三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カテゴリー「Costa Rica」の記事一覧
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- 2025.03.03 [PR]
- 2011.02.14 国境近くまで。体調はよろしくない。/ To the border. I am not well.
- 2011.02.11 サンホセ3日目、休養日。山下君到着! / San Jose Day 3, Resting Day.
- 2011.02.10 サバナ喜多側でまったり。ウメザワさんと無事再会! / Relaxing at Sabana Kitagawa. Reunited with Akira!
- 2011.02.09 コスタリカへ!ウメザワさんを見失う!! / To Costa Rica. I lost Akira!!
Day 202: 2011年2月11日
San Jose to Ciudad Nelly
28,357km to 28,689km = 332km

生姜汁のお陰でしょうか、今朝は喉の具合が大分イイです。朝飯を食べて出発の準備。国境までなので、ゆっくりの出発です。 山下君と荻野さんと色々話しながら準備です。ワシは9時過ぎには準備できてたのですが、いつもの通りウメザワさん待ち。10時前にようやく準備完了。
山下君と荻野さんに見送られて出発。 3日間でしたが、サバナ喜多側では本当に休めました。本当にイイ宿です。荻野さんホスピタリティと美味しいご飯、ありがとうございました!山下君また南米で再会出来るの楽しみにしてるよ!
いつもはワシが先導なんですが、コルドバ(Cordoba)まではウメザワさんが先導することに。たまには人の後ろに着いて楽するのもイイですね。 コルドバ辺りまで来たら高速道路等の料金所があったのでそこで何故かワシがまた先導することに。調子が悪いから楽したいのになぁ…。
コルドバからサン・イシドロ(San Isidoro)までは山に入ります。ワインディングを気持ち良く飛ばします。が、標高が上がるに連れ段々寒くなって来ました。そうなると咳が出てきました。これは良く無いですね。でも段々と降って行くに連れ暖かくなって来ます。サン・イシドロに着く頃には大分暑くなってました。 サン・イシドロで給油。下りが多いせいか燃費がいいですね。

更に60キロほど進んだブエノス・アイレス(Buenos Aires)で昼メシ。何故だか中華メニューもあったので、チョプスイ(Chop Suey)2,300コロンを頼みました。オバちゃんは思いっきりコスタリカ人なんだがなぁ、硬焼そばの麺を素麺にした感じで美味しかったです。子供たちがワシらを興味深々で見ていて可愛かったです。写真を一枚。
パナマへの国境は2つ有り、パン・アメリカン・ハイウェイに有るパソ・カノアス(Paso Canoas)と北の方のリオ・セレノ(Rio Sereno)です。距離的にはリオ・セレノの方が近いのですが、地図を見ると道が微妙なんです。そこで、まあ、メインのパン・アメリカンで行こう、となりまして、国境20キロ手前の街シウダー・ネリー(Ciudad Nelly)まで宿泊することになりました。 途中路肩が完全に崩れていたり、ダートになったりと、コスタリカ、先進国ぶっていますが、まだまだです。穴ポコも結構空いています。追い越し車線も無いのでトラックやバスを追い越すのが結構大変です。

