三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
19ヶ国目、ウルグアイに入国 / The 19th Country on this trip, Uruguay.
Day 628: 2012年4月16日
Porto Alegre - Brazil to Chuy - Uruguay (International Hotel)
60,235km to 60,765km = 530km (Brazil = 521km / Uruguay = 9km)
Today I was to enter Uruguay. Plinio did not come to teh apartment this morning. He might be busy with other things, I reckoned. I left the apartment by 8:30am.
But I made a wrong turn at the exit of the freeway, so I end up coming back to the city. I wasted 30mins or so...
To Pelotas, 200km or so, the freeway was very boring. I refelled at Pelotas and headed to Chui, the border town to Uruguay. I saw a sign stating "600km to Montevideo" the capital of Urguay.
The way from Pelotas to Chui, it became more boring than before. Some swamps, cattle farms and farms. The scernery wasn't that bad at all. But as there were many animals crossing the road, the speed limit was 60km/h!! And there were many speed cameras. I had to be careful with my speed.
The view was like. Not bad at all, isn't it?

時々動物の死骸があって臭い。鷲などの鳥が集っていて、バイクが近づくと飛び去るので危ない! 制限速度が60キロなのも納得です。
There were some carcassess of animals on the road, and they stunk!! There were birds like eagles eating those carcasses, and when I approaced, they flew away. So it was dangerous too. No wonder the speed limit was 60km/h.
There was immigration / custom office before the town of Chui. I stamped out Brazil and cancelled the temporary import of my bike. I don't know why but it took around 20mins at Custom to cancel the permit. It was just before 4pm.

Then I entered the town of Chuy. Well the town is spelled Chui in Brazil and Chuy in Uruguay. The town looks like located in between the border of 2 countries. It is the tax free zone and it has a little chaotic atmosphere to me.
Oh, now I entered Urugua, the 19th country on this trip.
I went to a money exchange to exchange Reals to US$ and Uruguay Pesos (I got US$529 and 2,235 U Pesos).
I decided to spend 1 night here but I wondered if I should go through the immigration or not, so I rode to the edge of the town where immigration / custom office locates.
The officer told me that if I would stay in Chi onight, I could come back there tomorrow to do the immigration process.
I went back to the town and foud an accomdation. I went to a supermarket and the prices are really high in Uruguay as I heard from so many people...
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Porto Alegre - Brazil to Chuy - Uruguay (International Hotel)
60,235km to 60,765km = 530km (Brazil = 521km / Uruguay = 9km)
Today I was to enter Uruguay. Plinio did not come to teh apartment this morning. He might be busy with other things, I reckoned. I left the apartment by 8:30am.
But I made a wrong turn at the exit of the freeway, so I end up coming back to the city. I wasted 30mins or so...
To Pelotas, 200km or so, the freeway was very boring. I refelled at Pelotas and headed to Chui, the border town to Uruguay. I saw a sign stating "600km to Montevideo" the capital of Urguay.
The way from Pelotas to Chui, it became more boring than before. Some swamps, cattle farms and farms. The scernery wasn't that bad at all. But as there were many animals crossing the road, the speed limit was 60km/h!! And there were many speed cameras. I had to be careful with my speed.
The view was like. Not bad at all, isn't it?
時々動物の死骸があって臭い。鷲などの鳥が集っていて、バイクが近づくと飛び去るので危ない! 制限速度が60キロなのも納得です。
There were some carcassess of animals on the road, and they stunk!! There were birds like eagles eating those carcasses, and when I approaced, they flew away. So it was dangerous too. No wonder the speed limit was 60km/h.
There was immigration / custom office before the town of Chui. I stamped out Brazil and cancelled the temporary import of my bike. I don't know why but it took around 20mins at Custom to cancel the permit. It was just before 4pm.
Then I entered the town of Chuy. Well the town is spelled Chui in Brazil and Chuy in Uruguay. The town looks like located in between the border of 2 countries. It is the tax free zone and it has a little chaotic atmosphere to me.
Oh, now I entered Urugua, the 19th country on this trip.
I went to a money exchange to exchange Reals to US$ and Uruguay Pesos (I got US$529 and 2,235 U Pesos).
I decided to spend 1 night here but I wondered if I should go through the immigration or not, so I rode to the edge of the town where immigration / custom office locates.
The officer told me that if I would stay in Chi onight, I could come back there tomorrow to do the immigration process.
I went back to the town and foud an accomdation. I went to a supermarket and the prices are really high in Uruguay as I heard from so many people...
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