三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サンブラス諸島へ!エメラルドグリーンの海に白い砂浜!! / San Blas Islands. Beautiful beaches!!
Day 207: 2011年2月16日
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)

サンブラス諸島のココバンデラ(Coco Bandera)には椰子の木が生えた白い砂浜の島々がころがってます。船を停泊させて早速海へダイブ!いやぁー気分はまさにバカンスですね!浜を歩いたり、船からロープでターザンしたり。楽しいなぁ。

夜は島でBBQ! F650GS乗りのジョンがお騒ぎ!彼はキューバにバイクを持ち込んだツワモノ!グワンタナモ・ベイ近くにキャンプして軍隊に見つかってテントから引きずり出されたとか!! 彼の旅は破天荒で絶対本を出して欲しいです。月もきれいに見えて最高。満月には1日はやいですが、満月ということにしました。いやー、今日は楽しかった!!
Day 207: 16 Feb 2011
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)
We started to sail at 6am. I took a seasick tablet before the sailing or the sea was calmer, I felt much better today. Daniel, Danny and Murray seemed to be fine today as well.
We picked up some more passengers at Porto Benia, they are German family and German couple.
Then we headed to San Blas Islands! The sea was so beautiful!!
We ankared at Coco Bandera. There were islands with Coconuts trees, white sandy beach, green and blue water, the perfect location of lovers. We jumped in the water as soon as we ankered!
We swung the rope to jump intote water. It was all fun, fun, fun.
In the evening, we had BBQ dinner on the island. The moon was almost full and beautiful. Everyone had good time together. Especially John the throttle meister was having fun! He is the amazing guy. He took his F650 GS to Cuba and rode around the country. He camped near Guantanamo Bay and in the middle of the night, he was dragged out of his tent by military! He had lots of fun stories to tell.
Till late we talked and danced....
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)
Day 207: 16 Feb 2011
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)
We started to sail at 6am. I took a seasick tablet before the sailing or the sea was calmer, I felt much better today. Daniel, Danny and Murray seemed to be fine today as well.
We picked up some more passengers at Porto Benia, they are German family and German couple.
Then we headed to San Blas Islands! The sea was so beautiful!!
We ankared at Coco Bandera. There were islands with Coconuts trees, white sandy beach, green and blue water, the perfect location of lovers. We jumped in the water as soon as we ankered!
We swung the rope to jump intote water. It was all fun, fun, fun.
In the evening, we had BBQ dinner on the island. The moon was almost full and beautiful. Everyone had good time together. Especially John the throttle meister was having fun! He is the amazing guy. He took his F650 GS to Cuba and rode around the country. He camped near Guantanamo Bay and in the middle of the night, he was dragged out of his tent by military! He had lots of fun stories to tell.
Till late we talked and danced....