三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
さてとそろそろ重い腰を / Well, I need to move on again...
Day 361: 2011年7月20日
Cusco (Estrellita)
アダムは風邪をひいてますし、Yoshi DR650は来ないしなので今日一日クスコに留まるとこに。
それからマサさんを尋ねにCasa del Inkaへ。レオンはぶっ倒れているのでケンちゃんを伴ってメルカドに昼飯。そしてCafe Dos x 3で珈琲を。
それからマナミちゃんを尋ねにEl Pumaへ。ここでマナミちゃんの連れアツミちゃんと出会いました。彼女たちは大阪外語大学でスペイン語を専攻してる才女。なかなか面白い娘達ですね。これからの活躍に期待します。
さて明日は出発の予定ですが、Yoshi DR650は明日クスコに到着だっていうし、どうしますかね。聖なる谷を日帰りでアダムたちと走って(彼等はマチュピチュに向かいます)クスコに戻ってYoshi DR650と再会しますかね。
Day 361: 20 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
We decided to stay one more day in Cusco. Adam was a little bit sick yesterday and he needed to work on his bike and Mark & Claire also needed to work on their bikes.
I cut up my Lonely Planet and devided it into each country (the idea was from Mark & Claire). Now I don't need to bring the heavy book around!
I went to see Masa @ Casa del Inka. Leon was down, so Masa, Ken-chan and I went to have lunch @ Mercado. Then, we had a good cup of coffee @ Cafe Dos x 3.
We went to El Puma to visit Manami. Where we met Atsumi, a manami's friend. They are the students of Osaka International Language College, specialising in Spanish. They are very interesting girls and I am hoping they will bring somethig blighter to our country after this trip.
We went to Indian Curry Buffet for dinner. Ken-chan took all attentions as he was wearing his racoon suit!!
Tomorrow, Adam, Mark & Claire and I am heading to Valle Sagrado (they are continuing to Santa Teresa). I think I will return to Cusco to see Yoshi DR650. Then on Friday, I will head to Arequipa.