三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
足立チニーボーイズ 釣りに行く!(結果は坊主) / Chinieboys going fishing! (But catch nothing)
Day 281 : 2011年5月1日
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)



ラファ宅に戻り昼飯。ワシは眠くなったので夕方まで昼寝してました。夜はザ・フー(The Who)とジョン・リー・フッカー(John Lee Hooker)のドキュメンタリー映画を。それにしてもThe Whoのドラマーがイッていてすごい。でも何でバンド名が"The Who"なんだろう?
Day 281 : 01 MAY 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
It is alreay May. It's been more than 9 months since I started this trip. Time flies.
We went fising today at an artificial pond. The cost of hiring a proper fishing rod was COP8,000 but all of rods were rent out to other visitors. So we rent a rod - fising line with a hook straped on a solid bamboo stick for COP4,300.
Guanda and Chinie were very happy there. Guanda was chashing those geese around and jumped into water!
According to Rafa, usually we could catch lots of fish, but today we got noting. Maybe the most of fish were caught during Semana Santa holiday.
It started raining and got really heavy, so we retreated without catching any...
Back to the house and had lunch. I got so sleepy and had a nap till 7pm. We watched DVDs again (Rolling Stones Rock Circus and a documentary of John Lee Hooker). In Rock Circus, The Who performed. The performance of the drummer, Keith Moon, was so cool. But why the name of the band is "The Who"?
Tomorrow we are going back to Medellin. We are gonna miss Guanda and Chinie.
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
ラファ宅に戻り昼飯。ワシは眠くなったので夕方まで昼寝してました。夜はザ・フー(The Who)とジョン・リー・フッカー(John Lee Hooker)のドキュメンタリー映画を。それにしてもThe Whoのドラマーがイッていてすごい。でも何でバンド名が"The Who"なんだろう?
Day 281 : 01 MAY 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
It is alreay May. It's been more than 9 months since I started this trip. Time flies.
We went fising today at an artificial pond. The cost of hiring a proper fishing rod was COP8,000 but all of rods were rent out to other visitors. So we rent a rod - fising line with a hook straped on a solid bamboo stick for COP4,300.
Guanda and Chinie were very happy there. Guanda was chashing those geese around and jumped into water!
According to Rafa, usually we could catch lots of fish, but today we got noting. Maybe the most of fish were caught during Semana Santa holiday.
It started raining and got really heavy, so we retreated without catching any...
Back to the house and had lunch. I got so sleepy and had a nap till 7pm. We watched DVDs again (Rolling Stones Rock Circus and a documentary of John Lee Hooker). In Rock Circus, The Who performed. The performance of the drummer, Keith Moon, was so cool. But why the name of the band is "The Who"?
Tomorrow we are going back to Medellin. We are gonna miss Guanda and Chinie.