三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
超新星 / Supernova!!
Day 445: 2011年10月13日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今朝ノーマンを見送り、チリのカルロスから連絡が無いかチェック。しかしメールは無し。電話ボックスから「Moturing Chile」に電話。しかしカルロスはまだ出勤してないと。予定では昨日水曜日にドイツからショックは発送されているのですが、どうなっているのか不安が募ります。
宿に戻りBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を。今日学んだことは宇宙全体は地球と同じ92種類の原子で構成されていること(ウラニウムまでの原子。それよりも重い原子も存在しますが、基本的には人為的に作りだした超ウラン元素なので、番組では92種と説明してました。)。恒星は水素原子(H)を核融合させてヘリウム(He)を作り出していますが、それ以上重い原子は核融合の熱では作り出せないのです。
3 4He → C
しかし鉄より重い残り66種の原子はどのように作り出されるのでしょうか? それは太陽より7倍以上の質量を持つ恒星が上記の状態までになり、そして最終的に大爆発を起こします。このときの爆発で原子同士がぶつかり合い、更に高温が作られます。このときに金、銀、銅、ウラニウムなどの鉄より重い元素が作られるのです。これを超新星(Supernova)爆発といいます。大爆発後に残されたかつての巨大恒星は中性子が圧縮されて出来た中性子星になります。中性子星が自身の重力を支えられないとブラックホールになります。
56Fe → 13 4He + 4n - 124MeV
なので、我々を構成する原子は恒星の「死」により出来たものなのです。と、いうことは「我々はかつて恒星だった」ということになります。面白いすね!! この沈没中にちょっと賢くなりました。
夕方バス・ターミナルに行きオルロ行きのチケットを80ボリで購入。Bus Cama(寝台バス)です。
明日は9時のバスなので夕方まで部屋を使っていいと!! いい宿です。
Day 445: 13 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
This morning, Norman left to Potosi. I checked e-mails but there was no reply from Carlos of Motouring Chile. So I called him from the phone booth, but he was not in yet... I just wanted to make sure if the shock absorber was shipped out from Germany as scheduled, so that I can plan my trip to Chile. Very frustrating situation indeed.
Uwe and I went to "Motoservi". Jaime was not in, so we went to buy a jerrycan for Uwe in Mercado Campesino. We found 10ltr one for 15Bs.
Back to Motoservi, I told Jaime, I might leave to Chile tomorrow evening.
I did not receive any update from Carlos when I came back to the hostel from Motoservi. So I went to the phone booth again to make a phone call. Finally I got to Carlos and he said the shock was already shipped out from Germany. But he was not sure when it would be at his workshop, so he recommended me to wait here until the shock arrives at his workshop as it is possible the shock might stuck in custom.
But anyway, it is on the way, I can wait in Chile. I am bored here in SUcre anyway, so it is a good idea to get to Chile and chill out there. There is a nice Japanese hostel in Vina del Mar near Santiago, so if I have to wait for a few days for custom clearance, I can stay there.
Back to the hostel, I watched BBC "Wonders of the Universe". What I leant from the program was all the elements of the universe are the same elements we can find in the earth (92 elements from Hydrogen to Uranium) and the elements we are made up were used to be the parts of stars.
Te energy of a star is "nuclear fusion", fusion of atoms of hydrogen (H) into Helium (He). WIth the heat generated by nuclear fusion only helium can be created. All the elements heavier than He, have to be made in different way.
When a star burns all hydrogen atoms, because it loses the nuclear fuson force to expand outward, the star starts to shrink due to its own gravity. This will compress the core of the star and generates higher heat than nuclear fusion. Helium will fuse to Carbon (C).
3 4He → C
Then the cycle will repeat until it creats Iron (Fe), 26th elements.
But any elements heavier than iron will be created in another way. This is done by "Supernova" explosion. A star 7 times or more hivier than the Sun, which comes to the stage above will explode, which is "supernova".
56Fe → 13 4He + 4n - 124MeV
I am lettle smarter than before now.
So all the elements heavier than helium should be created as above, the elements we are made up with were the parts of stars, once.