シウダー・ネリーには4時過ぎに到着。街の何キロか手前には何軒かホテルを見たのですが、街にはあまりないです。一軒見つけてウメザワさんが部屋を見に行っている間バイクを見ていると、街の人が「ここのホテルは危険だから、他のホテルにしなさい。」と教えてくれて、しかも自転車で先導してくれました。 我々が宿泊してるホテル・エル・ランチョは一部屋16ドル。エアコンは無いですが、まあイイでしょう。エアコン喉によくないし。
水シャワーを浴びて、昼寝。夕飯はヌエボ・ムンド(Nuevo Mundo=新世界)という中華屋でカレーライスを。サイズはメディオを頼んだのですが、大盛りで2300コロンと懐に優しい値段。味はまあまあでしたが。 明日は5時半起きで早目に国境を越えます。でもイビキがうるさくて眠れないんだよなぁ。
Day 202: 11 Feb 2011
San Jose to Ciudad Nelly
28,357km to 28,689km = 332km
Thanks to Ginger Soup, my sore throat was somehow better this morning. I decided not tocorss the border today, so I could take time this morning. Talking with Aki and Mr.Ogino while gearing up.
I was ready by 9am but I gotta wait for Akira as usual. We left there around 10am.
Aki and Mr.Ogino saw us off. Thanks Mr.Ogino for your great hospitality and great foods! Aki, we will see again in South America. Till then have a good and safe trip!
Usually I am leading but as I was not in a good condition, Akira lead till Cordoba. Near Cordoba, there was a toll gate, and Akira asked me to lead. I wasn't well, so I wanted to just follow him without thinking and making decision....
From Cordoba to San Isidoro, we entered mountains. I enjoyed riding through those bends! But as altitude got higher, it got colder and colder. I started to cough again...
But soon desending to San Isidoro and t got warmer again. We refuelled at San Isidoro. Made
San Jose to Ciudad Nelly
28,357km to 28,689km = 332km
コルドバからサン・イシドロ(San Isidoro)までは山に入ります。ワインディングを気持ち良く飛ばします。が、標高が上がるに連れ段々寒くなって来ました。そうなると咳が出てきました。これは良く無いですね。でも段々と降って行くに連れ暖かくなって来ます。サン・イシドロに着く頃には大分暑くなってました。 サン・イシドロで給油。下りが多いせいか燃費がいいですね。
水シャワーを浴びて、昼寝。夕飯はヌエボ・ムンド(Nuevo Mundo=新世界)という中華屋でカレーライスを。サイズはメディオを頼んだのですが、大盛りで2300コロンと懐に優しい値段。味はまあまあでしたが。 明日は5時半起きで早目に国境を越えます。でもイビキがうるさくて眠れないんだよなぁ。
Day 202: 11 Feb 2011
San Jose to Ciudad Nelly
28,357km to 28,689km = 332km
Thanks to Ginger Soup, my sore throat was somehow better this morning. I decided not tocorss the border today, so I could take time this morning. Talking with Aki and Mr.Ogino while gearing up.
I was ready by 9am but I gotta wait for Akira as usual. We left there around 10am.
Aki and Mr.Ogino saw us off. Thanks Mr.Ogino for your great hospitality and great foods! Aki, we will see again in South America. Till then have a good and safe trip!
Usually I am leading but as I was not in a good condition, Akira lead till Cordoba. Near Cordoba, there was a toll gate, and Akira asked me to lead. I wasn't well, so I wanted to just follow him without thinking and making decision....
From Cordoba to San Isidoro, we entered mountains. I enjoyed riding through those bends! But as altitude got higher, it got colder and colder. I started to cough again...
But soon desending to San Isidoro and t got warmer again. We refuelled at San Isidoro. Made
Day 201: 2011年2月10日
San Jose, Costa Rica

