三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
最後のアンティクーチョ@コンドリート / The last Anticucho @ Condorito
Day 358: 2011年7月17日
Cusco (Estrellita)
Cafe Dos x 3でコーヒーをと思いましたが今日は日曜日なので閉まってました。ので違うカフェで。ここも悪くないけどちと高し。
それからCasa del Inkaにて歓談。イド氏がいなくなると寂しくなりますね。Yoshi DR650を待っているのですが、なかなか来ませんねぇ。火曜日か水曜日に腰を上げますか。
Day 358: 17 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
This morning I visited Cas del Inka, updated my blog and chat with my friends there.
Adam, Mark&Claire and I went to Norton Pub and I had a Humberger. Looking down from the terrance people going through the street was fun. Those Indegena ladies carrying little lambs in their bags. Thos lambs were so cute. But they were not as cute as Mr. Sheep.
We wanted have cuppa @ Cafe Dos x 3, but it was closed (it was Sunday). We found another cafe nearby. It served a good coffee but it wasn't as good as Cafe Dos x 3 and more expensive.
Tomorrow Jose will be leaving Cusco, so he wanted have his lsat supper in Cusco at Anticucheria Condorito. There were only 3 choices on the menu. Anticucho, Rocoto Relleno, and Choncholi. Jose and Masa had Choncholi before and it was aweful. But I wanted to try it, and it wasn't that bad. I gave some to Leon and he said it wasn't hat bad.
We went back to Casa del Inka and talked till late. It is sad to see Jose off tomorrow but one day we have to leave any way. I will wait for Yoshi DR650. If he would not turn up by tuesday, I will leave to Arequipa.
home sweet homeはcalle riveroですね。