三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
1,700ユーロ、冬眠、再会 / 1,700 Euros, hibernation and Reunion
Day 781: 2012年9月15日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,329km to 83,417km = 88km
Unlike yesterday, it was cloudy this morning. I caught a train to Augsburg. This time I hopped on a low train, so it cost 12.20 Euros only.
The other day, I caught a cab from the dealer to Augsburg main station and it cost me 12 Euros. So this time I caught a bus and a tram to get to the dealer. It just cost me 2.50 Euros.
Augsburg was established by Augustus Caesar of Roman Empire and one of the wealthiest families of the medieval age, Fugger's was from this city.

ディーラーに行くと、エスペランサが待っていました!! 右のフォグライトも復活です(中古部品)。
Esperanza was waiting for me at the dealer! A right fog light (2nd hand part) was added back on her!

Uli themechanic told me that as the bearing was broken badly, he had to replace the entire final drive unit.

Then how much was the bill?? It was...
1,700 Euros!!!!!
I was shocked with the bill....
まぁ、タイヤも前後新品に換えましたし、ファイナル・ドライブ・ユニットが1,077ユーロもするんです!! パーツ代は10%オフにしてくれてるんですけどね(なのでユニットは969ユーロ)。
Well, I got a pair of new tyres and the final drive unit cost 1,077 Euros... They gave me 10% discount for all parts (so the unit costs 969Euros), but it was a very very huge expense!!
But it is the necessary expense for my trip. As long as Esperanza is fine and well, I am happy!!
I said a good-bye to Uli and other staffs and back to Munich straigh. Actually I wanted to visit Fugger'S place, but it looked like going to rain. So I left there as quicly as possible.
But I was caught in a heavy rain on the way. Well, it was raining just for a short time only, so I did not get wet too much.
Back home, I cleaned Esperanza and preparing for her to hiberate for this winter. Now my plan has been changed. I need to go to Frankfurt next week and I was deciding whether I go with Esperanza or catching a public transport. Then I made up my mind to take a public transport.
So Esperanza is hibernating here until next spring! I wiped her thoroughly.

I put a cover on her and now she is hibernating!!

As I spent quite long time cleaning her, it was already 5pm. I had an appointment with Markus at BMW Museum at 6pm, I caught trains there. How we met last spring, please find out from here and here.
When I arrived at the museum, he just came out.

It's been a long time!
Today, there was a farewell party for his colleagues and I could join them!
I had Bavarian style roast pork (with black beer sauce!) with Knödel. It was fantastic!

His colleagues were very friendly and I could spend a good evening! Thanks all!
I was thinking to go to a shopping (I need to buy a backpack as I will be a buckpacker during this winter), and I would go to Frankfurt on Monday. But it's sunday tomorrow and all shops are closed... So I will visit some museums or art gallaries.
今回の修理はビックリお高い万円!! 痛い出費です。でも、これが旅ですからね。このような時の為にお金を貯めたんです。あっさりと支払いましょう!!
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,329km to 83,417km = 88km
Unlike yesterday, it was cloudy this morning. I caught a train to Augsburg. This time I hopped on a low train, so it cost 12.20 Euros only.
The other day, I caught a cab from the dealer to Augsburg main station and it cost me 12 Euros. So this time I caught a bus and a tram to get to the dealer. It just cost me 2.50 Euros.
Augsburg was established by Augustus Caesar of Roman Empire and one of the wealthiest families of the medieval age, Fugger's was from this city.
ディーラーに行くと、エスペランサが待っていました!! 右のフォグライトも復活です(中古部品)。
Esperanza was waiting for me at the dealer! A right fog light (2nd hand part) was added back on her!
Uli themechanic told me that as the bearing was broken badly, he had to replace the entire final drive unit.
Then how much was the bill?? It was...
1,700 Euros!!!!!
I was shocked with the bill....
まぁ、タイヤも前後新品に換えましたし、ファイナル・ドライブ・ユニットが1,077ユーロもするんです!! パーツ代は10%オフにしてくれてるんですけどね(なのでユニットは969ユーロ)。
Well, I got a pair of new tyres and the final drive unit cost 1,077 Euros... They gave me 10% discount for all parts (so the unit costs 969Euros), but it was a very very huge expense!!
But it is the necessary expense for my trip. As long as Esperanza is fine and well, I am happy!!
I said a good-bye to Uli and other staffs and back to Munich straigh. Actually I wanted to visit Fugger'S place, but it looked like going to rain. So I left there as quicly as possible.
But I was caught in a heavy rain on the way. Well, it was raining just for a short time only, so I did not get wet too much.
Back home, I cleaned Esperanza and preparing for her to hiberate for this winter. Now my plan has been changed. I need to go to Frankfurt next week and I was deciding whether I go with Esperanza or catching a public transport. Then I made up my mind to take a public transport.
So Esperanza is hibernating here until next spring! I wiped her thoroughly.
I put a cover on her and now she is hibernating!!
As I spent quite long time cleaning her, it was already 5pm. I had an appointment with Markus at BMW Museum at 6pm, I caught trains there. How we met last spring, please find out from here and here.
When I arrived at the museum, he just came out.
It's been a long time!
Today, there was a farewell party for his colleagues and I could join them!
I had Bavarian style roast pork (with black beer sauce!) with Knödel. It was fantastic!
His colleagues were very friendly and I could spend a good evening! Thanks all!
I was thinking to go to a shopping (I need to buy a backpack as I will be a buckpacker during this winter), and I would go to Frankfurt on Monday. But it's sunday tomorrow and all shops are closed... So I will visit some museums or art gallaries.
今回の修理はビックリお高い万円!! 痛い出費です。でも、これが旅ですからね。このような時の為にお金を貯めたんです。あっさりと支払いましょう!!
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************