so I decided to stay there.
After checked in, I walked around the city. The Cerro Rico - the famous mountain of mines could be seen mignificently from the city. I walked around Mercado and plazas.
I was back to the hostel around 3:30pm. I chat with the lady ownerof the hostel. She said she travelled around the world for a year as well and visited Japan and Australia! She told me where to eat and where to visit in Potosi.
Then I went to book Cooperatives mines tour. Koala Tour is owned by an Aussie and famous, but I went to Tourist Information office first. Here I went 4 Aussies, Liam, Ashley, Lisa and Emily. They were booking the tour for tomorrow here. It turned out to be those guides working at the tourist information office used to worked for Koala Tour and now they are independent. So I decided to join them. The tour cost 100Bs (including lunch).
With 4 Aussies I went to have cuppa. We talked till 5:30pm or so, and it got really chilly! I was wearing T-shirt and shorts only, so I rushed back to the hostel.
I went to eat at "Parrilla" on Calle Bolivar. Grilled beef cost 20Bs and it was excellent! I will go back there tomorrow.
It tour starts at 8:30am, so I'd better to go to bed early. Buenas noches!!