三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
グラナダへ。アンダルシアは暑い!! / To Granada. Andalucia is very hot!!
Day 689: 2012年6月16日
Valencia to Granada (Funky Granada)
67,207km to 67,706km = 499km
It was a sunny day! I will ride to Granada!!
Valencia is fanous for rice production and orange production. Around the city, there were rice paddies. There were mountains as well, which made a nice scenery.

Also there were orane orchards as well. But they were surrounded by the walls, so I could not pull over my bike and take a photo.
Leaving Catalunya and entering Province of Alicante, the scenery changed, it became rocky.
そしてアンダルシア州に入ると、めちゃくちゃ気温が上がり暑い!! 山の上に城なんてあって、ちょっと素敵です。
Then once I entered Andalucia, it became really hot!! There was a castle on top of the mountain. Nice.

I arrived Granada around 3:30pm. The hostel "Funky Granada" is located at the centre of the city and has a garage, so it was pretty good for me.
I met Ryo from Japan who walked all the way of pilgrimage with his 20kg backpack! After checked-in, we went to buy tickets for Alhambra.

It cost 14.30 Euros, it was a little expensive, but it's Alhambra.
There were groups of girls marching around the city. I reckoned they were protesting against something.

Ryo's flip-flops were broken, so we looked for a new pair. But it was hard to find. There was none in thouse souvenir shops and we could not find any supermarket.

何軒か聞いて周ってようやく、中国人経営の雑貨商を発見!! ここでビーサンを3ユーロで購入。ブラジルのハバイアナのパッチモンです。ワシのとそっくり!!
After we asked several shops and finally we found a Chinese grocery shop selling one!! He bought a pair for 3 Euros. It really looks like my Havaiana!!

Then we wanted to see Alhambra from a distance, but it was really hot, so after seeing it like below, we gave up.

For dinner, we had paella at the hostel. A lady was cooking a big serve of Paella!!

Almost ready??

There were girls from California (they were exchange students studying architecture), Aussies, Chuvvi from India and us 2 Japanese on the table.
Tomorrow we will visit Alhambra. I am excited!!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Valencia to Granada (Funky Granada)
67,207km to 67,706km = 499km
It was a sunny day! I will ride to Granada!!
Valencia is fanous for rice production and orange production. Around the city, there were rice paddies. There were mountains as well, which made a nice scenery.
Also there were orane orchards as well. But they were surrounded by the walls, so I could not pull over my bike and take a photo.
Leaving Catalunya and entering Province of Alicante, the scenery changed, it became rocky.
そしてアンダルシア州に入ると、めちゃくちゃ気温が上がり暑い!! 山の上に城なんてあって、ちょっと素敵です。
Then once I entered Andalucia, it became really hot!! There was a castle on top of the mountain. Nice.
I arrived Granada around 3:30pm. The hostel "Funky Granada" is located at the centre of the city and has a garage, so it was pretty good for me.
I met Ryo from Japan who walked all the way of pilgrimage with his 20kg backpack! After checked-in, we went to buy tickets for Alhambra.
It cost 14.30 Euros, it was a little expensive, but it's Alhambra.
There were groups of girls marching around the city. I reckoned they were protesting against something.
Ryo's flip-flops were broken, so we looked for a new pair. But it was hard to find. There was none in thouse souvenir shops and we could not find any supermarket.
何軒か聞いて周ってようやく、中国人経営の雑貨商を発見!! ここでビーサンを3ユーロで購入。ブラジルのハバイアナのパッチモンです。ワシのとそっくり!!
After we asked several shops and finally we found a Chinese grocery shop selling one!! He bought a pair for 3 Euros. It really looks like my Havaiana!!
Then we wanted to see Alhambra from a distance, but it was really hot, so after seeing it like below, we gave up.
For dinner, we had paella at the hostel. A lady was cooking a big serve of Paella!!
Almost ready??
There were girls from California (they were exchange students studying architecture), Aussies, Chuvvi from India and us 2 Japanese on the table.
Tomorrow we will visit Alhambra. I am excited!!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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