三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ユーラシア大陸最西端、ロカ岬!! / The westernmost point of the Eurasian continent - Cabo da Roca!!
Day 698: 2012年6月25日
Lisbon to Oporto (Residencial Oporto Nobre)
68,992km to 69,389km = 397km
I will update English version later.
快適なキャンプ場を後にし、ダニエルとワシはユーラシア大陸の最西端、ロカ岬(Cabo da Roca)を目指します。アラスカの最北端プルード・ベイ(ワシはここには行ってません)や南米の最南端ウシュアイアと違い、リスボンから30キロ足らず、お手軽に「最~端」を達成できるのがいいところです。
Daniel and I left the very comfortable campsite and headed to the "Westernmost point of Eurasia continent" - Cabo da Roca! Unlike Prudho Bay in Alaska or Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, Cabo da Roca would be easily to be conquered as it's located less than 30km away from Lisbon.
We rode on a highway, then we turned into a narrow twisty road. We rode through a pine tree forest. It was very good riding. We saw a view of the ocean - Atlantic! It was little misty.
「Cabo da Roca」の看板が出ていたので、写真を一枚。お手軽なんですが、流石最果て、雰囲気があります。
We pulled over at a sign of "Cabo da Roca" and took some photos. Even though it was easy to get here, there had an atomosphere of "the edge of the world".

そして、車やバイクでいける最西端の駐車場にてGPSの座標を確認。「N38°46.844 W009°29.869 標高138m」とあります。
We parked ou babies at a car park - as far as we could go to the west of the continent. I checked the position on my GPS, it showed "N38°46.844 W009°29.869 Altitude 138m".

記念撮影!! ヒツジもこれでオーストラリア大陸最北端のケープ・ヨーク、最東端のバイロン・ベイ(これもお手軽)、南米最南端のウシュアイアに継ぎ「最~端」を制覇するのは4箇所目ですね。
Daniel took a photo of me and Mr. Sheep. Mr. Sheep had conquered 4 edges of the continents (1. Cape York - the northernmost point of the Australian continent, 2. Byron Bay - the eastern most point of the Australian continent, 3. Ushuaia - the southern most point of South American continent, and 4. Cabo da Roca).

There were some trourists came on busues.

It was little misty but those rocks by the sea line looked amazing.

「Aqui onde a terra se acaba e o mar comenca (ここで地果て、海が始まる)」、「Ponta Mais Ocidental do Continente Europeu (ヨーロッパ大陸の最西端)」と書いてあります。座標は「北緯38°47 西経009°30 標高140m」とあります。大体GPSが示したとおりですね。
The plaque stating "Aqui onde a terra se acaba e o mar comenca (Here the land ends and the sea starts" and "N38°47 W009°30 Altitude 140m". My GPS got almost the same positioning.

I celebrated my accomplishment! Now I will ride all the way to far east - Japan from the western edge of Eurasia!!

Daniel was also glad to be there. We rode straight to Porto (Oporto). It was little cloudy in the morning, but it got cleared and got hotter and hotter. On the onboard thermometer, it showed more than 40℃. While riding, I really felt dizzy and we had to pull over at petrol stations a few times to get refreshed.
We arrived Porto around 5pm. Those hostels we checked on the web did not have any parking space - just street parkings... On the web they stated "parking" though (we guessed that they would have only street parkings anyway!). So we went to a hotel we sabved as a backup.

なんと2ツ星です。ちょっと街から離れていますが、ちゃんと駐車場は完備! あとはお値段ですね。朝食付きのツイン・ルームで38ユーロ!! 1人19ユーロなので、お値打ちです!!!
It was a 2 star hotel "Residencial Porto Nobre". It has a proper parking space. Now the issue would be the price. With breakfast, a twin room, it costs 19 Euros each! A bargain.
We took a shower and went out to have Portugal famous "Grilled chicken with Piri Piri sauce". In Australia, it is popular (there are chain restaurants like "Oporto" and "Nandos"). I really liked the chiccken in Australia. We ordered half chicken each and cost 4.80 Euros!

