三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メキシコシティ12日目、ミスキークで死者の日祭り!! / Mexico City Day12, Dia del Muertos en Mixquic!!
Day100: 2010年11月1日
Mexico City
朝はこれからのルートを検討。メキシコシティからエルタヒン(El Tajin)遺跡の方に抜けてメキシコ湾側へ。ベラクルス、オアハカ、サンクリストバル・ラスカサスへ抜けユカタン半島、ベリーズ、グアテマラという感じで周る計画を立てました。 今悩んでいるのはここメキシコシティで1ヶ月スペイン語の勉強をしてから出発するか、比較的早めに出発しスペイン語はグアテマラのアンティグアで勉強するかなんですね。どうしましょ。



Day100: 1 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Today is 100th day since I started this trip. And it's 1st of November and Day of deads!
In the morning I planned routes to Panama. The most possible route I will take is Mexico City -> Papantla-> Veracrus-> Oaxaca-> San Christobal de las Casas-> Cancun-> CUBA-> Cancun-> BELIZE-> GUATEMALA-> and so on. What I am wondering is if I should take Spanish lesson here in D.F. for a month or I shoul leave here soon and take the lesson in Antigua, Guatemala.
In the evening, we went to see the festival of dia del muertos in Mixquic. It took us more than 3 hours there! We didn't expect it would take that long. Just before Mixquic, the traffic stuck completely. For many minutes our bus did not move an inch. The driver asked us if he could skip all stops before Mixquic, and the answer was "Yes". He took U-turn and went into the dirt road! Finally we got to Mixquic!
Entire town of Mixquic is in the festival mood! Tons of people, tons of stoles and shops, musics, etc.
We went through the crowd and got to the glave yard. We found TV camera and a bonita! She is a TV reporter reporting the festival. After the shooting, I took a photo with her. She is so beautiful, Yeh.
It was midnight already, so we took a bus back to Tasqena for MX$2 (it's cheap!). For 2 hours we were standing in the bus and were so exhausted... As there was no more metro service (it was 2am), so we caught a cab (6 of us were in a small cab!) back to the hostel. The cost was MX$140, but it's MX$25 each.
Well it was a tiring day but a fun day.
Mexico City
朝はこれからのルートを検討。メキシコシティからエルタヒン(El Tajin)遺跡の方に抜けてメキシコ湾側へ。ベラクルス、オアハカ、サンクリストバル・ラスカサスへ抜けユカタン半島、ベリーズ、グアテマラという感じで周る計画を立てました。 今悩んでいるのはここメキシコシティで1ヶ月スペイン語の勉強をしてから出発するか、比較的早めに出発しスペイン語はグアテマラのアンティグアで勉強するかなんですね。どうしましょ。
Day100: 1 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Today is 100th day since I started this trip. And it's 1st of November and Day of deads!
In the morning I planned routes to Panama. The most possible route I will take is Mexico City -> Papantla-> Veracrus-> Oaxaca-> San Christobal de las Casas-> Cancun-> CUBA-> Cancun-> BELIZE-> GUATEMALA-> and so on. What I am wondering is if I should take Spanish lesson here in D.F. for a month or I shoul leave here soon and take the lesson in Antigua, Guatemala.
In the evening, we went to see the festival of dia del muertos in Mixquic. It took us more than 3 hours there! We didn't expect it would take that long. Just before Mixquic, the traffic stuck completely. For many minutes our bus did not move an inch. The driver asked us if he could skip all stops before Mixquic, and the answer was "Yes". He took U-turn and went into the dirt road! Finally we got to Mixquic!
Entire town of Mixquic is in the festival mood! Tons of people, tons of stoles and shops, musics, etc.
We went through the crowd and got to the glave yard. We found TV camera and a bonita! She is a TV reporter reporting the festival. After the shooting, I took a photo with her. She is so beautiful, Yeh.
It was midnight already, so we took a bus back to Tasqena for MX$2 (it's cheap!). For 2 hours we were standing in the bus and were so exhausted... As there was no more metro service (it was 2am), so we caught a cab (6 of us were in a small cab!) back to the hostel. The cost was MX$140, but it's MX$25 each.
Well it was a tiring day but a fun day.
美人レポーター、 かわいいやん。