三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ビーニャの一日 / A day in Vina del Mar
Day 481: 2011年11月18日
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
魚介の昼飯を食べて、しばらく宿でのんびりした後、YOSHI DR650がタイヤを買いに行くというので、付き合うことに。ビーニャの中心街まで散歩です。まぁ、本当はバイクで行くつもりだったのですが、YOSHI DR650はヘルメットを洗ってしまったので、歩きで行くことに。
しかしYOSHI DR650がネットで調べたスズキのディーラーは車屋でバイクは置いてありません。「ADVRidersではバイク屋とあったのに・・・」と。

宿に戻ったのはもう9時前。夕飯の準備をみんなで始めて食べ始めたのは11時!! まぁ、どの道午前2-3時まで起きているので、いいか。鮭の塩焼き、白身魚の塩焼き、魚介のスープなどなど。贅沢ですねぇ。
Day 481: 18 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
I woke up around 12 noon today. Well, I wasted a half day already but I felt much better today. I could see the blue sky, so it made me feel better as well.
After having lunch (full of seafoods), Yoshi DR650 wanted to go to a motorcycle shop to get a tyre and change oil. He was thinking to take his DR650 there, but he realised he just washed his helmet! So I accompanied him to the centre of Vina del Mar on foot.
It took a while to get there. We were to get to a SUZUKI dealer where YOSHI DR650 found on ADVRiders forum. But when we got there, it was a SUZUKI CAR dealer!!! That sucks.
We saw a few guys putting motocrossers on a pickup truck, so we asked them if there was any moto shop nearby. They told us there was one one street behind.
We found a HONDA dealer, but it was already closed. So he needs to go back tomorrow.
When we came back to the hostel it was already 9pm. We started to cook dinner and we started to eat at 11pm! But we would be up till 2-3am anyway.
We are kinda bored with seafoods now. So we want to eat some meats tomorrow. I am thinking to go to Valparaiso and do some grocery shopping there.
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
魚介の昼飯を食べて、しばらく宿でのんびりした後、YOSHI DR650がタイヤを買いに行くというので、付き合うことに。ビーニャの中心街まで散歩です。まぁ、本当はバイクで行くつもりだったのですが、YOSHI DR650はヘルメットを洗ってしまったので、歩きで行くことに。
しかしYOSHI DR650がネットで調べたスズキのディーラーは車屋でバイクは置いてありません。「ADVRidersではバイク屋とあったのに・・・」と。
Day 481: 18 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
I woke up around 12 noon today. Well, I wasted a half day already but I felt much better today. I could see the blue sky, so it made me feel better as well.
After having lunch (full of seafoods), Yoshi DR650 wanted to go to a motorcycle shop to get a tyre and change oil. He was thinking to take his DR650 there, but he realised he just washed his helmet! So I accompanied him to the centre of Vina del Mar on foot.
It took a while to get there. We were to get to a SUZUKI dealer where YOSHI DR650 found on ADVRiders forum. But when we got there, it was a SUZUKI CAR dealer!!! That sucks.
We saw a few guys putting motocrossers on a pickup truck, so we asked them if there was any moto shop nearby. They told us there was one one street behind.
We found a HONDA dealer, but it was already closed. So he needs to go back tomorrow.
When we came back to the hostel it was already 9pm. We started to cook dinner and we started to eat at 11pm! But we would be up till 2-3am anyway.
We are kinda bored with seafoods now. So we want to eat some meats tomorrow. I am thinking to go to Valparaiso and do some grocery shopping there.