三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
旅は何が起こるかわからない!? / Expect any unexpected!
Day 786: 2012年9月20日
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (Meininger Hostel)
Last evening, it was really intense.
I could make a reservation of a bus to Munich (30 Euros). I should get to Munich by 5pm this afternoon. So all I had to do was spending a night at Ina's place and leaving to Friedel's place next day, that was waht I thought.
The bus was due at 11:30am, so I was spending time at the lounge surfing on Internet. Then I received a message from Ina, saying she would be not home till midnight!!
Oh no!!!
That shocked me a lot as Munich should be really busy by now with tonsof toursits coming for Oktoberfest starting this weekend. The most of hostels would be full....
It was already after 10am, so I had to be hurry to find a hostel and make a booking.
幸いなことに「Memininger Hostel」でドミに空きがある。1泊28ユーロと少々高いですが、まぁ、背に腹は代えられません。早速予約。
Luckily, I could secure a bed at "Memininger Hostel" near Munich Central Bus Terminal. It cost 28 Euros, little expensive, but I need a bed to sleep on tonight.
Another good luck I got this morning. Frankfurt Hostel refunded me of the fee for tonight. Last evening, I asked a guy at the reception but he told me the cancellation was too late, so I would not get a refund. But this morning, a gil at the reception said, "no problem, I will make a refund to your credit card." How nice.
で、バスに乗ってミュンヘンまで5時間半。暇なのでBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を鑑賞。以前にも見ましたが、これは本当に面白い番組です。「私たちの身体を構成している原子は、過去には星の一部だった」って信じられます?
Then, hopped on the bus to Munich. It would take 5hours andhalf to Munich. I was watching theBBC programme "WOnders of the Universe". I had seen the prgramme once, but it was still educational and interesting. Can you believe that al elements constructing our bodies were once parts of stars?
The bus arrived Munich on time. The hostel was just 5mins walk away from the terminal. Well, the hostel is the one Ogawa was staying a few days ago.
After I checked-in, I had a litle rest and I was writing this blog.
I went to a supermarket and cooked dinner. There was broccolis on a free shelf, so I boiled them. Having fresh vegies is really good!!
Well, I hope I can pick up Esperanza and ride to Friedel's place safely!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (Meininger Hostel)
Last evening, it was really intense.
I could make a reservation of a bus to Munich (30 Euros). I should get to Munich by 5pm this afternoon. So all I had to do was spending a night at Ina's place and leaving to Friedel's place next day, that was waht I thought.
The bus was due at 11:30am, so I was spending time at the lounge surfing on Internet. Then I received a message from Ina, saying she would be not home till midnight!!
Oh no!!!
That shocked me a lot as Munich should be really busy by now with tonsof toursits coming for Oktoberfest starting this weekend. The most of hostels would be full....
It was already after 10am, so I had to be hurry to find a hostel and make a booking.
幸いなことに「Memininger Hostel」でドミに空きがある。1泊28ユーロと少々高いですが、まぁ、背に腹は代えられません。早速予約。
Luckily, I could secure a bed at "Memininger Hostel" near Munich Central Bus Terminal. It cost 28 Euros, little expensive, but I need a bed to sleep on tonight.
Another good luck I got this morning. Frankfurt Hostel refunded me of the fee for tonight. Last evening, I asked a guy at the reception but he told me the cancellation was too late, so I would not get a refund. But this morning, a gil at the reception said, "no problem, I will make a refund to your credit card." How nice.
で、バスに乗ってミュンヘンまで5時間半。暇なのでBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を鑑賞。以前にも見ましたが、これは本当に面白い番組です。「私たちの身体を構成している原子は、過去には星の一部だった」って信じられます?
Then, hopped on the bus to Munich. It would take 5hours andhalf to Munich. I was watching theBBC programme "WOnders of the Universe". I had seen the prgramme once, but it was still educational and interesting. Can you believe that al elements constructing our bodies were once parts of stars?
The bus arrived Munich on time. The hostel was just 5mins walk away from the terminal. Well, the hostel is the one Ogawa was staying a few days ago.
After I checked-in, I had a litle rest and I was writing this blog.
I went to a supermarket and cooked dinner. There was broccolis on a free shelf, so I boiled them. Having fresh vegies is really good!!
Well, I hope I can pick up Esperanza and ride to Friedel's place safely!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************