三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
フェリー動かず・・・ / The ferry is not working...
Day 505: 2011年12月12日
Pucon to Neltume (Pension)
46,162km to 46,321km = 159km
11時には準備完了。ロザーナに別れを告げて出発です。先ずは進路を西へヴィヤリカ(Villarrica)を目指します。メインの国境はプーコンの東側ですが、今日はダートを走り、プエルト・フイ(Puerto Fuy)からピリウエイコ湖(Lago Pirihueico)を船で越えてマイナー国境を越えるつもりです。
ヴィヤアリカからリンカ・レイ(Linca Ray)へ。リンカ・レイからワインディングを更に走り、コナリペ(Conaripe)という小さな街で昼飯。ここからダートに入ります。


Day 505: 12 DEC 2011
Pucon to Neltume (Pension)
46,162km to 46,321km = 159km
As we talked until 3am last night, when I woke up it was already after 10am. I looked aoutside through the window and it was fine. Paul woke up as well, and we decided to get going.
We got ready by 11am and said good-bye to Rosana, and we took off. We head to the west to Villarrica first. Actually the main border crossing is located the east of Pucon, but we planned to ride some dirt roads and rake a ferry crossing Lago (Lake) Pirihueico from Puerto Fuy.
From Villarrica, we turned to south to Linca Ray. From Linca Ray, we rode on the twisty road and got to a smal town called Conaripe. We had lunch there.
From Conaripe, we hit the dirt road. As the route 5 from Santiago to Temco was so boring, I enjoyed riding on the dirt road. The views were excellent. Especially the view of a snow capped mountain over a lake was so beautiful. Mr. Sheep was also having fun riding through.
Riding on the dirt road for a while, then we hit the bituman again. The view of a mountain from a bridge was so good. The river was so clean too. We were glad that we took this route instead of the major crossing.
We rode through the twisty ro0ad and enjoyed it. On the way there were beautiful lakes and mountians everywhere.
The we hit a dirt road again. We rode through to Neltume. We asked the local where the ferry jetty was. The we rode another 5km to the jetty. We saw a ferry harboured at the jetty. We parked our bikes in front of the jetty and asked when the ferry was leaving. But what we found out was the ferry has been under repairing for 2 months and everyday at 1pm, a smaller ferry is leaving here. But t can carry only 2 cars... So we decided to come back here around 11am to make sure we get our spots.
On the way back to Neltume, we stopped at a "Cerveseria (Beer pub)" as Paul was dying for a beer. Well, it was a hot day. The pub was quite fancy even though it was located at the middle of nowhere.
We went back to Neltume and looked for a hostel. Aproblem we had was we did not have much Chilean pesos with us. But finally we managed to find a pension accepts US$ and cost 7,000CLPs each for a twin room. The pension served meals as well, so we had dinner here too.
Paul loves smoking cigars (especially Cuban Cohiba) and having whisky.Tonight he went buy a bottle of Jack Daniel and started to smoke cigar. That's really cool.
Tomorrow we need to get to the jetty by 11am so we can spend time in the morning.
Pucon to Neltume (Pension)
46,162km to 46,321km = 159km
11時には準備完了。ロザーナに別れを告げて出発です。先ずは進路を西へヴィヤリカ(Villarrica)を目指します。メインの国境はプーコンの東側ですが、今日はダートを走り、プエルト・フイ(Puerto Fuy)からピリウエイコ湖(Lago Pirihueico)を船で越えてマイナー国境を越えるつもりです。
Day 505: 12 DEC 2011
Pucon to Neltume (Pension)
46,162km to 46,321km = 159km
As we talked until 3am last night, when I woke up it was already after 10am. I looked aoutside through the window and it was fine. Paul woke up as well, and we decided to get going.
We got ready by 11am and said good-bye to Rosana, and we took off. We head to the west to Villarrica first. Actually the main border crossing is located the east of Pucon, but we planned to ride some dirt roads and rake a ferry crossing Lago (Lake) Pirihueico from Puerto Fuy.
From Villarrica, we turned to south to Linca Ray. From Linca Ray, we rode on the twisty road and got to a smal town called Conaripe. We had lunch there.
From Conaripe, we hit the dirt road. As the route 5 from Santiago to Temco was so boring, I enjoyed riding on the dirt road. The views were excellent. Especially the view of a snow capped mountain over a lake was so beautiful. Mr. Sheep was also having fun riding through.
Riding on the dirt road for a while, then we hit the bituman again. The view of a mountain from a bridge was so good. The river was so clean too. We were glad that we took this route instead of the major crossing.
We rode through the twisty ro0ad and enjoyed it. On the way there were beautiful lakes and mountians everywhere.
The we hit a dirt road again. We rode through to Neltume. We asked the local where the ferry jetty was. The we rode another 5km to the jetty. We saw a ferry harboured at the jetty. We parked our bikes in front of the jetty and asked when the ferry was leaving. But what we found out was the ferry has been under repairing for 2 months and everyday at 1pm, a smaller ferry is leaving here. But t can carry only 2 cars... So we decided to come back here around 11am to make sure we get our spots.
On the way back to Neltume, we stopped at a "Cerveseria (Beer pub)" as Paul was dying for a beer. Well, it was a hot day. The pub was quite fancy even though it was located at the middle of nowhere.
We went back to Neltume and looked for a hostel. Aproblem we had was we did not have much Chilean pesos with us. But finally we managed to find a pension accepts US$ and cost 7,000CLPs each for a twin room. The pension served meals as well, so we had dinner here too.
Paul loves smoking cigars (especially Cuban Cohiba) and having whisky.Tonight he went buy a bottle of Jack Daniel and started to smoke cigar. That's really cool.
Tomorrow we need to get to the jetty by 11am so we can spend time in the morning.