I went to buy a bus ticket to the terminal in the afternoon. I bought a ticket to Oruro for 80Bs. It's Bus Cama (bed bus). So it should be very comfy ride to Oruro. The bus will leave here 9pm tomorrow,
Ana, the owner of the hostel gave me a discount rate. And she said I can use the room until I leave to the bus terminal. How kind of her!!
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
宿に戻りBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を。今日学んだことは宇宙全体は地球と同じ92種類の原子で構成されていること(ウラニウムまでの原子。それよりも重い原子も存在しますが、基本的には人為的に作りだした超ウラン元素なので、番組では92種と説明してました。)。恒星は水素原子(H)を核融合させてヘリウム(He)を作り出していますが、それ以上重い原子は核融合の熱では作り出せないのです。
3 4He → C
56Fe → 13 4He + 4n - 124MeV
夕方バス・ターミナルに行きオルロ行きのチケットを80ボリで購入。Bus Cama(寝台バス)です。
明日は9時のバスなので夕方まで部屋を使っていいと!! いい宿です。
Day 445: 13 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
This morning, Norman left to Potosi. I checked e-mails but there was no reply from Carlos of Motouring Chile. So I called him from the phone booth, but he was not in yet... I just wanted to make sure if the shock absorber was shipped out from Germany as scheduled, so that I can plan my trip to Chile. Very frustrating situation indeed.
Uwe and I went to "Motoservi". Jaime was not in, so we went to buy a jerrycan for Uwe in Mercado Campesino. We found 10ltr one for 15Bs.
Back to Motoservi, I told Jaime, I might leave to Chile tomorrow evening.
I did not receive any update from Carlos when I came back to the hostel from Motoservi. So I went to the phone booth again to make a phone call. Finally I got to Carlos and he said the shock was already shipped out from Germany. But he was not sure when it would be at his workshop, so he recommended me to wait here until the shock arrives at his workshop as it is possible the shock might stuck in custom.
But anyway, it is on the way, I can wait in Chile. I am bored here in SUcre anyway, so it is a good idea to get to Chile and chill out there. There is a nice Japanese hostel in Vina del Mar near Santiago, so if I have to wait for a few days for custom clearance, I can stay there.
Back to the hostel, I watched BBC "Wonders of the Universe". What I leant from the program was all the elements of the universe are the same elements we can find in the earth (92 elements from Hydrogen to Uranium) and the elements we are made up were used to be the parts of stars.
Te energy of a star is "nuclear fusion", fusion of atoms of hydrogen (H) into Helium (He). WIth the heat generated by nuclear fusion only helium can be created. All the elements heavier than He, have to be made in different way.
When a star burns all hydrogen atoms, because it loses the nuclear fuson force to expand outward, the star starts to shrink due to its own gravity. This will compress the core of the star and generates higher heat than nuclear fusion. Helium will fuse to Carbon (C).
3 4He → C
Then the cycle will repeat until it creats Iron (Fe), 26th elements.
But any elements heavier than iron will be created in another way. This is done by "Supernova" explosion. A star 7 times or more hivier than the Sun, which comes to the stage above will explode, which is "supernova".
56Fe → 13 4He + 4n - 124MeV
I am lettle smarter than before now.
So all the elements heavier than helium should be created as above, the elements we are made up with were the parts of stars, once.
I went to buy a bus ticket to the terminal in the afternoon. I bought a ticket to Oruro for 80Bs. It's Bus Cama (bed bus). So it should be very comfy ride to Oruro. The bus will leave here 9pm tomorrow,
Ana, the owner of the hostel gave me a discount rate. And she said I can use the room until I leave to the bus terminal. How kind of her!!
Uchu bike! Dekitaraiine.
Shikaku, ne. Daigakute Marketing no gakushi to Senmon gakkoude IT no Engineer no shikaku tottayo.
Benkyouha itukarademo osokunai yo. Jibun ga shitai kotoga atte, shikaku ga hituyounara, itudemo benkyou dekiru, sonna nihon ni sitaine.