三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
対岸はアフリカ / The other side of the shore is Africa
Day 692: 2012年6月19日
Granada to Algeciras (Hotel Maria Luisa)
67,706km to 67,978km = 272km
English version will be updated later.
Last evening, while I was writing a diary, I met Akane. She was studying in UK and going to be a teacher in Japan. We were talking till late. Ryo, Jeff and Serina went out to a bar late in the evenng, but as I was gonna leave next day (which is today), I went to sleep.
WHen I woke up this morning, my mind was set "I want to step on the African soil and I want to ride Esperanza on African Continent!", so I decided to go to Morocco.
I left the hostel around 1-0:30am after saying good-bye to my friends. To Ageciras, it would take 3 hours and half. Till Malaga, I rode through in land, along the mountains. Around Malaga, I started to see Mediterrerian sea and it got hotter and hotter.
I made a stop at a supermerket some 40km away from Algeciras. I bought a baguet and had a chorizo I bought yesterday for lunch. I add some engine oil to Esperanza as the level was little low.
アルへシラスには3時過ぎに到着。目星を付けておいたホテルは駐車場は無く、近くに無料駐車場がある、とサイトに書いてありましたが、フェリー船着場の駐輪場のことで、安全面が懸念されたので却下。キャンプ場もこの街には無いそうなので、他に宿を当たります。しかしなかなか駐車場を完備した宿は見つかりません。観光案内所は閉鎖してますし、看板を頼りに何軒かホテルを回ります。なかなか見つからず、もう一軒回って駄目だったら近隣の街タリファ(Tarifa)に行ってしまおう思ってましたが、なんとレセプションの目の前に駐車させてくれると。料金も個室30ユーロなので少々高いですが許容範囲なので、ここにしました。Hotel Maria Luisaです。ちょっと街中から離れているんですがね。
I arrived Algeciras just after 3pm. The hotel I checked on a website did not have any parking space. But on the web site, there was a free public parking nearby. I asked at the reception and it turned out to be the motorcycle parking spots at the ferry jetty... It did not look very safe to park Esperanza, so I went look for other accomodation. There was no campsite around Algeciras. The tourist info office was closed down... So I went several hotels / hostels according those signes on the roads. But none had garage / parking space. I thought if next one would not be good, I would go to Tarifa. But next one I visited "Hotel Maria Luisa" was good. It cost 30 Euros (prvate room ensuite, inclduing breakfast) and the owber let me park Esperanza right in front of the front door. So he could keep eyes on Esperanza. It was a little expensive and a little far from the centre of the city, but it was still within m budget, so I decided to stay there.
The owner wasreally kind and wrote down lots of information on a map, like where I could buy a ferry ticket, where a festival would be on, and so on.
Just before I was out to the centre, I checked mails and Facebook, and I found out Tomo arrived Algeciras as well. So I went to visit her at a hostel in downtown.
On the way to downtown, I could see the mountain at the other side of the bay. It must be Gibrartar.

With Tomo, we went to buy ferry tickets. I bought the ticket for 10:30am ferry to Ceuta - Spanish territory in Africa, then I would ride to Tanger, Morocco. She would take a free bus to Tarifa, then she will catch a ferry to Tanger directly tomorrow afternoon.
So now, our schedules were settled, then we walked to a plaza where the festival was held. The view of old town of Alhgeciras.

The plaza was located in the residencial area of the city, and it was 20-30mins walk from downtown. For a small city like Algeciras, the fesitval looked really huge! SOme ladies and girls were in Framenco costumes!!

There were bars/pubs/clubs (?) setup on the site and with round music, everyone was dancing! It's the party time!!

There were nice looking chics too!!

I could not believe that this country had 24% unemployment rate (especially 50% for under 25-year-old). It's good to see people having fun!!
Tomo and I went to a supermarket and bought parma hams, blue cheese, breads and desserts and we had picnic seeing the festival.

