三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
GSコロンビアに上陸!! でも通関は明日に / My GS landed on Colombia! But Custom clearance will be tomorrow.
Day 212: 2011年2月21日
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km


どうやら他の船(Wild Card)がワシらよりも先にバイクを陸揚げし通関させてるようです。なんと1日8台しか通関させないと税関から通達が来たそうです。他の船にはバイクが7台。うち6台が通関するので、我等は2台しか通関できないことに。オーストラリア人のマレーとローレンはちゃんと9時に電話したようで、彼らは通関できるかも、とのこと。


ピーターがバイクに跨り岸につけて船を安定させたら、バイクのフロントを1、2の3で小船から出して、今度はリアを1、2の3で小船から降ろします。後はバイクを押して坂を登るだけ。GSがようやく南米大陸に上陸しました!! ようやくこれで一安心。ブレーキディスクは錆だらけですが、ブレーキを2,3回踏めば錆は落ちます。早く真水で洗ってあげたいなぁ。


荷物が運ばれ、パニアをバイクに装着しアドゥアナ(税関)へ。そこには沢山のバイクが。建物に入るとマレーとローレンがまだいます。どうやらシステムダウンでまったくプロセスされないそうです。Wild Cardのバイク乗り達も待ってます。通関エージェントもお手上げです。仕方が無いのでバイクは税関に置いて明日朝一番で戻ってくるしかないそうです。しかしバイクをここに置くのにも許可が必要だかなんだかで、待たされました。
Day 212: 21 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km
In the morning, after having breakfast, we all went to find a good Colombia map. But it was really find one. We went to a bookshop, but there wasn't. The lady told us to go to The Society of Geography and we went. But they had a huge map of Colombia, which we could not bring on our motorcycles. Finally we found a calendar with maps of Colombia. Each of us bought one for COP12,000.
We came back to the hostel around 11am and gave Ludwing a call to find out what time we should be at the pier. On Saturday he said it would be around 2pm, but to make sure he said to give him a call at 9am on Monday, but we did not call him till 11am!
He was a bit upset as we did not call earlier. He told us to get to the pier immediately as unloading was going on already. We took a cab and got there around 11:30am.
They were unloading Loren's bike. Loren and Murray called Ludwing at 9am and they got there first. What upset Ludwig most was Custom told him they would process only 8 bikes a day, and another ship "Wild Card" had already unloaded 7 bikes before us. So only Loren and Murray would have a chance to clear Custom today.
Anyway, after we uloaded Murray's bike, we shipped some of the gears on shore and then unloaded John's bike. Next one was my turn. Using the winch, my GS was lifted up to air, and then lowered down to the dingy. Peter sat on the bike to secure, and Ludwig, Eric and I accampanied to the boat lamp.
Once we got to the shore, we secured the dingy and lift up the front of the bike to bring out from the dingy. Then we lifted up the rear and now my GS was on Colombia!
There was no any major damage on my GS. Just some rust on brake disks and calipers and a few scratches.
She started up with one push and everything was in working order. Nice!
As I was busy myself unloading my GS, so there is no photo of my GS taking out of the dingy. So I put photos of Adam's bike unloaded.
After we unloaded all bikes, our gears were shipped to the shore. We geared up and rode to Aduana (Custom). When we got there, there were lots of bike waiting. Loren and Murray were still waiting and those guys from WIld Card were still waiting as well.
They said the system ws dowon, so none could be processed.
We waited long. The custom agent was useless. FInally we got a permit to leave our bikes at the parking lot overnight. We took a cab back to the hostel.
Tomorrow we are gonna call the agent in the morning to find out if the system is up. And then we get there is the morning to make sure we can clear Custom tomorrow.
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km
Day 212: 21 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km
In the morning, after having breakfast, we all went to find a good Colombia map. But it was really find one. We went to a bookshop, but there wasn't. The lady told us to go to The Society of Geography and we went. But they had a huge map of Colombia, which we could not bring on our motorcycles. Finally we found a calendar with maps of Colombia. Each of us bought one for COP12,000.
We came back to the hostel around 11am and gave Ludwing a call to find out what time we should be at the pier. On Saturday he said it would be around 2pm, but to make sure he said to give him a call at 9am on Monday, but we did not call him till 11am!
He was a bit upset as we did not call earlier. He told us to get to the pier immediately as unloading was going on already. We took a cab and got there around 11:30am.
They were unloading Loren's bike. Loren and Murray called Ludwing at 9am and they got there first. What upset Ludwig most was Custom told him they would process only 8 bikes a day, and another ship "Wild Card" had already unloaded 7 bikes before us. So only Loren and Murray would have a chance to clear Custom today.
Anyway, after we uloaded Murray's bike, we shipped some of the gears on shore and then unloaded John's bike. Next one was my turn. Using the winch, my GS was lifted up to air, and then lowered down to the dingy. Peter sat on the bike to secure, and Ludwig, Eric and I accampanied to the boat lamp.
Once we got to the shore, we secured the dingy and lift up the front of the bike to bring out from the dingy. Then we lifted up the rear and now my GS was on Colombia!
There was no any major damage on my GS. Just some rust on brake disks and calipers and a few scratches.
She started up with one push and everything was in working order. Nice!
As I was busy myself unloading my GS, so there is no photo of my GS taking out of the dingy. So I put photos of Adam's bike unloaded.
After we unloaded all bikes, our gears were shipped to the shore. We geared up and rode to Aduana (Custom). When we got there, there were lots of bike waiting. Loren and Murray were still waiting and those guys from WIld Card were still waiting as well.
They said the system ws dowon, so none could be processed.
We waited long. The custom agent was useless. FInally we got a permit to leave our bikes at the parking lot overnight. We took a cab back to the hostel.
Tomorrow we are gonna call the agent in the morning to find out if the system is up. And then we get there is the morning to make sure we can clear Custom tomorrow.