三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カリ(Cali)へ。アダムと再会! / To Cal. Reunited with Adam!
Day 285 : 2011年5月5日
Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km
カリには12時半頃到着しました。流石に大都市なので車が多いです。GPSに従って今日の宿カサ・ブランカ・ホステル(Casa Blanca Hostel)は簡単に見つかりました。早速チェックイン。10人ドミは15,000ペソ。ここでアダムと再会!カルタヘナで別れてから2ヶ月以上ぶりですね。彼は親友の結婚式に出るため一時帰国してたのでまだコロンビアなんです。


帰り道に「Eurocasco」という店を発見。外で写真を撮っていたら中に招かれました。オーナーのアシュリー(Ashley)はイギリス人で10年前にBMW R1100GSで北中南米を走破したライダー。「Lonesome Rhodes」という本まで出版してます。ヨーロッパから直輸入でヘルメット、ブーツ、ジャケットなどを仕入れているので他では買えない質の良いモノがかなり手ごろな値段で買えます。ゴアテックスのライダース・シューズが270,000ペソ(150ドルくらい)なので欲しい!これなら普通に靴としてはけるので・・・。


Day 285 : 05 MAY 2011
Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km
I had a good sleep last night as I occupied a double bed by myself. I received an e-mail from Mark and Claire that they were leaving Cali to Popayan this morning. But they said Adam - the British rider who I was with on Starhlatte - would be at Casa Blanca Hostel! That's gonna be fun.
Monica made me a cop of coffee and we had a chat while having breakfast. Then I realised it was nearly 8am, so I got ready. The weather seemed to be fine today.
She opened the garage and gave me a little souvenir - a wooden apple toy. She is a very nice lady. It's a shame that I forgot to take a photo with her....
Getting out of Manizales was very easy. Just going abck he same way as I came. But due to road works, lanes were closed and I had to slow down. One the way to Cartago, I saw road works were going on in many places. In few years time, the road condition of Colombia would be improved, I guess.
Around Pereira, the temp raised up. After Cartago, the highway became doule lanes and the speed limit was 90km/h or 100km/h, so I was cruising at 110km/h. WIth this speed, my GS has better fuel consumption.
I arrived Cali around 12:30pm. 4 hours ride from Manizales. There were traffic in the city but I managed to find Casa Blanca Hostel easily, thanks to my GPS.
The rate of dorm room was COP15,000 a night. There was a secure parking in the same block and I could park my GS for free. I offloaded my gears and went up to the room. Then I saw Adam! It's been more than 2 months since we were apart in Cartagena. He went back to UK for his best mate's wedding, that's why he is still in Colombia.
We went for lunch and talked about how we were since we left Cartagena. It's good to see my friend again. Then I went to a supermarket to buy some drink and food.
On the way back to the hostel, I saw a shop "Eurocasco" - a motorcycle clothing shop. I was taking photos of the shop and the owner invited me into the shop. His name is Ashley from UK. He did Alaska to Ushuaia motorcycle trip in 2000. He published his book "Lonesome Rhodes". He imports motorcycle apparels from Europe - those brands only sold at his shop. I saw a pair of riding shoes (Goretex) cost COP270,000 (US$150). As I have a pair of riding boots, a piar of thongs and a piar of Crocks, I want to have walking shoes. If I did not have a pair of nice riding boots, I would buy the shoes... More comfy to walk around with....
Whil I was talking to Ashley, 3 Canadian riders - KLR trios - staying at Casa Blanca came in. We talked about our trips and bikes.
Back to the hostel, we talked about our trips. They came up from Ushuaia and heading to Central America, so we exchanged information. Mike - the owner of the hostel joined us - and he told us there was a gun shooting 2 months ago at the corner. A hitman killed 3 guys in the restaurant and shot at a motorcylist - the hitman thought he was the bodyguard of those 3 guys - but the motorcyclist escaped from the shot and the bullet went through the parasol of the hostel. We could see 2 holes on the parasol.... What an exciting story....
Then we went out for dinner and a drink. We had a drink at a bar in the shoping mall. Here, there were lots of hot chicks... Mike said, it is called "Silicon Valley".
You know why!!?
Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km
Day 285 : 05 MAY 2011
Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km
I had a good sleep last night as I occupied a double bed by myself. I received an e-mail from Mark and Claire that they were leaving Cali to Popayan this morning. But they said Adam - the British rider who I was with on Starhlatte - would be at Casa Blanca Hostel! That's gonna be fun.
Monica made me a cop of coffee and we had a chat while having breakfast. Then I realised it was nearly 8am, so I got ready. The weather seemed to be fine today.
She opened the garage and gave me a little souvenir - a wooden apple toy. She is a very nice lady. It's a shame that I forgot to take a photo with her....
Getting out of Manizales was very easy. Just going abck he same way as I came. But due to road works, lanes were closed and I had to slow down. One the way to Cartago, I saw road works were going on in many places. In few years time, the road condition of Colombia would be improved, I guess.
Around Pereira, the temp raised up. After Cartago, the highway became doule lanes and the speed limit was 90km/h or 100km/h, so I was cruising at 110km/h. WIth this speed, my GS has better fuel consumption.
I arrived Cali around 12:30pm. 4 hours ride from Manizales. There were traffic in the city but I managed to find Casa Blanca Hostel easily, thanks to my GPS.
The rate of dorm room was COP15,000 a night. There was a secure parking in the same block and I could park my GS for free. I offloaded my gears and went up to the room. Then I saw Adam! It's been more than 2 months since we were apart in Cartagena. He went back to UK for his best mate's wedding, that's why he is still in Colombia.
We went for lunch and talked about how we were since we left Cartagena. It's good to see my friend again. Then I went to a supermarket to buy some drink and food.
On the way back to the hostel, I saw a shop "Eurocasco" - a motorcycle clothing shop. I was taking photos of the shop and the owner invited me into the shop. His name is Ashley from UK. He did Alaska to Ushuaia motorcycle trip in 2000. He published his book "Lonesome Rhodes". He imports motorcycle apparels from Europe - those brands only sold at his shop. I saw a pair of riding shoes (Goretex) cost COP270,000 (US$150). As I have a pair of riding boots, a piar of thongs and a piar of Crocks, I want to have walking shoes. If I did not have a pair of nice riding boots, I would buy the shoes... More comfy to walk around with....
Whil I was talking to Ashley, 3 Canadian riders - KLR trios - staying at Casa Blanca came in. We talked about our trips and bikes.
Back to the hostel, we talked about our trips. They came up from Ushuaia and heading to Central America, so we exchanged information. Mike - the owner of the hostel joined us - and he told us there was a gun shooting 2 months ago at the corner. A hitman killed 3 guys in the restaurant and shot at a motorcylist - the hitman thought he was the bodyguard of those 3 guys - but the motorcyclist escaped from the shot and the bullet went through the parasol of the hostel. We could see 2 holes on the parasol.... What an exciting story....
Then we went out for dinner and a drink. We had a drink at a bar in the shoping mall. Here, there were lots of hot chicks... Mike said, it is called "Silicon Valley".
You know why!!?