三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
月の谷へ / To Valle de la Luna
Day 463: 2011年10月31日
San Pedro de Atacama (Casa del Sol Naciente)
オハギはイギリス人のルーシーとオルロからのバスで一緒になり、一緒にここまで行動してるとか。今日の3時から自転車で「月の谷(Valle de la Luna)」に行くというので、ワシも参加することに。自転車レンタルは半日で3,000ペソ。


Day 463: 31 OCT 2011
San Pedro de Atacama (Casa del Sol Naciente)
This morning Ohagi suppsed to turn up but she didn'T. So I sepnt the morning updating the blog in English and chatting with Kris and Karin.
Just before lunch time, I received a message from Ohagi and she checked in a hostel nearby. So I went there to visit her.
She was with Lucy from UK, they met on the bus from Uyuni to Calama. They were planing to rent bicycles and go to "Valle de la Luna (Valey of the moon)" from 3pm, so I decided to join them. A bike cost 3,000CLP for half day.
Lucy is a to be Lawyer, will start her work at a law firm next Sep. She is travelling around South America till the end of this year.
We got our bicycles and left the town of San Pedoro! We crossed a dried river bed and road on a dirt until we met a highway to "Valey of the moon".
We peddled on the paved highway and turned right to the valley. The entrace fee was 2,000CLP each at Information centre.
Just after we left the centre, Ohagi got a puncture. We struggled to take of the tyre of the rim, a guy from the centre came out and helped us out. Luckiy us and how kind of him. As we were carrying a new tube, we fitted it.
From there it was the dirt road. There were some up and down, and we had the head wind. As I have been lazy travelling on the great motorcycle, it was hard to peddle uphill! Now I respect Jose (Yutaka) who has been travelling on his bicycle wighs 70-80kgs all the way down from Alaska!!
We made the first stop at a dune. Here Atacama desert, it supposed to be the driest in the world. The view was excellent from the top of the dune.
We continued our ride deeper in the valley. As we had the head wind, it was hard... But the scenery was spectecular.
We made several stops on the way and we walked around the trails. There were dunes, cliffs, valleys, etc, this place was awesome! I was glad that I came here with friends and on a bicycle, so I could walk around easily.
On the wau back, it was much easier as we had the tail wind and more down slopes. But Ohagi was dropping off. Ohagi, you need to do more excecise!!!
We came back to the town and cooked oasta together. Ohagi is leaving to Salta tomorrow, and Lucy will stay one more night, then leaving to Arica. As I am tired, I guess I will stay one more day here. Lucy and I will go to a swimming pool tomorrow.
San Pedro de Atacama (Casa del Sol Naciente)
オハギはイギリス人のルーシーとオルロからのバスで一緒になり、一緒にここまで行動してるとか。今日の3時から自転車で「月の谷(Valle de la Luna)」に行くというので、ワシも参加することに。自転車レンタルは半日で3,000ペソ。
Day 463: 31 OCT 2011
San Pedro de Atacama (Casa del Sol Naciente)
This morning Ohagi suppsed to turn up but she didn'T. So I sepnt the morning updating the blog in English and chatting with Kris and Karin.
Just before lunch time, I received a message from Ohagi and she checked in a hostel nearby. So I went there to visit her.
She was with Lucy from UK, they met on the bus from Uyuni to Calama. They were planing to rent bicycles and go to "Valle de la Luna (Valey of the moon)" from 3pm, so I decided to join them. A bike cost 3,000CLP for half day.
Lucy is a to be Lawyer, will start her work at a law firm next Sep. She is travelling around South America till the end of this year.
We got our bicycles and left the town of San Pedoro! We crossed a dried river bed and road on a dirt until we met a highway to "Valey of the moon".
We peddled on the paved highway and turned right to the valley. The entrace fee was 2,000CLP each at Information centre.
Just after we left the centre, Ohagi got a puncture. We struggled to take of the tyre of the rim, a guy from the centre came out and helped us out. Luckiy us and how kind of him. As we were carrying a new tube, we fitted it.
From there it was the dirt road. There were some up and down, and we had the head wind. As I have been lazy travelling on the great motorcycle, it was hard to peddle uphill! Now I respect Jose (Yutaka) who has been travelling on his bicycle wighs 70-80kgs all the way down from Alaska!!
We made the first stop at a dune. Here Atacama desert, it supposed to be the driest in the world. The view was excellent from the top of the dune.
We continued our ride deeper in the valley. As we had the head wind, it was hard... But the scenery was spectecular.
We made several stops on the way and we walked around the trails. There were dunes, cliffs, valleys, etc, this place was awesome! I was glad that I came here with friends and on a bicycle, so I could walk around easily.
On the wau back, it was much easier as we had the tail wind and more down slopes. But Ohagi was dropping off. Ohagi, you need to do more excecise!!!
We came back to the town and cooked oasta together. Ohagi is leaving to Salta tomorrow, and Lucy will stay one more night, then leaving to Arica. As I am tired, I guess I will stay one more day here. Lucy and I will go to a swimming pool tomorrow.
んじゃ、Disfrute Mexico!! Que te vaya bien!!