三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
トップボックスを送るのに151ドル!! / It cost me US$151 to ship the top case back home!!
Day 314: 2011年6月3日
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
宿に戻りワッシャーはトップボックス・ホルダーのワッシャーを流用し事なきを得ましたが、バイクカバーが袋に入りません。しかし工具を入れているSW Motechのタンクバックの袋にバイクカバー入れることが出来ました。作った袋は工具入れとして使います。残念なことにMSRを入れたタッパーはヒビが入ってしまいました・・・。きつすぎたんですね。そこでジップロック・バッグを使うことにしました。これならスペースも無駄にならない!?
それから郵便局にトップボックスを持っていきました。重い・・・。重量を測ったら10.5キロもありました。金額は151ドル!! 高い!!!!! しかし捨てるのにはもったいないしトップボックスを買うとしたらもっとします。ゴジラロック、トップボックス・ホルダー、服、DVDドライブ、Mont・Bellのビーサン、手袋などなど、色々入ってますからね。
Day 314: 03 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
I have been working on my GS from this morning. FIrst, I cleaned the air cleaner. It was a dry (paper) type, so I just bushed it against the floor. Although I rode on dirt, it wasn't that dirty. Somehow it took time to put back side panel.
I took off the top box holder. The bolts holding the pillers sustaining the plate I could not screw in completely, so I needed to buy spacers.
I had lunch with Adam at a Colombian Restaurant. Almuerzo was US$1.60. Then I went to look for spacers and pick up the bag I ordered yesterday. I went to all hardware shops nearby, but they did not have the light spacer for me. The bag was well made, but it seemed like little too small to fit the bike cover. Ouch...
I also bought a tapperware toput my MSR fuel stove, so that it does not make the pannier smelly.
Back to the hostel, I tried to fit the bike cover into the bag, but it did not fit. Luckily I had another bag used to put tools and the bike cover fit perfectly in it. The bag made was now used as a tool bag. Also I could use the spacers of the top box holder.
I put the MSR stove into the tapper wear, but it was too tight and the case got cracked.... But I realised the better idea, to use Ziplock bags to put the stove. The Ziplock bags would not take up any extra space.
When I was about to go to a post office to take the top box, Marta - the owner of the hostel, asked me to change the room as there would be 4 girls coming today. I was using 4 bed room dorm alone, and she asked me to move to a private room for extra US$1 a night. And I agreed.
After moving the room, I went to the post office. Carrying the top box for 5 blocks was pretty hard. When it was scaled, it weighed 10.5kgs! Lots of weight loss I made. With lower sentre gravity and less weight, now my GS should handle much better than before.
I made a pillion seat protector using my backpack (against scratches from straps and the tyre). Now I am satisfaied with the setup. Only concern is how I can carry water. I am considering buying a Camelbak brader.
After dinner, I went to see a classic concert in Old Cathedral. It was free and pretty good.
TOmorrow I will go to Ingapirca, the one of the most important Inca ruin in Ecuador.
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
宿に戻りワッシャーはトップボックス・ホルダーのワッシャーを流用し事なきを得ましたが、バイクカバーが袋に入りません。しかし工具を入れているSW Motechのタンクバックの袋にバイクカバー入れることが出来ました。作った袋は工具入れとして使います。残念なことにMSRを入れたタッパーはヒビが入ってしまいました・・・。きつすぎたんですね。そこでジップロック・バッグを使うことにしました。これならスペースも無駄にならない!?
それから郵便局にトップボックスを持っていきました。重い・・・。重量を測ったら10.5キロもありました。金額は151ドル!! 高い!!!!! しかし捨てるのにはもったいないしトップボックスを買うとしたらもっとします。ゴジラロック、トップボックス・ホルダー、服、DVDドライブ、Mont・Bellのビーサン、手袋などなど、色々入ってますからね。
Day 314: 03 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
I have been working on my GS from this morning. FIrst, I cleaned the air cleaner. It was a dry (paper) type, so I just bushed it against the floor. Although I rode on dirt, it wasn't that dirty. Somehow it took time to put back side panel.
I took off the top box holder. The bolts holding the pillers sustaining the plate I could not screw in completely, so I needed to buy spacers.
I had lunch with Adam at a Colombian Restaurant. Almuerzo was US$1.60. Then I went to look for spacers and pick up the bag I ordered yesterday. I went to all hardware shops nearby, but they did not have the light spacer for me. The bag was well made, but it seemed like little too small to fit the bike cover. Ouch...
I also bought a tapperware toput my MSR fuel stove, so that it does not make the pannier smelly.
Back to the hostel, I tried to fit the bike cover into the bag, but it did not fit. Luckily I had another bag used to put tools and the bike cover fit perfectly in it. The bag made was now used as a tool bag. Also I could use the spacers of the top box holder.
I put the MSR stove into the tapper wear, but it was too tight and the case got cracked.... But I realised the better idea, to use Ziplock bags to put the stove. The Ziplock bags would not take up any extra space.
When I was about to go to a post office to take the top box, Marta - the owner of the hostel, asked me to change the room as there would be 4 girls coming today. I was using 4 bed room dorm alone, and she asked me to move to a private room for extra US$1 a night. And I agreed.
After moving the room, I went to the post office. Carrying the top box for 5 blocks was pretty hard. When it was scaled, it weighed 10.5kgs! Lots of weight loss I made. With lower sentre gravity and less weight, now my GS should handle much better than before.
I made a pillion seat protector using my backpack (against scratches from straps and the tyre). Now I am satisfaied with the setup. Only concern is how I can carry water. I am considering buying a Camelbak brader.
After dinner, I went to see a classic concert in Old Cathedral. It was free and pretty good.
TOmorrow I will go to Ingapirca, the one of the most important Inca ruin in Ecuador.