三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ミノリスタ・マーケットへ買い物 / Shopping at Plaza Minorista
Day 267 : 2011年4月17日
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
食後の腹ごなしにビリヤードをやってたら曇ってきました。しまった今日はちょっと離れた鮮食材市場「プラザ・ミノリスタ(Plaza Minorista)」に買い物に行くつもりなのに。あわてて買い物に出かける我等。
Day 267 : 17 Apr 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Happy Birthday to my mum and my nephew.
The weather was good this morning, so I did the laundry. Clare and Kaoru did the laudry too. I washed my long pants, with lots of patches now, so when I wring them, I had to do gently not to tear them more.
Until lunch, I was writing Cuban diaries in English. Icompleted the summary part (Part 1) but there are still diaries of 15 days to write...
After lunch, Kaoru and I played pool. Then the sky was getting darker. We planned to go to Plaza Minorista (Food market), so we hurried to the market.
It took 15mins on foot. The plaza was full of vegetables, fruits, and meats. It looked like Paddy's Market of Sydney and Merced market of Mexico City. If buying bundles, we can get really good prices. The market is huge, and it is worth to look around for the better price (but usually there weren't much price tag. So we need to ask the prices...). We bought 1 kg of beef ribs, tomatos, carrots, onions, cabbage, potatos, avocados, eggs etc.
It was raining on the way back, but luckily the rain wasn't taht hard.
Played pool again in the afternoon. Then we cooked beef n vegetable stew for dinner. It was very good but beef was a little too tough.
Played pool again in the evening. I should have been better, but I am not very constant... I need to practice more.
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
食後の腹ごなしにビリヤードをやってたら曇ってきました。しまった今日はちょっと離れた鮮食材市場「プラザ・ミノリスタ(Plaza Minorista)」に買い物に行くつもりなのに。あわてて買い物に出かける我等。
Day 267 : 17 Apr 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Happy Birthday to my mum and my nephew.
The weather was good this morning, so I did the laundry. Clare and Kaoru did the laudry too. I washed my long pants, with lots of patches now, so when I wring them, I had to do gently not to tear them more.
Until lunch, I was writing Cuban diaries in English. Icompleted the summary part (Part 1) but there are still diaries of 15 days to write...
After lunch, Kaoru and I played pool. Then the sky was getting darker. We planned to go to Plaza Minorista (Food market), so we hurried to the market.
It took 15mins on foot. The plaza was full of vegetables, fruits, and meats. It looked like Paddy's Market of Sydney and Merced market of Mexico City. If buying bundles, we can get really good prices. The market is huge, and it is worth to look around for the better price (but usually there weren't much price tag. So we need to ask the prices...). We bought 1 kg of beef ribs, tomatos, carrots, onions, cabbage, potatos, avocados, eggs etc.
It was raining on the way back, but luckily the rain wasn't taht hard.
Played pool again in the afternoon. Then we cooked beef n vegetable stew for dinner. It was very good but beef was a little too tough.
Played pool again in the evening. I should have been better, but I am not very constant... I need to practice more.