いやー、チャリダーはタフですね。あの山道を来るとは!! 色々ペンションアミーゴで別れてからの話をしました。



夕飯後は明日のコースを決めます。早めに国境に着けば国境越えを、遅かったらコスタリカ国内で1泊ですね。パナマシティの狙ってた宿Casa del Carmenが満室なので、ちょっと慌ててます。
Day 201: 10 Feb 2011
San Jose, Costa Rica
Well, I have a sore throat since Leon, Nicaragua, and it is getting worse. So after having breakfast, I went back to sleep. I went to Scotiabank to withdraw some US$. On the way back I tried to find Embassy of Cuba. But I could not find it.
I cooked Ginger soup for my sore throat. Hopefully it works. After lunch I went back to sleep again.
When I woke up in the late afternoon, Aki the bicycle rider was here already. Since I saw him off at Pension Amigo, Mexico City, it has been 2 months. How tough he is. He was actually robbed in Managua, Nicaragua and got broken nose. But he is still riding and I was amazed that he could ride through those mountains before San Jose!
We talked about our trips since Pension Amigo.
Dinner was braised Chiken and Potatos, and Curry Udon. The dish was excellent and we were so full!! Thanks Mr. Ogino!
After dinner, checked the route to Panama. If I could get to the border before 2pm, I will cross the border. If not, I will stay in Ciudad Nelly.
Received a reply from Casa Del Carmen, Panama City. There is no room for us on the dates we requested... I need to find another hostel to stay in Panama Cty....
San Jose, Costa Rica
いやー、チャリダーはタフですね。あの山道を来るとは!! 色々ペンションアミーゴで別れてからの話をしました。
夕飯後は明日のコースを決めます。早めに国境に着けば国境越えを、遅かったらコスタリカ国内で1泊ですね。パナマシティの狙ってた宿Casa del Carmenが満室なので、ちょっと慌ててます。
Day 201: 10 Feb 2011
San Jose, Costa Rica
Well, I have a sore throat since Leon, Nicaragua, and it is getting worse. So after having breakfast, I went back to sleep. I went to Scotiabank to withdraw some US$. On the way back I tried to find Embassy of Cuba. But I could not find it.
I cooked Ginger soup for my sore throat. Hopefully it works. After lunch I went back to sleep again.
When I woke up in the late afternoon, Aki the bicycle rider was here already. Since I saw him off at Pension Amigo, Mexico City, it has been 2 months. How tough he is. He was actually robbed in Managua, Nicaragua and got broken nose. But he is still riding and I was amazed that he could ride through those mountains before San Jose!
We talked about our trips since Pension Amigo.
Dinner was braised Chiken and Potatos, and Curry Udon. The dish was excellent and we were so full!! Thanks Mr. Ogino!
After dinner, checked the route to Panama. If I could get to the border before 2pm, I will cross the border. If not, I will stay in Ciudad Nelly.
Received a reply from Casa Del Carmen, Panama City. There is no room for us on the dates we requested... I need to find another hostel to stay in Panama Cty....
Day 200: 2011年2月9日
San Jose, Costa Rica
28,351km to 28,357km = 6km

ワシはアクセルを見てもらいにBMWのディーラーへ。Barvarian Motorrardはアメリカ大使館の近くにあります。そこには2人のBMWライダーがいました。パニアを付けたF800GSとF650GSですので、旅人ですね。話しかけたらカナダ・バンクーバーから5週間出来たそうです。マレー(Murray)とローレン(Loren)。ここへはサービスしにきたとか。彼らも2月16日の船に乗るとのこと!

