三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
祝300日目! キューバ大使館にFiesta! / Cuba Embassy and Friday Fiesta!
Day 300: 2011年5月20日
Quito (Casa Helbling)
今日は記念すべき300日目! でも何も祝い事はしないですが。
それからまた先輩と合流してJuan Veldezのカフェで歓談。夕方になると寒くなったので先輩は旧市街に返りました。明日旧市街に行くのでまた合流します。
Day 300: 20 MAY 2011
Quito (Casa Helbling)
It has been 300 days since I started this trip. Time surely flies.
I went out from the morning. Where? I went to Embassy of Cuba. I was writing a letter to Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz since Wednesday. I wrote that I would like to see him and get inspired. Well, you would say it would not happen, but if I don't try, nothing will happen.
First, I went to an Internet Cafe to print out the letter and caught a bus to Embassy. It was located near Olimpic Stadium. I thought a Cuban flag was flying, but there was no flag. Instead there was a crowd of people waiting to be served.
A security guard asked me "How could I help you?" and I answered "Yes, I would like to see Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz and I have a letter for him." When he heard "Fidel", he opened his eyes wide and asked me "You said Fidel!?" and I said "Yes". He took the letter and said "Wait here" and entered inside. Those people waiting were looking at me and wispering "Fidel....". And I said to them "I am just trying. If he says YES, that will be great. But if he does not, that's OK."
The security guard came back with a smile and said "I handed to a staff, so you just need to wait for a reply." Well I am not sure if my letter will reach Fidel, but I tried anyway. I have nothing to lose here.
Back to the hostel, I wrote some of Cuba diaries that I put away for a while. Then Carlos came to see me around 11:30am, and we went for lunch at Tallarines.
Then I went to the school. It was my last day. The teacher taught me the history of Inca, a good way of practicing past tense. I like history, so it was fun learning. I just did 4 days (2 hours each day), but I am sure my Spanish improved a lot, thanks to Sr. Alturo.
After class, Carlos and I went to Juan Veldez coffee shop to have a cuppa. But it got cold after 4pm, Carlos went back to his hostel in Old Town. Tomorrow I will visit Old Town and will see him again.
This evening from 10pm, I will go out with everyone and Ecuadorian riders (Raul, Karla, and Daniel). It will be fun!
Quito (Casa Helbling)
今日は記念すべき300日目! でも何も祝い事はしないですが。
それからまた先輩と合流してJuan Veldezのカフェで歓談。夕方になると寒くなったので先輩は旧市街に返りました。明日旧市街に行くのでまた合流します。
Day 300: 20 MAY 2011
Quito (Casa Helbling)
It has been 300 days since I started this trip. Time surely flies.
I went out from the morning. Where? I went to Embassy of Cuba. I was writing a letter to Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz since Wednesday. I wrote that I would like to see him and get inspired. Well, you would say it would not happen, but if I don't try, nothing will happen.
First, I went to an Internet Cafe to print out the letter and caught a bus to Embassy. It was located near Olimpic Stadium. I thought a Cuban flag was flying, but there was no flag. Instead there was a crowd of people waiting to be served.
A security guard asked me "How could I help you?" and I answered "Yes, I would like to see Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz and I have a letter for him." When he heard "Fidel", he opened his eyes wide and asked me "You said Fidel!?" and I said "Yes". He took the letter and said "Wait here" and entered inside. Those people waiting were looking at me and wispering "Fidel....". And I said to them "I am just trying. If he says YES, that will be great. But if he does not, that's OK."
The security guard came back with a smile and said "I handed to a staff, so you just need to wait for a reply." Well I am not sure if my letter will reach Fidel, but I tried anyway. I have nothing to lose here.
Back to the hostel, I wrote some of Cuba diaries that I put away for a while. Then Carlos came to see me around 11:30am, and we went for lunch at Tallarines.
Then I went to the school. It was my last day. The teacher taught me the history of Inca, a good way of practicing past tense. I like history, so it was fun learning. I just did 4 days (2 hours each day), but I am sure my Spanish improved a lot, thanks to Sr. Alturo.
After class, Carlos and I went to Juan Veldez coffee shop to have a cuppa. But it got cold after 4pm, Carlos went back to his hostel in Old Town. Tomorrow I will visit Old Town and will see him again.
This evening from 10pm, I will go out with everyone and Ecuadorian riders (Raul, Karla, and Daniel). It will be fun!