三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
クリスとカリンに再会 / Reunited with Kris and Karin
Day 681: 2012年6月8日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
今日は曇り。昨晩遅くまでローマ帝国について色々調べていたので、朝起きたのは11時!! 12時半頃にジャン・イヴが帰って来たので(金曜日は半日出勤だそうです)、出かけました。
It was cloudy today. As I was up till late last night (I was studying about Roman Empire), I woke up at 11am! Jean-Yves ame home around lunch time (he got half day work in friday, nice), we went out for shipping together.
We visited a sport shop and a book shop. Jean-Yves asked me if there was any good Japanese auther writing Japanese history, I recommended him Ryotaro Shiba. We searched for a book by him. There were many titles of Haruki Murakami on he shelves, but we only found "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi" and "The last Shogun" by Ryotaro Shiba. He bought "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi". I hope he would like it.
Then we went a supermarket "Carrefur". It was huge!!

We came home and I finally made an effort to solve my long term question: what are differences between Camambert cheese and Brie cheese. According to Jean-Yves and Estelle, the regions making Camambert and Brie are different and Camambert would - generally - have richer taste. So I had eachi slice of both and compared...
As they said, Camambert had richer taste. The texture was the same. The photo is showing Camambert and Brie on a slice of bread. Could you tell which is which?

Till the evening, I was talking with Jean-Yves about Japanese history and other topics. As he is into Japanese culture, we talked a lot.
エステルが帰ってくるのを待って、街へ繰り出します。ガロンヌ川(La Garonne)の畔のドゥラドゥ地区を訪れます。
We waited till Estelle came home and we went out to Daurade area along River Garonne.

何故かというと、サン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマで出会ったクリスとカリンと再会するためです! 彼らもトゥールーズ在住なんです。
The reason why was because I made an appointment with Kris and Karin (I met them in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)! They also live in Toulouse.

WIth their friend Remy, we 6 had drinks and talked till late. It's good to catch up with friends!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
今日は曇り。昨晩遅くまでローマ帝国について色々調べていたので、朝起きたのは11時!! 12時半頃にジャン・イヴが帰って来たので(金曜日は半日出勤だそうです)、出かけました。
It was cloudy today. As I was up till late last night (I was studying about Roman Empire), I woke up at 11am! Jean-Yves ame home around lunch time (he got half day work in friday, nice), we went out for shipping together.
We visited a sport shop and a book shop. Jean-Yves asked me if there was any good Japanese auther writing Japanese history, I recommended him Ryotaro Shiba. We searched for a book by him. There were many titles of Haruki Murakami on he shelves, but we only found "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi" and "The last Shogun" by Ryotaro Shiba. He bought "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi". I hope he would like it.
Then we went a supermarket "Carrefur". It was huge!!
We came home and I finally made an effort to solve my long term question: what are differences between Camambert cheese and Brie cheese. According to Jean-Yves and Estelle, the regions making Camambert and Brie are different and Camambert would - generally - have richer taste. So I had eachi slice of both and compared...
As they said, Camambert had richer taste. The texture was the same. The photo is showing Camambert and Brie on a slice of bread. Could you tell which is which?
Till the evening, I was talking with Jean-Yves about Japanese history and other topics. As he is into Japanese culture, we talked a lot.
エステルが帰ってくるのを待って、街へ繰り出します。ガロンヌ川(La Garonne)の畔のドゥラドゥ地区を訪れます。
We waited till Estelle came home and we went out to Daurade area along River Garonne.
何故かというと、サン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマで出会ったクリスとカリンと再会するためです! 彼らもトゥールーズ在住なんです。
The reason why was because I made an appointment with Kris and Karin (I met them in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)! They also live in Toulouse.
WIth their friend Remy, we 6 had drinks and talked till late. It's good to catch up with friends!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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