三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メキシコシティ11日目、またまたソカロに。/ Mexico City Day11, Zocalo again
Day99: 2010年10月31日
Mexico City
今日はミカサという日本食材店に行って来ました。納豆とか色々食材が売ってますが、高くて買えません。ニシキ米が1キロで28ペソだったのでそれとあんパン12ペソだけ買いました。何故かメキシコ人の姉ちゃんが浴衣を着て梅酒の試飲娘をしてました。写真を撮っていいか、と聞きましたら恥ずかしがってましたがちゃんとポーズをとってくれました。Gracias! でも残念ながらあまり似合ってません・・・。

Day99: 31 Oct 2010
Mexico City
I went to Japanese Supermarket "Mikasa" to get some Japanese food stuffs in the morning. El Chino and I tool Metrobus to get there. Those stuffs are so expensive! I just bought 1kg of rice (MX$28) and a Japanese red bean bun (MX$12). A Mexicana was selling Japanese Sake wearing Yukata (a kind of Kimono), so I took a photo of her. She was first shy but she made a pose for me, a nice girl.
Back to the hostel, we met a new commer, Yumiko. She just came from San Christobal de las Casas. She wantede to go to Zocalo, so I went to Zocalo again. There were more people today. The atmosphier here is totally festive mood. I guess we are lucky to be here at this time.
Dinner time, Toku-san and I cooked Chili con Carne and stir fried Cactus. We put some habaneros and made them real hot! But everyone liked our dish!
Today we got a few new commers and some people are leaving tomorrow. So everyone is exchanging information and researhing information from the note books.
Tomorrow I will make my route to Guatemala and study Spanish whole day.
Mexico City
Day99: 31 Oct 2010
Mexico City
I went to Japanese Supermarket "Mikasa" to get some Japanese food stuffs in the morning. El Chino and I tool Metrobus to get there. Those stuffs are so expensive! I just bought 1kg of rice (MX$28) and a Japanese red bean bun (MX$12). A Mexicana was selling Japanese Sake wearing Yukata (a kind of Kimono), so I took a photo of her. She was first shy but she made a pose for me, a nice girl.
Back to the hostel, we met a new commer, Yumiko. She just came from San Christobal de las Casas. She wantede to go to Zocalo, so I went to Zocalo again. There were more people today. The atmosphier here is totally festive mood. I guess we are lucky to be here at this time.
Dinner time, Toku-san and I cooked Chili con Carne and stir fried Cactus. We put some habaneros and made them real hot! But everyone liked our dish!
Today we got a few new commers and some people are leaving tomorrow. So everyone is exchanging information and researhing information from the note books.
Tomorrow I will make my route to Guatemala and study Spanish whole day.