三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サンフェルナンド館 In メキシコシティ / Hostel San Fernand in Mexico City
Day 182: 2011年1月22日
Mexico City
さてメキシコシティに着いたものの今日は土曜日大使館はやってません。日本の両親に戸籍謄本を在メキシコ日本大使館にファックスしてくれるように連絡。まあ、我が両親もいきなり結婚にはビックリです。できればクライディーもワシももう少しお互いを理解してから結婚を考えたいのですが…。どうにかならないものでしょうか? クライディーのご両親、説得できないかなぁ。でもスペイン語がそこまで出来ないから、なかなか説得は難しいだろうなぁ。
Day 182: 22 Jan 2011
Mexico City
I woke up before the sunrise. I could see the amazing sunrise this morning. The mountain, the sea of cloud beneath us, and the sunrise. Beautiful. Claydy was sleeping and missed the amazing view though....
Passed Puebla and we were just less than 1 hour away, but suddenly black smoke came out from the bus... Oh no, please don't break down here! But the bus stopped.
Luckily it was repared in 30 mins. Mexican job is great! But not sure what was wrong???
Arrived Tapo (East Autobus Terminal of Mexico City) and we took Metro to Hidalgo. We checked in Hostel San Fernand, the raival hostel of Pension Amigo. This hostel is newer but more expensive. We took a twin room and cost US$26 a day. Those gusts seem to me tidier than those of Pension Amigo.
As it's Satarday today, Embassy is closed. I contacted my parents in Japan to fax my birth certificate to Embassy so that I can get the things done first thing in the morning next Monday. But my parents were, of course, surpprised by what is happening between Claydy and I.
Claydy and I also want to take more time before marriage. Just we need to get married for a permission from her parents. Something is wrong here, isn't it!? We don't like the idea...
I wish I could speak Spanish better, so I could persuade her parents in better way...
Well, we are here in Mexico City, D.F. We went for a walk in Alameda Park and around. But we were tired spending a night in the bus, so we went to sleep early.
Mexico City
さてメキシコシティに着いたものの今日は土曜日大使館はやってません。日本の両親に戸籍謄本を在メキシコ日本大使館にファックスしてくれるように連絡。まあ、我が両親もいきなり結婚にはビックリです。できればクライディーもワシももう少しお互いを理解してから結婚を考えたいのですが…。どうにかならないものでしょうか? クライディーのご両親、説得できないかなぁ。でもスペイン語がそこまで出来ないから、なかなか説得は難しいだろうなぁ。
Day 182: 22 Jan 2011
Mexico City
I woke up before the sunrise. I could see the amazing sunrise this morning. The mountain, the sea of cloud beneath us, and the sunrise. Beautiful. Claydy was sleeping and missed the amazing view though....
Passed Puebla and we were just less than 1 hour away, but suddenly black smoke came out from the bus... Oh no, please don't break down here! But the bus stopped.
Luckily it was repared in 30 mins. Mexican job is great! But not sure what was wrong???
Arrived Tapo (East Autobus Terminal of Mexico City) and we took Metro to Hidalgo. We checked in Hostel San Fernand, the raival hostel of Pension Amigo. This hostel is newer but more expensive. We took a twin room and cost US$26 a day. Those gusts seem to me tidier than those of Pension Amigo.
As it's Satarday today, Embassy is closed. I contacted my parents in Japan to fax my birth certificate to Embassy so that I can get the things done first thing in the morning next Monday. But my parents were, of course, surpprised by what is happening between Claydy and I.
Claydy and I also want to take more time before marriage. Just we need to get married for a permission from her parents. Something is wrong here, isn't it!? We don't like the idea...
I wish I could speak Spanish better, so I could persuade her parents in better way...
Well, we are here in Mexico City, D.F. We went for a walk in Alameda Park and around. But we were tired spending a night in the bus, so we went to sleep early.