三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カリの街を散策 / Walking around the city of Cali
Day 286 : 2011年5月6日
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
ダラダラしていたらカナダ人と韓国人カップルのジミーとジーにセントロに行かないかと誘われました。丁度アダムはKLR3人衆の1人デレックを溶接屋に連れて行くのでやることが無かったのでそれに乗っかりました。ジミーとジーは既に昼飯を食べたとのことで昼飯はカナダKRL3人衆とドイツ人姐ちゃんのアンとKooba Barで。5,500ペソ。

そしてカリのセントロを散策。教会を観たり、黄金博物館(MUseo de Oro)を観たり。

Day 286 : 06 MAY 2011
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
Well, last night those backpackers at the same room came back late at night (or early in the morning) and made noise, I could not sleep very well. Adam had the same problem too.
After having breakfast, I updated blog in English. Adam was to take Derek - one of Canadian KLR trio - to a welding shop, so I was wondering what to do today. Luckily Jimmy and JI - Canadian & Korean couple asked me if I wanted to join them to look around Centro. As they had lunch already, I went for lunch with KLR trio and Ann - a Gernman girl at Kooba Bar. Almuerzo was COP5,500.
Back from lunch, Jimmy, Ji, Laura (another German girl) and I walked to Centro. We went to see a few churches and the Gold museu (Museo de Oro). There weren't much collection in the museum, but it was free admission and very interesting. The design of artifacts were very similar to those of Mexican pre-hispanic artifacts. There should be a connecion between 2 civilizations.
We walked back to the hostel and I had a nap. THen I went out for dinner with Adam. The BBQed chorizo I had ws pretty good. Then we went out for a drink with KLR trio. Talking about motorcycle and trip were real fun.
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
ダラダラしていたらカナダ人と韓国人カップルのジミーとジーにセントロに行かないかと誘われました。丁度アダムはKLR3人衆の1人デレックを溶接屋に連れて行くのでやることが無かったのでそれに乗っかりました。ジミーとジーは既に昼飯を食べたとのことで昼飯はカナダKRL3人衆とドイツ人姐ちゃんのアンとKooba Barで。5,500ペソ。
そしてカリのセントロを散策。教会を観たり、黄金博物館(MUseo de Oro)を観たり。
Day 286 : 06 MAY 2011
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
Well, last night those backpackers at the same room came back late at night (or early in the morning) and made noise, I could not sleep very well. Adam had the same problem too.
After having breakfast, I updated blog in English. Adam was to take Derek - one of Canadian KLR trio - to a welding shop, so I was wondering what to do today. Luckily Jimmy and JI - Canadian & Korean couple asked me if I wanted to join them to look around Centro. As they had lunch already, I went for lunch with KLR trio and Ann - a Gernman girl at Kooba Bar. Almuerzo was COP5,500.
Back from lunch, Jimmy, Ji, Laura (another German girl) and I walked to Centro. We went to see a few churches and the Gold museu (Museo de Oro). There weren't much collection in the museum, but it was free admission and very interesting. The design of artifacts were very similar to those of Mexican pre-hispanic artifacts. There should be a connecion between 2 civilizations.
We walked back to the hostel and I had a nap. THen I went out for dinner with Adam. The BBQed chorizo I had ws pretty good. Then we went out for a drink with KLR trio. Talking about motorcycle and trip were real fun.
僕もSilviaの火曜市に行く予定です。月曜日の午後には到着しますので、かおるさんの宿決まったらメールください。多分Hosteltrail Guesthouseに宿泊すると思います(COP16,000)。http://www.hosteltrailpopayan.com/rooms/index.shtml