1時頃になってウメザワさんも一段落したので飯を食べにMas X Menosへ。やはり4-6ドルはしますね、飯。物価高いです。明日の朝飯用のパンとチーズ、コーラなどを購入。宿の近くには日本大使館もあります。
Day 200: 9 Feb 2011
San Jose, Costa Rica
28,351km to 28,357km = 6km
It has been 200 days since I left Japan. But I don't feel that I have been on the road so long. Probably I stayed too long in Pension Amigo.
I went to buy breakfast at a convienience store nearby. Mixed rice for 1950 colones. Having chat with Tagadas. Then Akira came to the hostel! But he found out that he lost a credit card, so he was busy calling Customer service to stop his card.
I went to BMW dealer, Barbarian Motorrad, to check if my accelerator cable is fine. It is located near Embassy of the USA. I met 2 BMW riders there, Loren and Murray. They are travelling from Vancouver, Canada. It has been just 5 weeks since they left home! They are flying!!
And I foun out that they will be on the same boat as me. What a coincident!
I asked the receptionist to check my accelerator cable and a mecanic came to check. The mecanic does not speak English, so I explained in Spanish. When he tried, the cable did not make any noise and it was rather smooth. But I explained when it was cold, it was heavier and made noise. But he said, there should not be a problem. So I took his words.
I said Good-bye to Loren and Murray and went back to Sabana Kitagawa. Then I wiped my GS thoroughly. She is a good motorcycle whenever I see her.
Around 1pm, as Akira had done with his credit card stuff, so we went to a Sparmarket "Mas x Menos" to have lunch. A plate of comida corrida cost US$4 to 6, so surely in Costa Rica, prices are higher.
Takadas and I talked about trips, politics, history and so on till dinner time. As they are mountainists, the technics they use for mountain camping provided me lots of ideas.
Mr. Ogino cooked dinner for us. Spanish Omlett, grilled fish, fired chicken, eel in special souce, and salad. For US$5, it is a bargain! The taste was excellent!! Thanks Mr. Ogino!!
We talked till late after dinner. Sabana Kitagawa is a good place to stay!
San Jose, Costa Rica
28,351km to 28,357km = 6km
Day 200: 9 Feb 2011
San Jose, Costa Rica
28,351km to 28,357km = 6km
It has been 200 days since I left Japan. But I don't feel that I have been on the road so long. Probably I stayed too long in Pension Amigo.
I went to buy breakfast at a convienience store nearby. Mixed rice for 1950 colones. Having chat with Tagadas. Then Akira came to the hostel! But he found out that he lost a credit card, so he was busy calling Customer service to stop his card.
I went to BMW dealer, Barbarian Motorrad, to check if my accelerator cable is fine. It is located near Embassy of the USA. I met 2 BMW riders there, Loren and Murray. They are travelling from Vancouver, Canada. It has been just 5 weeks since they left home! They are flying!!
And I foun out that they will be on the same boat as me. What a coincident!
I asked the receptionist to check my accelerator cable and a mecanic came to check. The mecanic does not speak English, so I explained in Spanish. When he tried, the cable did not make any noise and it was rather smooth. But I explained when it was cold, it was heavier and made noise. But he said, there should not be a problem. So I took his words.
I said Good-bye to Loren and Murray and went back to Sabana Kitagawa. Then I wiped my GS thoroughly. She is a good motorcycle whenever I see her.
Around 1pm, as Akira had done with his credit card stuff, so we went to a Sparmarket "Mas x Menos" to have lunch. A plate of comida corrida cost US$4 to 6, so surely in Costa Rica, prices are higher.
Takadas and I talked about trips, politics, history and so on till dinner time. As they are mountainists, the technics they use for mountain camping provided me lots of ideas.
Mr. Ogino cooked dinner for us. Spanish Omlett, grilled fish, fired chicken, eel in special souce, and salad. For US$5, it is a bargain! The taste was excellent!! Thanks Mr. Ogino!!
We talked till late after dinner. Sabana Kitagawa is a good place to stay!
Day 199: 2011年2月8日
Granada, Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica
Nicaragua: 27,951km to 28,053km = 102km (Nicaragua Total = 362km)
Costa Rica: 28,053km to 28,351km = 298 km, Today's total = 400km
国境ピニャス・ブランカス(Pinas Blancas)には8時頃つきました。先ずは検問で停められてペルミソになんか記入されました。しかもインスペクターに1ドル支払います。何故?これは正規なのかわかりませんね。



Day 199: 8 Feb 2011
Granada, Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica
Nicaragua: 27,951km to 28,053km = 102km (Nicaragua Total = 362km)
Costa Rica: 28,053km to 28,351km = 298 km, Today's total = 400km
Today we woke up at 5:30am and got ready for another border crossing. As we wanted to get to San Jose, we tried to be early.
It was overcasted and wasn't that hot, so it was good to ride. To the border, Pinas Blancas, we rode the road along side of Lake Nicaragua. But it was windy and cloudy, the lake did not look pretty. The mountain (I don't know the name) was covered by cloud, so the view wasn't good.
The strong wind was blowing from the mountain. It seemed that the wind was always blowing from the mountain as there was wind farm along side of the road.
Granada, Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica
Nicaragua: 27,951km to 28,053km = 102km (Nicaragua Total = 362km)
Costa Rica: 28,053km to 28,351km = 298 km, Today's total = 400km
Day 199: 8 Feb 2011
Granada, Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica
Nicaragua: 27,951km to 28,053km = 102km (Nicaragua Total = 362km)
Costa Rica: 28,053km to 28,351km = 298 km, Today's total = 400km
Today we woke up at 5:30am and got ready for another border crossing. As we wanted to get to San Jose, we tried to be early.
It was overcasted and wasn't that hot, so it was good to ride. To the border, Pinas Blancas, we rode the road along side of Lake Nicaragua. But it was windy and cloudy, the lake did not look pretty. The mountain (I don't know the name) was covered by cloud, so the view wasn't good.
The strong wind was blowing from the mountain. It seemed that the wind was always blowing from the mountain as there was wind farm along side of the road.