三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ケンちゃんショック!! / Ken-chn Shock!
Day 360: 2011年7月19日
Cusco (Estrellita)
それからCasa del Inkaに行くと、ケンちゃんという日本人パッカーがいました。彼なかなか面白いです。そしてマナミちゃんというとっても明るい娘もいていきなり賑やかになってます。ケンちゃんは違う宿の友達とピサックへ。マナミちゃんは体調が悪しということで、マサさんとレオンとメルカドに昼飯。Cafe Dos x 3でカフェといつものコース。
さてと明日は出発の予定でしたが、アダムの体調も良くないしYoshi DR650はまだ来ないし、なので延泊決定。木曜日には出発します。が、YoshiDR650、木曜日にクスコ到着とのこと。どうしようかなぁ。
Day 360: 19 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
This morning I found my pair of trousers got holes on bums.... It has been fixed for many times (I took it twice to the seamstress to fix). So it looked like I had to let it go.
So I went to look for a new pair of trousers. There were many outdoor stores in Cusco. But those trousers were very expensive and I could not find anything I like. I went to a local clothing shop, but those cargo pants I was looking for weren't really cool and cost 50 Soles at least. I heard there are quite a few army disposable shops in La Paz, so I decided to fix old pair of trousers.
I went to Casa del Inka. There were new omers. Ken-chan and Manami from Japan. They were very interesting characters and it was fun talking with them. Manami wasn't well and Ken-chan went to Pisac with other friends, so Masa, Leon and I went to Mercado for lunch. Then we went to Cafe Dos x 3 for a good cup of coffee.
At dinner time, we went to Israeli restaurant nearby. Copa Amrica, the match between Urguay and Peru was on the TV. But Urguay got 2 goals and won. Those Peruvians were really upset.
In the evening, we were having tea at the terrace. Ken-chan came up with his pyjama. It was a racoon suit! So cool!! It would be so cool that he walk around Machu Picchu in the racoon suit. He said he was thinking to do that. Those young Japanese, they have got guts.
I was planning to leave Cusco tomorrow. But Adam was a little sick and Yoshi DR650 hasn't turn up. So we desided to stay one more day in Cusco.