三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ラグビー / Rugby
Day 682: 2012年6月9日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
Today, there was a final match of French Rugby between Toulouse and Toulon. Which would win? Of cource, Jean-Yves, Estelle and I was supporting Toulouse!
The game would start at 6pm. There was a big screen set up at Capitole, so we got there by 5pm. But there were so many people already. Everyone was very excited and expecting their local team to win the match. But we could not see the screen, so we went to another place to see the game.

We found a screen set up at a rental bycicle station. Everyone was so into the game.

Just at the begining of the match, both teams scored 3 points with a goal. By the half time, both scored 9 points each. It was very close game.
The kicker of the oppenent was Jonny Watkinson. I thought I'd seen him and heard his name somewhere, and I realised that he was a captain of English team. At 2003 Rudby World cup, he scored 100% with his kicks. I did not know he was still playing.
In the second half, they scored 3 points each again and they were still tie. Then Toulouse got 3 points with a goal and got another 3 points with a goal - leading by 6 points! There was no much time left, so I thought Toulouse won the game, but at the last minutes, Toulon charged deep into Tolouse defence. They were almost there to get a Try. If they get a Try - 5points and if they get a conversion - 2 points, so they would win! Toulouse tried their best to defend, but Toulon was charging hard. Until the end, it was very very exciting game.
しかし最後まで地元トゥールーズは守り抜きました! ノーサイドと同時に群集は歓喜を上げて勝利を祝います。いやぁー、よかったよかった。
In the end, Toulouse did not let Toulon pass their defence line! At noside, all the crowds were joyful and congratulated the victory of their team!
After the game, we went to have dinner at a restaurant. I had lamb chop and apple pie. They were pretty good.

If it is not raining, we would go out tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
Today, there was a final match of French Rugby between Toulouse and Toulon. Which would win? Of cource, Jean-Yves, Estelle and I was supporting Toulouse!
The game would start at 6pm. There was a big screen set up at Capitole, so we got there by 5pm. But there were so many people already. Everyone was very excited and expecting their local team to win the match. But we could not see the screen, so we went to another place to see the game.
We found a screen set up at a rental bycicle station. Everyone was so into the game.
Just at the begining of the match, both teams scored 3 points with a goal. By the half time, both scored 9 points each. It was very close game.
The kicker of the oppenent was Jonny Watkinson. I thought I'd seen him and heard his name somewhere, and I realised that he was a captain of English team. At 2003 Rudby World cup, he scored 100% with his kicks. I did not know he was still playing.
In the second half, they scored 3 points each again and they were still tie. Then Toulouse got 3 points with a goal and got another 3 points with a goal - leading by 6 points! There was no much time left, so I thought Toulouse won the game, but at the last minutes, Toulon charged deep into Tolouse defence. They were almost there to get a Try. If they get a Try - 5points and if they get a conversion - 2 points, so they would win! Toulouse tried their best to defend, but Toulon was charging hard. Until the end, it was very very exciting game.
しかし最後まで地元トゥールーズは守り抜きました! ノーサイドと同時に群集は歓喜を上げて勝利を祝います。いやぁー、よかったよかった。
In the end, Toulouse did not let Toulon pass their defence line! At noside, all the crowds were joyful and congratulated the victory of their team!
After the game, we went to have dinner at a restaurant. I had lamb chop and apple pie. They were pretty good.
If it is not raining, we would go out tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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