三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メキシコシティ32日目、深夜ダンスパーティーじゃなくてホームパーティーだった / Mexico City Day32, Home Party in a small town
Day120: 2010年11月21日
Mexico City



Day120: 21 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Well, we finally arrived, but it was a house! We thought we were going to a rave, but it was a home party!
They prepared BBQ for us and we had really good time there. It was after mignight but they put round music! None seemed to care about the volume. Veronica and her husband were realy nice to us and they gave us a real mariachi hat! Muchas gracias!
2 girls, Fe and Ime from next door joined us and we made firends with them. They are graphic desiners and usually living in Toluca. I promised I will visit them in Toluca soon.
We stayed up till 6 or 7am and put up tents. It's been more than a mont since I camped! I neer thought I would sleep in the tent before leaving D.F.! It was a cold night but a real fun night!
I slept till 10am. The sun here is much blighter than in D.F.. The temp got higer and higher throughout the day but I was still half asleep. As Shinri and Matsu were still asleep in the tent, Veronica took me out fo lunch. She treated me Barbacoa tacos, which is a speciality in this town. The lady at the taqueria is her friend and she explained her that I am travelling around the world with a motorcycle.
After that she took me around the town. It was a real great experience to see a small town and getting to know local people. I realy thank Shinri and those Mexican Amigos and Amigas!
We left the town at 4pm but we had a flat tyre on the way back. It was 8pm when we got home.
Everyone was exhausted but we had a awesome weekend! Muchas gracias, mi amigos!
Mexico City
Day120: 21 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Well, we finally arrived, but it was a house! We thought we were going to a rave, but it was a home party!
They prepared BBQ for us and we had really good time there. It was after mignight but they put round music! None seemed to care about the volume. Veronica and her husband were realy nice to us and they gave us a real mariachi hat! Muchas gracias!
2 girls, Fe and Ime from next door joined us and we made firends with them. They are graphic desiners and usually living in Toluca. I promised I will visit them in Toluca soon.
We stayed up till 6 or 7am and put up tents. It's been more than a mont since I camped! I neer thought I would sleep in the tent before leaving D.F.! It was a cold night but a real fun night!
I slept till 10am. The sun here is much blighter than in D.F.. The temp got higer and higher throughout the day but I was still half asleep. As Shinri and Matsu were still asleep in the tent, Veronica took me out fo lunch. She treated me Barbacoa tacos, which is a speciality in this town. The lady at the taqueria is her friend and she explained her that I am travelling around the world with a motorcycle.
After that she took me around the town. It was a real great experience to see a small town and getting to know local people. I realy thank Shinri and those Mexican Amigos and Amigas!
We left the town at 4pm but we had a flat tyre on the way back. It was 8pm when we got home.
Everyone was exhausted but we had a awesome weekend! Muchas gracias, mi amigos!