三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
旅の軌跡 / The route I've ridden
Day 581: 2012年2月28日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
これでブログ村ランキング上位を狙えるかな? もちろんトップを目指します。ベストをつくします。

イケちゃんがイタイプ(Itaipu)ダムに行きたいと言い出したら、結構この見所凄いらしく、行きたいと言い出した旅人が何人か。もしかしたら明日はダム見学かも。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 581: 28 FEB 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
I spent whole day editing my blog today. I made the top page photo and adding the route I've ridden so far to Google map. It was a fun work to add the route on the map. I had to remind myself how I rode through Canada, the States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama (I haven't done South America yet).
I am half ship-wrecked here, but I've been utilising the time here. Especially after Ken&Yumi came here, Shin and I have transformed our blogs a lot.
The rest of the day, we went to the supermarket, cooked lunch and dinner together as usual. I am not sure what it is but this place has a magical touch that everyone joins together.
Ike - he just arrived here yesterday - said he wanted to go to Itaipu dam - one of the world largest dam. It seems to be realy cool place to visit, so some of us show their interests to go there tomorrow. Well, I am one of them. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
これでブログ村ランキング上位を狙えるかな? もちろんトップを目指します。ベストをつくします。
イケちゃんがイタイプ(Itaipu)ダムに行きたいと言い出したら、結構この見所凄いらしく、行きたいと言い出した旅人が何人か。もしかしたら明日はダム見学かも。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 581: 28 FEB 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
I spent whole day editing my blog today. I made the top page photo and adding the route I've ridden so far to Google map. It was a fun work to add the route on the map. I had to remind myself how I rode through Canada, the States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama (I haven't done South America yet).
I am half ship-wrecked here, but I've been utilising the time here. Especially after Ken&Yumi came here, Shin and I have transformed our blogs a lot.
The rest of the day, we went to the supermarket, cooked lunch and dinner together as usual. I am not sure what it is but this place has a magical touch that everyone joins together.
Ike - he just arrived here yesterday - said he wanted to go to Itaipu dam - one of the world largest dam. It seems to be realy cool place to visit, so some of us show their interests to go there tomorrow. Well, I am one of them. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************