三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カルタヘナ4日目、ようやく通関。明日保険に加入しないと…。 / Got through Custom finally. But I need to buy Insurance tomorrow.
Day 213: 2011年2月22日
Cartagena, Colombia

ダニーの部品探しとアダムのタイヤ探しに付き合いSUZUKIのディーラーやバイク屋街を歩いて回りました。SUZUKIディーラには警察に使われているDR650、350やXF650 Freewindが沢山ありました。

散々探し回ってフロントはあったのですがリアがありません。130/70 17が欲しいのですが120/70 17しかありません。まぁとりあえずまだバイクが手元にないので今買う必要はないのですが。要塞を間近に見れてよかったです。

Day 213: 22 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
This morning we called the custom agent and he said the Aduana office had o electricity...
Danny and Adam went to search for parts and tyres for their DR650s, so I followed them. We walked beside the fortless and came to SUZUKI dealer. There were many DR650s, 350s and Freewind used for Police in the store. They had sprockets and chain for DR650 but no tyres to match.
We walked further down the street and there were many motorcycle shops and accessary stores. But we could not find a rear knobby tyre to fit perfectly on DR650. The lady at the store said Knobby tyre size: 130/70 17 is not available in Colombia. But it could be a sales talk.
We came back to the hostel around 11:30am and we gave a call to the custom agent, but nothing had been progressed there. Still no electricity. So I took a shower and we went for lunch. And I saw a SUZUKI Djebel 250 with panniers and gears on in front of Hostel Media Luna. This must be a Japanese rider's I reckoned. And I waited there for a while. And I was right! He is Mr Irie. ROde across Russia and Europe. He is coming up from Usuaia and now heading ot Alaska.
After lunch, we exchanged our information and talked about our trips. And other motorcyclists came to inform us that the system was back now at Aduana and we should get there.
We quickly got ready and took a cab to Aduana.
But the system was no up actually. They decided to do it manually now. As we waited, a sexy lady officer came out to inspect our bikes!! A guy was calling carrying a parasol for her! What a scene! It looked like as if she was a race queen or something... Every riders eyes were caught by her apearance...
After she checked our bikes VIN number, Model, and Number plate, she went back to the office to issue Permiso. We waited again. For long, and finally we got our Permisos! The time was after 6pm. As it is not good idea to ride our bikes without insurance in Colombia, we deceided to leave our bikes there. We will buy insurance tomorrow morning and come back to Aduana to pick up bikes, then we will have a big wash!
Hopefully I can leave Cartagena tomorrow before lunch time and put some mile on.
Cartagena, Colombia
ダニーの部品探しとアダムのタイヤ探しに付き合いSUZUKIのディーラーやバイク屋街を歩いて回りました。SUZUKIディーラには警察に使われているDR650、350やXF650 Freewindが沢山ありました。
Day 213: 22 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
This morning we called the custom agent and he said the Aduana office had o electricity...
Danny and Adam went to search for parts and tyres for their DR650s, so I followed them. We walked beside the fortless and came to SUZUKI dealer. There were many DR650s, 350s and Freewind used for Police in the store. They had sprockets and chain for DR650 but no tyres to match.
We walked further down the street and there were many motorcycle shops and accessary stores. But we could not find a rear knobby tyre to fit perfectly on DR650. The lady at the store said Knobby tyre size: 130/70 17 is not available in Colombia. But it could be a sales talk.
We came back to the hostel around 11:30am and we gave a call to the custom agent, but nothing had been progressed there. Still no electricity. So I took a shower and we went for lunch. And I saw a SUZUKI Djebel 250 with panniers and gears on in front of Hostel Media Luna. This must be a Japanese rider's I reckoned. And I waited there for a while. And I was right! He is Mr Irie. ROde across Russia and Europe. He is coming up from Usuaia and now heading ot Alaska.
After lunch, we exchanged our information and talked about our trips. And other motorcyclists came to inform us that the system was back now at Aduana and we should get there.
We quickly got ready and took a cab to Aduana.
But the system was no up actually. They decided to do it manually now. As we waited, a sexy lady officer came out to inspect our bikes!! A guy was calling carrying a parasol for her! What a scene! It looked like as if she was a race queen or something... Every riders eyes were caught by her apearance...
After she checked our bikes VIN number, Model, and Number plate, she went back to the office to issue Permiso. We waited again. For long, and finally we got our Permisos! The time was after 6pm. As it is not good idea to ride our bikes without insurance in Colombia, we deceided to leave our bikes there. We will buy insurance tomorrow morning and come back to Aduana to pick up bikes, then we will have a big wash!
Hopefully I can leave Cartagena tomorrow before lunch time and put some mile on.