三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
予定変更 / The plan changed
Day 439: 2011年10月7日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝飯を食べ終わって部屋に戻り、メールをチェックしたら、なんとチリのWilbersのカルロスからメールが。まだオーダーが通っていない模様。何回かやり取りしたら、ショックがドイツからサンティアゴに届くのは17日くらいになるとか!! 10日間もです。どうやらドイツにもストックが無いようですね。

夕飯はステーキ屋「Cumanu Churrasqueria」で。250グラムのステーキとチップス、サラダなどの付け合せで48ボリと少々高いですが、最高のステーキ!! ちゃんとレアに焼かれて、美味い事。アルゼンチンの肉は噂ほど大したことないとよく旅行者に聞くので、ここボリビアで美味い肉を食べておいて正解ですね。捕鯨の話、ヒトラーがもし負けなかったら何を目指していたのか?などについての話、先進国での若者のやる気の無さについての話、東ドイツ時代の話と、いろいろ有意義な話をして盛り上がりました。
Day 439: 07 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I started to pack luggages and prepared for checking out from the morning. Once done, I went to the courtyard to have breakfast.
After breakfast, I went back to the room and checked e-mails Carlos from Wilbers Chile sent me one and said the new Wilbers WESA shock absorber would arrive Santiago around 17th OCT! 10 days from today!! This was because Wilbers Germany did not have any stock.They would ship it out on Wednsday nextweek.
So, now I had to change my plan. There was no poin to go to Santiago so early (as everything in Chile would be more expensive than in Bolivia).
I could ask Jaime to rebuild my oil shock, but driling a hole at the top of thecylinder and making volve there would not apeal to me. I reckoned it would be better to be paitient a little longer. I could visit other places in Bolivia by bus while waiting.
But now I would not be able to go to Lagunas Route with Uwe. His visa expires on25 OCT, so as soon as his welding job is done, he needs to move on. If he waits for me, the visa expires. Also I would be able to take off from Sucre with my GS around 20th OCT, so I might not have enough time to go through Lagunas Route either...
I went to "Motoservi" to report what happned. Jaime seemed to be happy to hear that I would stay here little longer though.
Then I went to the school to leave a message to NIcol that I could attend her 15th birthday party.
With Uwe, I had luch at Medrado. Back to the hostel, I surfed the Net. Uwe was checking whichibike he would buy oce back to Europe. Honda XR650R seemed to be a good one, so we wer e reading articles and talked about it.
We went to "Cumanu Churrasqueria" for dinner. They searved very good steaks. The price was 48Bs for 250g steak, chips, salad, etc, so it was a bit expensive. But the steak was excellent. I ordered
to cokk rear, and it was perfectly cooked rear. As I heard from many travellers went to Argentina that steaks there were not very good and expensive, so it was good idea to have good steaks while in Bolivia. We talked about Whaling, life in Esat Germany period, what Hitler would have aimed / achieved if he did not fail, and so on. It was really good dinner.
Well, tomorrow is Nicol's 15th birthday party. As I can take one friend with me, Uwe is invited. What should we wear?
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝飯を食べ終わって部屋に戻り、メールをチェックしたら、なんとチリのWilbersのカルロスからメールが。まだオーダーが通っていない模様。何回かやり取りしたら、ショックがドイツからサンティアゴに届くのは17日くらいになるとか!! 10日間もです。どうやらドイツにもストックが無いようですね。
夕飯はステーキ屋「Cumanu Churrasqueria」で。250グラムのステーキとチップス、サラダなどの付け合せで48ボリと少々高いですが、最高のステーキ!! ちゃんとレアに焼かれて、美味い事。アルゼンチンの肉は噂ほど大したことないとよく旅行者に聞くので、ここボリビアで美味い肉を食べておいて正解ですね。捕鯨の話、ヒトラーがもし負けなかったら何を目指していたのか?などについての話、先進国での若者のやる気の無さについての話、東ドイツ時代の話と、いろいろ有意義な話をして盛り上がりました。
Day 439: 07 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I started to pack luggages and prepared for checking out from the morning. Once done, I went to the courtyard to have breakfast.
After breakfast, I went back to the room and checked e-mails Carlos from Wilbers Chile sent me one and said the new Wilbers WESA shock absorber would arrive Santiago around 17th OCT! 10 days from today!! This was because Wilbers Germany did not have any stock.They would ship it out on Wednsday nextweek.
So, now I had to change my plan. There was no poin to go to Santiago so early (as everything in Chile would be more expensive than in Bolivia).
I could ask Jaime to rebuild my oil shock, but driling a hole at the top of thecylinder and making volve there would not apeal to me. I reckoned it would be better to be paitient a little longer. I could visit other places in Bolivia by bus while waiting.
But now I would not be able to go to Lagunas Route with Uwe. His visa expires on25 OCT, so as soon as his welding job is done, he needs to move on. If he waits for me, the visa expires. Also I would be able to take off from Sucre with my GS around 20th OCT, so I might not have enough time to go through Lagunas Route either...
I went to "Motoservi" to report what happned. Jaime seemed to be happy to hear that I would stay here little longer though.
Then I went to the school to leave a message to NIcol that I could attend her 15th birthday party.
With Uwe, I had luch at Medrado. Back to the hostel, I surfed the Net. Uwe was checking whichibike he would buy oce back to Europe. Honda XR650R seemed to be a good one, so we wer e reading articles and talked about it.
We went to "Cumanu Churrasqueria" for dinner. They searved very good steaks. The price was 48Bs for 250g steak, chips, salad, etc, so it was a bit expensive. But the steak was excellent. I ordered
to cokk rear, and it was perfectly cooked rear. As I heard from many travellers went to Argentina that steaks there were not very good and expensive, so it was good idea to have good steaks while in Bolivia. We talked about Whaling, life in Esat Germany period, what Hitler would have aimed / achieved if he did not fail, and so on. It was really good dinner.
Well, tomorrow is Nicol's 15th birthday party. As I can take one friend with me, Uwe is invited. What should we wear?