三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ナカジマとオガワくん / Uygrur in Munich
Day 780: 2012年9月14日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
I made some phone calls to embassy of Netherlands, Spain and Poland in Tokyo tihs mornig. What they told me was "90 days after I exit from Austria, the days permitted to stay in Schengen countires will be back to 90days. So now I can make a plan. I would k\leave Esperanza in Munich and I get to Vienna by a public transport, and then from Vienna I will fly out to a non-Schengen country.
I had an appointment with Nakajima at 12 noon in the city, so I spent the morning researching for an airticket, extention of carnet du passage etc.
I went to the meeting point at 12 noon, Nakajima brought her friend Ogawa. So we three walked around the city together.
It was lunch time, so we found a Chinese, Thai, and Indian restaurant. I had Lamb Palak, Nakajima had stir fried noodle and Ogawa had Chicken vindaloo. It was cheap (5.50 to 6 Euros) and pretty good!

After lunch we walked to Karlplatz and visited Frauenkirche.

Then we looked around Viktualienmarkt.

Also walked around Residenz. They were places I visited 4 months ago. It was good to visit there again.

Hitler made a great speech here during Munich Putsch.

After that, we went to Egyptian museum. Akhenaten is still looking soooo coooool!!

Ogawa is acually studying art in the university. Amarna art style caught his eyes and he said "it's pitty that just for Akhenaten's era only this style was florished."

Ogawa also liked "Gamba and Noroi".

Then my favorite statue of "an old fart". A staff told us that the reason why his head is quite large in proportion is that the head and bod were made in different time period. The head was made in Roman time and the body was made inEgyptian time. So the statu is 2 in 1 style. But I wonder why whoever put the head on the body chose to make in this proportion... Anyway, as this is dis-proportioned, it looks outstanding!

I explained to Nakajima and Ogawa about Egyptian mythoogy, and histories. It was really fun to look around the museum with friends. It was very different experience from visiting a museum alone.
It was a beautiful day, so we went to English garden as well.
先ずはミュンヘン名物、「街中で激流水路サーフィン」でしょう! これには2人はビックリ。結構長い時間をかけて見物してました。
I lead them to the famous "Surfing in the midle of the city"!! They were both surprised to see people surfing there. We spent a long time there to watch them surfing. How many times I've seen, they were really impressive.

The Japanese tea house was still there. Maple leaves turned into read and very beautiful.

We found Uyghur restaurant "Taklamakan".

ワシはラグマンを。ナカジマはマーボー豆腐、オガワ君は辛いきし麺みたいなのを注文。これが美味い!! ラグマンは本格手打ち麺でこしも味もヨシ。
I had Lagman, Nakajima had Mabotofu, and Ogawa had spicy noodle. They were all god! I liked Lagman especially.

We talked for a while. I could spend realy fun day.
I called up BMW dealer i Augsburg and they told me Esperanza is ready. So I will pick her up tomorrow.
今日は今後の予定が立てられるようになりましたし、エスペランサも仕上がった、とのことですし、ワイワイと仲間と楽しめたので、気分も上!! さて詳しい日程をたてるとしますか。
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
I made some phone calls to embassy of Netherlands, Spain and Poland in Tokyo tihs mornig. What they told me was "90 days after I exit from Austria, the days permitted to stay in Schengen countires will be back to 90days. So now I can make a plan. I would k\leave Esperanza in Munich and I get to Vienna by a public transport, and then from Vienna I will fly out to a non-Schengen country.
I had an appointment with Nakajima at 12 noon in the city, so I spent the morning researching for an airticket, extention of carnet du passage etc.
I went to the meeting point at 12 noon, Nakajima brought her friend Ogawa. So we three walked around the city together.
It was lunch time, so we found a Chinese, Thai, and Indian restaurant. I had Lamb Palak, Nakajima had stir fried noodle and Ogawa had Chicken vindaloo. It was cheap (5.50 to 6 Euros) and pretty good!
After lunch we walked to Karlplatz and visited Frauenkirche.
Then we looked around Viktualienmarkt.
Also walked around Residenz. They were places I visited 4 months ago. It was good to visit there again.
Hitler made a great speech here during Munich Putsch.
After that, we went to Egyptian museum. Akhenaten is still looking soooo coooool!!
Ogawa is acually studying art in the university. Amarna art style caught his eyes and he said "it's pitty that just for Akhenaten's era only this style was florished."
Ogawa also liked "Gamba and Noroi".
Then my favorite statue of "an old fart". A staff told us that the reason why his head is quite large in proportion is that the head and bod were made in different time period. The head was made in Roman time and the body was made inEgyptian time. So the statu is 2 in 1 style. But I wonder why whoever put the head on the body chose to make in this proportion... Anyway, as this is dis-proportioned, it looks outstanding!
I explained to Nakajima and Ogawa about Egyptian mythoogy, and histories. It was really fun to look around the museum with friends. It was very different experience from visiting a museum alone.
It was a beautiful day, so we went to English garden as well.
先ずはミュンヘン名物、「街中で激流水路サーフィン」でしょう! これには2人はビックリ。結構長い時間をかけて見物してました。
I lead them to the famous "Surfing in the midle of the city"!! They were both surprised to see people surfing there. We spent a long time there to watch them surfing. How many times I've seen, they were really impressive.
The Japanese tea house was still there. Maple leaves turned into read and very beautiful.
We found Uyghur restaurant "Taklamakan".
ワシはラグマンを。ナカジマはマーボー豆腐、オガワ君は辛いきし麺みたいなのを注文。これが美味い!! ラグマンは本格手打ち麺でこしも味もヨシ。
I had Lagman, Nakajima had Mabotofu, and Ogawa had spicy noodle. They were all god! I liked Lagman especially.
We talked for a while. I could spend realy fun day.
I called up BMW dealer i Augsburg and they told me Esperanza is ready. So I will pick her up tomorrow.
今日は今後の予定が立てられるようになりましたし、エスペランサも仕上がった、とのことですし、ワイワイと仲間と楽しめたので、気分も上!! さて詳しい日程をたてるとしますか。
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************