三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
出発。ポールとの出会い / Meeting Paul
Day 499: 2011年12月6日
Vina del Mar to Chillan (Hostal Curitiba)
45,256km to 45,777km = 521km
今日はYoshi DR650以外の全宿泊者が出発です。ホセはワシと同じく南下。自転車なので今日はサンティアゴか手前で野宿の予定とか。リュウちゃんは北上、一旦サンティアゴに行ってからサン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマへ。シンチャンはラ・サレーナへ。直通のバスが出ているかわからないので、もしかしたらリュウちゃんとサンティアゴまで行くことに。彼もクリスマスと年明けはカラファテかウシュアイアなので再会できるかもです。
Yoshi DR650はフロント・ホイールのリムに亀裂が入っているので、新品のリム待ち。早く届くといいね。
夕方6時前にChillanという街の手前まで来ました。疲れたのでガソリンスタンドで休憩してると、黒いYAMAHA XT1200Z Super Tenereがやってきました。ぴかぴかの新品ですがパニア、トップケース、そしてロールバックの装備なので旅人です。しかしチリのナンバーですね。
今はチリに住んでいて、バイクのツアー会社Adventure Moto South America (AMSA) を立ち上げているところだとか。(まだサイトは出来てないそうですが、彼のサイトです。www.amsa.la)今日はChillanまで走るとのことなので、街まで一緒に行くことに。
さて、明日はポールと一緒にVillarricaという街まで走る予定です。湖が美しいところだとか。 楽しみです。
Day 499: 06 DEC 2011
Vina del Mar to Chillan (Hostal Curitiba)
45,256km to 45,777km = 521km
I stayed at Shiomisou for 25days!! I did not plan to stay there such a long time but it was cozy and I had a great time with my friends there.
Today everyone, except Yoshi DR650, left the hostel. Yoshi DR650 found a clack on his front rim, so he has to wait for the new rim. Hopefully he can get the rim soon and he can continue his trip down to Ushuaia soon.
Yutaka will head south like me. But as he is on a push bike, we might not able to cacth up again on this trip. But if I decided to spend the new year at El Calafate, he might be able to get there in time.
Ryu will go to Santiago, then go to San Pedro de Atacama. He will go north and will go back to Japan after the new year.
Shintaro will go to La Serina, but he was not sure if there would be a direct bus from Vina del Mar. So he might need going to Santiago with Ryu. He is thinking to spend Xmas and the new year in El Calafate or Ushaia, so we might be able to catch up.
Everyone has a good trip!!
I said good-bye to Mr. Yamagishi, the ower of the hostel, and left there. For more than 3 weeks I did not ride my GS, so I was a little nurvous. I went to a petrol station to fill up the tank and adjusted the tyre pressure. I rode on the route 68 to Santiago and bypassed the city to take the route 5 to south.
The route 5 was boring and every 100km or so there was a toll, cost me 600 pesos each... I was cruising at100 - 110km/h.
I wanted to hav some sandwitches at a petrol station but it was too expensive, so I had just cookies for lunch
I found that my headlight bulb was blown. I changed it in Mexico City around 20,000km before. It blew up quicker tha I thought.
Just before the townof Chilllan, I was having a break at a petrol station. Then I saw a brand-new YAMAHA XT1200Z Super Tenere came in. It was with full panners and a duffle bag, so he must be a traveller. It has a Chilian number plate. He got off the bike and came to me.
Then I met Paul from Australia! He is now living in Chile and establishing a new adventure motorcycle tour company, Adventure Moto South America (AMSA). The web site is www.amsa.la
He was also going to Chillan, so we rode together.
As he was going to stay at a hotel owned by his friend's son, I parked my GS at the car park of the hotel, and I stayed at a hostel next to his hotel.
There was a car spare parts shop nearby, so I could get a headlight blb there.
Tomorrow I will ride to Villarrica or Pucon with Paul.
Vina del Mar to Chillan (Hostal Curitiba)
45,256km to 45,777km = 521km
今日はYoshi DR650以外の全宿泊者が出発です。ホセはワシと同じく南下。自転車なので今日はサンティアゴか手前で野宿の予定とか。リュウちゃんは北上、一旦サンティアゴに行ってからサン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマへ。シンチャンはラ・サレーナへ。直通のバスが出ているかわからないので、もしかしたらリュウちゃんとサンティアゴまで行くことに。彼もクリスマスと年明けはカラファテかウシュアイアなので再会できるかもです。
Yoshi DR650はフロント・ホイールのリムに亀裂が入っているので、新品のリム待ち。早く届くといいね。
夕方6時前にChillanという街の手前まで来ました。疲れたのでガソリンスタンドで休憩してると、黒いYAMAHA XT1200Z Super Tenereがやってきました。ぴかぴかの新品ですがパニア、トップケース、そしてロールバックの装備なので旅人です。しかしチリのナンバーですね。
今はチリに住んでいて、バイクのツアー会社Adventure Moto South America (AMSA) を立ち上げているところだとか。(まだサイトは出来てないそうですが、彼のサイトです。www.amsa.la)今日はChillanまで走るとのことなので、街まで一緒に行くことに。
さて、明日はポールと一緒にVillarricaという街まで走る予定です。湖が美しいところだとか。 楽しみです。
Day 499: 06 DEC 2011
Vina del Mar to Chillan (Hostal Curitiba)
45,256km to 45,777km = 521km
I stayed at Shiomisou for 25days!! I did not plan to stay there such a long time but it was cozy and I had a great time with my friends there.
Today everyone, except Yoshi DR650, left the hostel. Yoshi DR650 found a clack on his front rim, so he has to wait for the new rim. Hopefully he can get the rim soon and he can continue his trip down to Ushuaia soon.
Yutaka will head south like me. But as he is on a push bike, we might not able to cacth up again on this trip. But if I decided to spend the new year at El Calafate, he might be able to get there in time.
Ryu will go to Santiago, then go to San Pedro de Atacama. He will go north and will go back to Japan after the new year.
Shintaro will go to La Serina, but he was not sure if there would be a direct bus from Vina del Mar. So he might need going to Santiago with Ryu. He is thinking to spend Xmas and the new year in El Calafate or Ushaia, so we might be able to catch up.
Everyone has a good trip!!
I said good-bye to Mr. Yamagishi, the ower of the hostel, and left there. For more than 3 weeks I did not ride my GS, so I was a little nurvous. I went to a petrol station to fill up the tank and adjusted the tyre pressure. I rode on the route 68 to Santiago and bypassed the city to take the route 5 to south.
The route 5 was boring and every 100km or so there was a toll, cost me 600 pesos each... I was cruising at100 - 110km/h.
I wanted to hav some sandwitches at a petrol station but it was too expensive, so I had just cookies for lunch
I found that my headlight bulb was blown. I changed it in Mexico City around 20,000km before. It blew up quicker tha I thought.
Just before the townof Chilllan, I was having a break at a petrol station. Then I saw a brand-new YAMAHA XT1200Z Super Tenere came in. It was with full panners and a duffle bag, so he must be a traveller. It has a Chilian number plate. He got off the bike and came to me.
Then I met Paul from Australia! He is now living in Chile and establishing a new adventure motorcycle tour company, Adventure Moto South America (AMSA). The web site is www.amsa.la
He was also going to Chillan, so we rode together.
As he was going to stay at a hotel owned by his friend's son, I parked my GS at the car park of the hotel, and I stayed at a hostel next to his hotel.
There was a car spare parts shop nearby, so I could get a headlight blb there.
Tomorrow I will ride to Villarrica or Pucon with Paul.