そして、味は? 美味い!! 流石本場ですね。ダニエルも満足。
And it was really tasty!! No wonder here is the home of this recipe! Daniel liked it too.
We will go out to the city of Porto tomorrow. Now I can be more certain with the date when I will cross English channel. But I wonder from which port I should take a ferry.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Lisbon to Oporto (Residencial Oporto Nobre)
68,992km to 69,389km = 397km
I will update English version later.
快適なキャンプ場を後にし、ダニエルとワシはユーラシア大陸の最西端、ロカ岬(Cabo da Roca)を目指します。アラスカの最北端プルード・ベイ(ワシはここには行ってません)や南米の最南端ウシュアイアと違い、リスボンから30キロ足らず、お手軽に「最~端」を達成できるのがいいところです。
Daniel and I left the very comfortable campsite and headed to the "Westernmost point of Eurasia continent" - Cabo da Roca! Unlike Prudho Bay in Alaska or Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, Cabo da Roca would be easily to be conquered as it's located less than 30km away from Lisbon.
We rode on a highway, then we turned into a narrow twisty road. We rode through a pine tree forest. It was very good riding. We saw a view of the ocean - Atlantic! It was little misty.
「Cabo da Roca」の看板が出ていたので、写真を一枚。お手軽なんですが、流石最果て、雰囲気があります。
We pulled over at a sign of "Cabo da Roca" and took some photos. Even though it was easy to get here, there had an atomosphere of "the edge of the world".
そして、車やバイクでいける最西端の駐車場にてGPSの座標を確認。「N38°46.844 W009°29.869 標高138m」とあります。
We parked ou babies at a car park - as far as we could go to the west of the continent. I checked the position on my GPS, it showed "N38°46.844 W009°29.869 Altitude 138m".
記念撮影!! ヒツジもこれでオーストラリア大陸最北端のケープ・ヨーク、最東端のバイロン・ベイ(これもお手軽)、南米最南端のウシュアイアに継ぎ「最~端」を制覇するのは4箇所目ですね。
Daniel took a photo of me and Mr. Sheep. Mr. Sheep had conquered 4 edges of the continents (1. Cape York - the northernmost point of the Australian continent, 2. Byron Bay - the eastern most point of the Australian continent, 3. Ushuaia - the southern most point of South American continent, and 4. Cabo da Roca).
There were some trourists came on busues.
It was little misty but those rocks by the sea line looked amazing.
「Aqui onde a terra se acaba e o mar comenca (ここで地果て、海が始まる)」、「Ponta Mais Ocidental do Continente Europeu (ヨーロッパ大陸の最西端)」と書いてあります。座標は「北緯38°47 西経009°30 標高140m」とあります。大体GPSが示したとおりですね。
The plaque stating "Aqui onde a terra se acaba e o mar comenca (Here the land ends and the sea starts" and "N38°47 W009°30 Altitude 140m". My GPS got almost the same positioning.
I celebrated my accomplishment! Now I will ride all the way to far east - Japan from the western edge of Eurasia!!
Daniel was also glad to be there. We rode straight to Porto (Oporto). It was little cloudy in the morning, but it got cleared and got hotter and hotter. On the onboard thermometer, it showed more than 40℃. While riding, I really felt dizzy and we had to pull over at petrol stations a few times to get refreshed.
We arrived Porto around 5pm. Those hostels we checked on the web did not have any parking space - just street parkings... On the web they stated "parking" though (we guessed that they would have only street parkings anyway!). So we went to a hotel we sabved as a backup.
なんと2ツ星です。ちょっと街から離れていますが、ちゃんと駐車場は完備! あとはお値段ですね。朝食付きのツイン・ルームで38ユーロ!! 1人19ユーロなので、お値打ちです!!!
It was a 2 star hotel "Residencial Porto Nobre". It has a proper parking space. Now the issue would be the price. With breakfast, a twin room, it costs 19 Euros each! A bargain.
We took a shower and went out to have Portugal famous "Grilled chicken with Piri Piri sauce". In Australia, it is popular (there are chain restaurants like "Oporto" and "Nandos"). I really liked the chiccken in Australia. We ordered half chicken each and cost 4.80 Euros!
そして、味は? 美味い!! 流石本場ですね。ダニエルも満足。
And it was really tasty!! No wonder here is the home of this recipe! Daniel liked it too.
We will go out to the city of Porto tomorrow. Now I can be more certain with the date when I will cross English channel. But I wonder from which port I should take a ferry.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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