三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
バルパラ! / The World Heritage, Valparaiso!
Day 489: 2011年11月26日
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)



昼間はバルパライソでレストランにて。2,500ペソでパン、サラダ、スープ、メインに珈琲が付いてGood Value.
Day 489: 26 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
Today we went to Valparaiso. Valparaiso is the 2nd largest city in Chile (I have not confirmed this fact yet) and registered as the UNESCO world heritage. The city flourishes as the main port of Santiago and the parliament of Chile locates in Valparaiso.
What made this city as the world heritage would be the unique layout of housing - built on steep hill side and graphiti arts on streets. Also the number of "Ascensors" - escalators - are the main tourist attaction. Those ascensors are used as everyday transport by locals to climb up and down the slopes.
So, how was our visit of Valparaiso. Well, in my opinion, why UNESCO chose this city as the world heritage? It was overcasted today, so the scenery was not the best, I must say.
But we all enjoyed the visit to Valparaiso, just walking around and talking nonsense.
We had lunch at a local restaurant. For just 2,500 pesos it included bread, salad, soup, main and coffee. It was a good value.
We went back to the hostel and cooked nice dinner with seafoods. If there will be salmon on the fish market tomorrow, I want to make sushi.
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
Day 489: 26 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
Today we went to Valparaiso. Valparaiso is the 2nd largest city in Chile (I have not confirmed this fact yet) and registered as the UNESCO world heritage. The city flourishes as the main port of Santiago and the parliament of Chile locates in Valparaiso.
What made this city as the world heritage would be the unique layout of housing - built on steep hill side and graphiti arts on streets. Also the number of "Ascensors" - escalators - are the main tourist attaction. Those ascensors are used as everyday transport by locals to climb up and down the slopes.
So, how was our visit of Valparaiso. Well, in my opinion, why UNESCO chose this city as the world heritage? It was overcasted today, so the scenery was not the best, I must say.
But we all enjoyed the visit to Valparaiso, just walking around and talking nonsense.
We had lunch at a local restaurant. For just 2,500 pesos it included bread, salad, soup, main and coffee. It was a good value.
We went back to the hostel and cooked nice dinner with seafoods. If there will be salmon on the fish market tomorrow, I want to make sushi.