So tomorrow, for the first time I will step on African soil. Hopefully I can cross the border to Morocco without any issue.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Granada to Algeciras (Hotel Maria Luisa)
67,706km to 67,978km = 272km
English version will be updated later.
Last evening, while I was writing a diary, I met Akane. She was studying in UK and going to be a teacher in Japan. We were talking till late. Ryo, Jeff and Serina went out to a bar late in the evenng, but as I was gonna leave next day (which is today), I went to sleep.
WHen I woke up this morning, my mind was set "I want to step on the African soil and I want to ride Esperanza on African Continent!", so I decided to go to Morocco.
I left the hostel around 1-0:30am after saying good-bye to my friends. To Ageciras, it would take 3 hours and half. Till Malaga, I rode through in land, along the mountains. Around Malaga, I started to see Mediterrerian sea and it got hotter and hotter.
I made a stop at a supermerket some 40km away from Algeciras. I bought a baguet and had a chorizo I bought yesterday for lunch. I add some engine oil to Esperanza as the level was little low.
アルへシラスには3時過ぎに到着。目星を付けておいたホテルは駐車場は無く、近くに無料駐車場がある、とサイトに書いてありましたが、フェリー船着場の駐輪場のことで、安全面が懸念されたので却下。キャンプ場もこの街には無いそうなので、他に宿を当たります。しかしなかなか駐車場を完備した宿は見つかりません。観光案内所は閉鎖してますし、看板を頼りに何軒かホテルを回ります。なかなか見つからず、もう一軒回って駄目だったら近隣の街タリファ(Tarifa)に行ってしまおう思ってましたが、なんとレセプションの目の前に駐車させてくれると。料金も個室30ユーロなので少々高いですが許容範囲なので、ここにしました。Hotel Maria Luisaです。ちょっと街中から離れているんですがね。
I arrived Algeciras just after 3pm. The hotel I checked on a website did not have any parking space. But on the web site, there was a free public parking nearby. I asked at the reception and it turned out to be the motorcycle parking spots at the ferry jetty... It did not look very safe to park Esperanza, so I went look for other accomodation. There was no campsite around Algeciras. The tourist info office was closed down... So I went several hotels / hostels according those signes on the roads. But none had garage / parking space. I thought if next one would not be good, I would go to Tarifa. But next one I visited "Hotel Maria Luisa" was good. It cost 30 Euros (prvate room ensuite, inclduing breakfast) and the owber let me park Esperanza right in front of the front door. So he could keep eyes on Esperanza. It was a little expensive and a little far from the centre of the city, but it was still within m budget, so I decided to stay there.
The owner wasreally kind and wrote down lots of information on a map, like where I could buy a ferry ticket, where a festival would be on, and so on.
Just before I was out to the centre, I checked mails and Facebook, and I found out Tomo arrived Algeciras as well. So I went to visit her at a hostel in downtown.
On the way to downtown, I could see the mountain at the other side of the bay. It must be Gibrartar.
With Tomo, we went to buy ferry tickets. I bought the ticket for 10:30am ferry to Ceuta - Spanish territory in Africa, then I would ride to Tanger, Morocco. She would take a free bus to Tarifa, then she will catch a ferry to Tanger directly tomorrow afternoon.
So now, our schedules were settled, then we walked to a plaza where the festival was held. The view of old town of Alhgeciras.
The plaza was located in the residencial area of the city, and it was 20-30mins walk from downtown. For a small city like Algeciras, the fesitval looked really huge! SOme ladies and girls were in Framenco costumes!!
There were bars/pubs/clubs (?) setup on the site and with round music, everyone was dancing! It's the party time!!
There were nice looking chics too!!
I could not believe that this country had 24% unemployment rate (especially 50% for under 25-year-old). It's good to see people having fun!!
Tomo and I went to a supermarket and bought parma hams, blue cheese, breads and desserts and we had picnic seeing the festival.
So tomorrow, for the first time I will step on African soil. Hopefully I can cross the border to Morocco without any issue.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
でも てっきり夏至を利用してノールカップに行くのかな??と思っていましたよ。
>でも てっきり夏至を利用してノールカップに行くのかな??と思っていましたよ。
それより夏至に行くのはMidnight Sun 真夜中の太陽を見るのが目的の人が多いです。
>それより夏至に行くのはMidnight Sun 真夜中の太陽を見るのが目的の人が多いです。