三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ポトシ鉱山ツアー / Tour of Cerro Rico mines, Potosi
Day 411: 2011年9月9日
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)

今日は7時半に起きて朝飯。8時半に「The Real Deal」のオフィスに集合。ツアー参加者は13人。3グループに別れます。




こんなに狭くて、暗くて、息苦しい場所で働いている鉱夫は大変ですね。 この鉱山の神TIOにコカの葉をお供えし、96パーセントのアルコールを飲みます(もちろんワシは飲みませんでしたが)。


夕飯はLa Casonaにて。リサ、エミリー、ライアンと相部屋のエドもさんか。エドはイギリス人で旅をしながら「ガンジャ」雑誌の記事を書いているそうです。「ガンジャ」の歴史、政府がどのように扱ってきたか、経済とかそういうことを調べて記事を書いているそうです。すっごく面白い人ですね。
Day 411: 09 SEP 2011
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
I went to the office of "The Real Deal" at 8:30am with Lisa ad Emily. Liam was already there. His girl friend Ashley was not joining tour though. There were 13 people doing the tour with "The Real Deal" today. 3 groups were made. Lisa, Emily, Liam, and Ryan from UK were in my group. The tour guide of the group was Pedro. He is very energetic guy! He speaks good English and knows all Aussie slangs!
Our group was named "Donky fxxkers".
Firstly we caught a bus to the place where we got those "Mning tour equipments" - a helmet with a torch, long pants and a jacket against dust, and a pair of long ruber boots.
Then we walked to "Miners Market" to buy some gifts to miners. The gifts prefered were: soft drink, coca leaves, dynamites(!!), and alchole (96%!!). I bought a dynamiteand coca leaves.
In Potosi, there is no regulation on buying/selling dynamites. So anyone, even kids can buy it! Dangerous!! It costs 15 to 24Bs. We would not have many chance to touch dynamites elsewhere, so we took a few photos with dynamites.
After we bought the gifts, we caught the bus to visit a factory where extracting mineras, such as silver and zinc from the rocks.
Then finally we went into the mine! The first section of the mine was very wet and muddy. Then it got really narrow and low clearance. I hit my head many times!! Luckily I was wearing the helmet!
As we walked deeper in the mine, the air got stuffy and dusty. It started smell bad as well. It would be realy hard to work in this condtion. No wonder many people died working in the mines of this mountain. Since 1545, peoplehad been working in the mines. Milliones of people died here...
We went to a place where "TIO" - the devil look-a-like god of minerals was. Here we offered coca leaves and 96% alchole. Pedro explained about mines, miners, life style of miners etc here.
We continued walking inside the mine. Finally we got to the place where miners were actually working. We offered the gifts to them. They blew up 3 dynamites!! The first shock wave wasn't much, but 2nd one was felt pretty big!! Wow.
The miners used dynamites to blew up rocks, so that they can carry rocks and select ones roch in minerals.
Pedoro said the mountain itself is owned by the government. And the most of miners are self employed. Some of them are working for large corporations, but those corporations are foregin owned. And majority of miners prefer freedom than fixed salary. That's why they work for themselves.
We climbed up ladders and got to another mine called "Santa Elena". Then we walked through to anoter exit. When we got out, we appriciate the sun so much!! We entered the mine around 11:30am and got out after 1pm. So we were in the dark for nearly 2hours. But miners would work sometimes more than 20hours a day!! How hard the mining work is!!
We went back to the town and had lunch. Back to the hostel, I took a shower and had a nap. Really tired walking in the mine.
In the evening, I went out with them for dinner. Ed from UK staying at the same hostel as Ryan, sa and Emily joined us. He is very interesting guy, writing articles to a magazone specialised in "Ganja". We talked till late.
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
こんなに狭くて、暗くて、息苦しい場所で働いている鉱夫は大変ですね。 この鉱山の神TIOにコカの葉をお供えし、96パーセントのアルコールを飲みます(もちろんワシは飲みませんでしたが)。
夕飯はLa Casonaにて。リサ、エミリー、ライアンと相部屋のエドもさんか。エドはイギリス人で旅をしながら「ガンジャ」雑誌の記事を書いているそうです。「ガンジャ」の歴史、政府がどのように扱ってきたか、経済とかそういうことを調べて記事を書いているそうです。すっごく面白い人ですね。
Day 411: 09 SEP 2011
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
I went to the office of "The Real Deal" at 8:30am with Lisa ad Emily. Liam was already there. His girl friend Ashley was not joining tour though. There were 13 people doing the tour with "The Real Deal" today. 3 groups were made. Lisa, Emily, Liam, and Ryan from UK were in my group. The tour guide of the group was Pedro. He is very energetic guy! He speaks good English and knows all Aussie slangs!
Our group was named "Donky fxxkers".
Firstly we caught a bus to the place where we got those "Mning tour equipments" - a helmet with a torch, long pants and a jacket against dust, and a pair of long ruber boots.
Then we walked to "Miners Market" to buy some gifts to miners. The gifts prefered were: soft drink, coca leaves, dynamites(!!), and alchole (96%!!). I bought a dynamiteand coca leaves.
In Potosi, there is no regulation on buying/selling dynamites. So anyone, even kids can buy it! Dangerous!! It costs 15 to 24Bs. We would not have many chance to touch dynamites elsewhere, so we took a few photos with dynamites.
After we bought the gifts, we caught the bus to visit a factory where extracting mineras, such as silver and zinc from the rocks.
Then finally we went into the mine! The first section of the mine was very wet and muddy. Then it got really narrow and low clearance. I hit my head many times!! Luckily I was wearing the helmet!
As we walked deeper in the mine, the air got stuffy and dusty. It started smell bad as well. It would be realy hard to work in this condtion. No wonder many people died working in the mines of this mountain. Since 1545, peoplehad been working in the mines. Milliones of people died here...
We went to a place where "TIO" - the devil look-a-like god of minerals was. Here we offered coca leaves and 96% alchole. Pedro explained about mines, miners, life style of miners etc here.
We continued walking inside the mine. Finally we got to the place where miners were actually working. We offered the gifts to them. They blew up 3 dynamites!! The first shock wave wasn't much, but 2nd one was felt pretty big!! Wow.
The miners used dynamites to blew up rocks, so that they can carry rocks and select ones roch in minerals.
Pedoro said the mountain itself is owned by the government. And the most of miners are self employed. Some of them are working for large corporations, but those corporations are foregin owned. And majority of miners prefer freedom than fixed salary. That's why they work for themselves.
We climbed up ladders and got to another mine called "Santa Elena". Then we walked through to anoter exit. When we got out, we appriciate the sun so much!! We entered the mine around 11:30am and got out after 1pm. So we were in the dark for nearly 2hours. But miners would work sometimes more than 20hours a day!! How hard the mining work is!!
We went back to the town and had lunch. Back to the hostel, I took a shower and had a nap. Really tired walking in the mine.
In the evening, I went out with them for dinner. Ed from UK staying at the same hostel as Ryan, sa and Emily joined us. He is very interesting guy, writing articles to a magazone specialised in "Ganja". We talked till late.