三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
急遽メキシコシティへ! / To Mexico City!
Day 181: 2011年1月21日
Paredón to Mexico City

ワシらの前にグアテマラ人カップルが座っていたのですが、次の検問で降ろされてそのまま置き去りになってました!何故なんだろう!? 可哀相に。
Day 181: 21 Jan 2011
Paredón to Mexico City
From the morning we were busy. We went to the local office at Paredon to ask what we need to get married. But at the local office, they were not sure what are required for a foreigner to get married to Mexican. So we went to Tonala to get information.
Her dad drived us to the office in Tonala and asked what are required. What I need to present to the Mexican government are 1. Birth Certificate, 2. Permission from the Government, and 3. Passport. To get the birth certificate, I need to get it from Embassy or Consulate of Japan, which are only located in Mexico City, D.F.
So we decided to go to Mexico City together. The earlier the better, so we decided to leave this afternoon. We went back to the house and pack up our stuffs and came back to Tonala to get a bus to Mexico City. Luckily we could get on 5:15pm bus.
The bus is old but the space between each seat is not bad. So we could have a comfy ride.
We were stopped by a military check point and everyone was asked to get off from the bus. A sniffer dog was brought into the bus and cheked thouroughly. But they could not find anything.
Then we were stopped by a police check point. The couple in front of us are Guatemalan. Not sure why, they were asked to get off the bus and the bus left them there.... What's going on???
In the evening, it got colder and colder. The window did not shut well and the wind blowing in and was so cold!!
We will be Mexico City in the morning. Due to some reasons, we cannot stay at Pension Amigo, so we booked a room at Hostel San Fernand.
Paredón to Mexico City
ワシらの前にグアテマラ人カップルが座っていたのですが、次の検問で降ろされてそのまま置き去りになってました!何故なんだろう!? 可哀相に。
Day 181: 21 Jan 2011
Paredón to Mexico City
From the morning we were busy. We went to the local office at Paredon to ask what we need to get married. But at the local office, they were not sure what are required for a foreigner to get married to Mexican. So we went to Tonala to get information.
Her dad drived us to the office in Tonala and asked what are required. What I need to present to the Mexican government are 1. Birth Certificate, 2. Permission from the Government, and 3. Passport. To get the birth certificate, I need to get it from Embassy or Consulate of Japan, which are only located in Mexico City, D.F.
So we decided to go to Mexico City together. The earlier the better, so we decided to leave this afternoon. We went back to the house and pack up our stuffs and came back to Tonala to get a bus to Mexico City. Luckily we could get on 5:15pm bus.
The bus is old but the space between each seat is not bad. So we could have a comfy ride.
We were stopped by a military check point and everyone was asked to get off from the bus. A sniffer dog was brought into the bus and cheked thouroughly. But they could not find anything.
Then we were stopped by a police check point. The couple in front of us are Guatemalan. Not sure why, they were asked to get off the bus and the bus left them there.... What's going on???
In the evening, it got colder and colder. The window did not shut well and the wind blowing in and was so cold!!
We will be Mexico City in the morning. Due to some reasons, we cannot stay at Pension Amigo, so we booked a room at Hostel San Fernand.