三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
足立チニーボーイズ メデジンに帰る! さらばグアンダとチニー.。 ビン・ラディン死す。/ Chinieboys returning to Medellin. Farewell Guanda & Chinie. News of Bin Ladin's death.
Day 282 : 2011年5月2日
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
さてと今日はメデジンに帰ります。朝から「キノコ」入りパスタを食べて出発の準備。ダラダラしていたら、な、なんと!!! 大変なニュースが飛び込んできました。オサマ・ビン・ラディンがアメリカ軍に殺害されたとのこと。しかし、遺体は海に破棄したといってます。怪しい・・・。オバマ政権の人気取りか?無邪気に「USA、USA」と騒いでいるアメリカ人の映像がなんかやるせないです。DNA検査の後に敵の遺体争奪計画を阻むために海に破棄したと言ってますが、すっごく怪しい。10年も探した男の遺体を破棄しますかね?しかも生きたまま身柄を確保して9・11の真相を彼から訊きださないのですかねぇ?怪しい・・・



Day 282 : 02 May 2011
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
We were about leave the house at noon, but a big news came in! Osama Bin Ladin was killed by the US forces. We watched the news in Rafa's room. But it was suspicious as it was reported his body was dumped into the sea after a DNA testing. The reason was preventing Al Qaida trying to retain his body. But the US was hunting him for 10 years and the truth behind 9/11 is still unknown. Why they did not capture him alive for a trial? The US is concealing something, I reckon.
Rafa took us to Medellin. Chinie came with us but Guanda had to stay behind. It was sad to say good-bye to her. But she was following us for a long distance. She came to the main highway. It was touching. But Rafa said "She does that all the time."...
Chinie is so small and cute. But in a year, she will be big and strong like Guanda.
We checked-in at Hostal Medellin. Claudia told us that there are 22 guests coming this thursday. Noah and Scott are leaving this thrusday as well. So it is about time to leave here. I decided to leave on this wedensday.
Then we went to have lunch at a restaurant nearby. The lunch set cost COP7,000, little expensive but was really good. One of the best meal I had in Colombia. But it did not come with rice or bread but arepas... So I had 4 arepas. It was against the Chinieboys code.
Tomorrow is my last day in Medellin. How should I spend the last day??
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Day 282 : 02 May 2011
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
We were about leave the house at noon, but a big news came in! Osama Bin Ladin was killed by the US forces. We watched the news in Rafa's room. But it was suspicious as it was reported his body was dumped into the sea after a DNA testing. The reason was preventing Al Qaida trying to retain his body. But the US was hunting him for 10 years and the truth behind 9/11 is still unknown. Why they did not capture him alive for a trial? The US is concealing something, I reckon.
Rafa took us to Medellin. Chinie came with us but Guanda had to stay behind. It was sad to say good-bye to her. But she was following us for a long distance. She came to the main highway. It was touching. But Rafa said "She does that all the time."...
Chinie is so small and cute. But in a year, she will be big and strong like Guanda.
We checked-in at Hostal Medellin. Claudia told us that there are 22 guests coming this thursday. Noah and Scott are leaving this thrusday as well. So it is about time to leave here. I decided to leave on this wedensday.
Then we went to have lunch at a restaurant nearby. The lunch set cost COP7,000, little expensive but was really good. One of the best meal I had in Colombia. But it did not come with rice or bread but arepas... So I had 4 arepas. It was against the Chinieboys code.
Tomorrow is my last day in Medellin. How should I spend the last day??