三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
今日も我慢の日 / Another waiting day...
Day 450: 2011年10月18日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
今日は朝飯を食べてから、ロックタイト(Loctite)243を買いにと、再びハイメさんに頼まれたパーツの件で例の店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)へ。ロックタイトはちょっと探しましたが購入出来ました。

午後は街中まで歩きに行きました。工具屋が、凄い!! 長さ1m以上もあるトルクレンチが売ってたりします。チリ、凄いな。
Day 450: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
After having breakfast, I went to buy Loctite 243 and went to Rafael Burgos (RBX) to ask again where I could find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked. I could buy Loctite 243 after visiting a few shops.
I asked another staff @ RBX and he said I could find it @ another shop. He gave me the address of the shop, and I went there.
But I was told @ another bicycle shop that, they did not have one on sale and I should find it @RBX...
I went back to the hostel but there was no update from Carlos.... Th check out time was 12 noon, so now I had to stay one more night in Santiago.
I had lunch @ a near by reastaurant for 2,300CLP, including a drink and a dessert. It wasn't bad at all.
I went out to the centre of the city. On the main road, there were many hardware stores. One of them was carrying torque wrenches more than 1m long!! Impressive!!
Back to the hostel again, but no news. Mark&Claire went to the airport to check the price of shipping their bikes to Europe, but to get to the cargo section, they had to go through custom, so they could not get any info...
Dinner @ a nearby take away shop. There are many universities around this hostel, I found there are many cheap take away shops around. Good on budget.
According to Carlos, the shock absorber should be delivered by today or tomorrow, so it should be there by tomorrow.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
今日は朝飯を食べてから、ロックタイト(Loctite)243を買いにと、再びハイメさんに頼まれたパーツの件で例の店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)へ。ロックタイトはちょっと探しましたが購入出来ました。
Day 450: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
After having breakfast, I went to buy Loctite 243 and went to Rafael Burgos (RBX) to ask again where I could find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked. I could buy Loctite 243 after visiting a few shops.
I asked another staff @ RBX and he said I could find it @ another shop. He gave me the address of the shop, and I went there.
But I was told @ another bicycle shop that, they did not have one on sale and I should find it @RBX...
I went back to the hostel but there was no update from Carlos.... Th check out time was 12 noon, so now I had to stay one more night in Santiago.
I had lunch @ a near by reastaurant for 2,300CLP, including a drink and a dessert. It wasn't bad at all.
I went out to the centre of the city. On the main road, there were many hardware stores. One of them was carrying torque wrenches more than 1m long!! Impressive!!
Back to the hostel again, but no news. Mark&Claire went to the airport to check the price of shipping their bikes to Europe, but to get to the cargo section, they had to go through custom, so they could not get any info...
Dinner @ a nearby take away shop. There are many universities around this hostel, I found there are many cheap take away shops around. Good on budget.
According to Carlos, the shock absorber should be delivered by today or tomorrow, so it should be there by tomorrow.