三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ヴァレンシアといえば、オレンジ?? じゃなくてパエリアらしいです。/ Valencia!
Day 688: 2012年6月15日
Barcelona to Valencia (Devesa Garden Camping)
66,799km to 67,207km = 408km
Mr. Yata took me around till late. Thank you so muh, Mr. Yata. I had a great time in Barcelona!
Esperanza was parked at "Acropolis Barcelona" another hostel Mr. Yata owns, so I went there to pick her up and rode her back to "Casa de Sagrada" to put the luggages.
I caught trains to Acropolis and I said good-bye to Mr. Yata.
Back to Casa de Sagrada, and I gotready to leave Barcelona. First I headed to the nearby city Tarragona. In Tarragona, there were 2 places I wanted to visit.
Unlike in Italy, in Spain those toll free highways were easy to ride and I could eat miles. Weill, sometimes there were roundabouts and the traffics got stucked... Those roundabouts, I suppose, are misplaced. If they were placed at the right spots, they would reduce traffic jams, but if they were misplaed, they would create more traffic jams.
I arrived Tarragona soon. Then this was what I wanted to see!!

An ancient amphitheatrre built by Romans. With the view of the beach, it made that more special.

それから街外れには、ローマ時代の水道橋「ラス・ファレラス(L'agueducte de les Ferreres)」があります。マドリッド郊外の有名なセゴビアの水道橋に次ぐ大きさだとか。
Just outside of Tarragona, there was another thing I wanted to visit. It was an ancient Roman aqueduct "L'agueducte de les Ferreres". This is the 2nd largest one in Spain after the one in Segovia.

It was quite amazing.

I had lunch there. I made sandwitch with Chorozo and breads I boght in a supermarket.
I had a drink break near Vinaros. The coastal road had nice views o blue sea, so it was nice to ride through.

Around Vinaros, there were sexy girls sitting on the road side of the highway around every 500m. I was wondering what they were doing, so I pulled over and asked one of them. And she said she would provide GOOD services. Well, I did not get a service!
ヴィナロスからヴァレンシアまでは150キロくらい。2時間チョイでヴァレンシア市街に。更に南へ走るとなんだかシドニーのオペラハウスもどきがありました。後で調べたらヴァレンシア生まれの建築家がデザインした「芸術・科学都市(Ciutat de les Arts y de des Ciencies)」だそうです。うーん、シドニーのまねにしか見えませんね。
From Vinaros to Valencia, there were around 150km. Around 2 hours later, I was in the city of Valencia. At the south of the city, there was a building looked like Sydney Opera House. I checked later and found out it was a complex of "City of Ars and Sciences" designed by an architect from Valencia. Well, to me, it looked like a imitation of Sydney's.

I got to a campground around 5:30pm. It's been more than a week since I camped last time. THere was a restaurant on the campground, and a course menu (3 kinds of entrees, Paella and a desert) cost 20 Euros. It got 2 stars, so it might not be expensive for the quality, but I just had left over from lunch. LaterI realised that Valencia is the origin of Paella, so I kinda regreted not to have one there...

I will head to Granada tomorrow!
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Barcelona to Valencia (Devesa Garden Camping)
66,799km to 67,207km = 408km
Mr. Yata took me around till late. Thank you so muh, Mr. Yata. I had a great time in Barcelona!
Esperanza was parked at "Acropolis Barcelona" another hostel Mr. Yata owns, so I went there to pick her up and rode her back to "Casa de Sagrada" to put the luggages.
I caught trains to Acropolis and I said good-bye to Mr. Yata.
Back to Casa de Sagrada, and I gotready to leave Barcelona. First I headed to the nearby city Tarragona. In Tarragona, there were 2 places I wanted to visit.
Unlike in Italy, in Spain those toll free highways were easy to ride and I could eat miles. Weill, sometimes there were roundabouts and the traffics got stucked... Those roundabouts, I suppose, are misplaced. If they were placed at the right spots, they would reduce traffic jams, but if they were misplaed, they would create more traffic jams.
I arrived Tarragona soon. Then this was what I wanted to see!!
An ancient amphitheatrre built by Romans. With the view of the beach, it made that more special.
それから街外れには、ローマ時代の水道橋「ラス・ファレラス(L'agueducte de les Ferreres)」があります。マドリッド郊外の有名なセゴビアの水道橋に次ぐ大きさだとか。
Just outside of Tarragona, there was another thing I wanted to visit. It was an ancient Roman aqueduct "L'agueducte de les Ferreres". This is the 2nd largest one in Spain after the one in Segovia.
It was quite amazing.
I had lunch there. I made sandwitch with Chorozo and breads I boght in a supermarket.
I had a drink break near Vinaros. The coastal road had nice views o blue sea, so it was nice to ride through.
Around Vinaros, there were sexy girls sitting on the road side of the highway around every 500m. I was wondering what they were doing, so I pulled over and asked one of them. And she said she would provide GOOD services. Well, I did not get a service!
ヴィナロスからヴァレンシアまでは150キロくらい。2時間チョイでヴァレンシア市街に。更に南へ走るとなんだかシドニーのオペラハウスもどきがありました。後で調べたらヴァレンシア生まれの建築家がデザインした「芸術・科学都市(Ciutat de les Arts y de des Ciencies)」だそうです。うーん、シドニーのまねにしか見えませんね。
From Vinaros to Valencia, there were around 150km. Around 2 hours later, I was in the city of Valencia. At the south of the city, there was a building looked like Sydney Opera House. I checked later and found out it was a complex of "City of Ars and Sciences" designed by an architect from Valencia. Well, to me, it looked like a imitation of Sydney's.
I got to a campground around 5:30pm. It's been more than a week since I camped last time. THere was a restaurant on the campground, and a course menu (3 kinds of entrees, Paella and a desert) cost 20 Euros. It got 2 stars, so it might not be expensive for the quality, but I just had left over from lunch. LaterI realised that Valencia is the origin of Paella, so I kinda regreted not to have one there...
I will head to Granada tomorrow!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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