三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
出立の時は近し!? / Time to move on, soon.
Day 444: 2011年10月12日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

ワシはバス・ターミナルに行ってバスの時間の確認、そして念のために「Motoplay」に行きタイヤの確認。PirreriのMT60 140/80 17が820ボリ(120米ドルくらい)。もしラグーナズ・ルート行くならコレを履きたいところです。

夕飯はウベ、フランセスカ、ノーマンとピザ屋で。ノーマンもシモニも明日出発してしまうそうです。みんな重い腰を上げ始めたので、そろそろワシも腰を上げられるかな? しかし今週末選挙があるらしく週末の移動は控えたほうがいいとか・・・。泣きっ面に蜂ですね・・・。
Day 444: 12 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Uwe and I went to "Motoervi" from the morning. Yesterday the welding of his frame was done at IMET, today, he needed to install his rear shock absoerber properly. WHen he rebulit his rear shock in Bogota, the mechanic fitted the rebound adjuster in wrong side. So the rear wheel was removed and the shock was removed. The bottom part of the shock turned to correct the side of the adjuster.
The shock was put back in place and the rear wheel was fitted. Now he had to go back to the hostel to bolt on those panels and head lights. Then he would be ready to take off!
I went to the bus terminal to check the time table for Oruro. Then I went to "Motoplay" to see tyres just in case. I found Pirreri MT60 140/80 17 for 820Bs (US$120). If I am going to Lagunas Route, I woud like to fit this tyre.
Back to the hostel, I chat with Suzie and Eric. They were leaving to Potosi today and will come back here in 10 days. We might not see each other again here, so we said good-bye for now.
I had lunch @ Mercado, and wacthed Uwe assembling his LTM. I also taught some Jyudo technic to Martin.
I talked with Norman from Canada till late afternoon andwith Uwe and Franceska, we went to the pizza restaurant for dinner.
What I heard was there will be a notional election on this weekend, and it is not very advisable to travel on this weekend...
Well, hopefully I will have a good news from Chile tomororw.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
ワシはバス・ターミナルに行ってバスの時間の確認、そして念のために「Motoplay」に行きタイヤの確認。PirreriのMT60 140/80 17が820ボリ(120米ドルくらい)。もしラグーナズ・ルート行くならコレを履きたいところです。
夕飯はウベ、フランセスカ、ノーマンとピザ屋で。ノーマンもシモニも明日出発してしまうそうです。みんな重い腰を上げ始めたので、そろそろワシも腰を上げられるかな? しかし今週末選挙があるらしく週末の移動は控えたほうがいいとか・・・。泣きっ面に蜂ですね・・・。
Day 444: 12 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Uwe and I went to "Motoervi" from the morning. Yesterday the welding of his frame was done at IMET, today, he needed to install his rear shock absoerber properly. WHen he rebulit his rear shock in Bogota, the mechanic fitted the rebound adjuster in wrong side. So the rear wheel was removed and the shock was removed. The bottom part of the shock turned to correct the side of the adjuster.
The shock was put back in place and the rear wheel was fitted. Now he had to go back to the hostel to bolt on those panels and head lights. Then he would be ready to take off!
I went to the bus terminal to check the time table for Oruro. Then I went to "Motoplay" to see tyres just in case. I found Pirreri MT60 140/80 17 for 820Bs (US$120). If I am going to Lagunas Route, I woud like to fit this tyre.
Back to the hostel, I chat with Suzie and Eric. They were leaving to Potosi today and will come back here in 10 days. We might not see each other again here, so we said good-bye for now.
I had lunch @ Mercado, and wacthed Uwe assembling his LTM. I also taught some Jyudo technic to Martin.
I talked with Norman from Canada till late afternoon andwith Uwe and Franceska, we went to the pizza restaurant for dinner.
What I heard was there will be a notional election on this weekend, and it is not very advisable to travel on this weekend...
Well, hopefully I will have a good news from Chile tomororw.