三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
グランドキャニオン‼ ノースリム / Grand Canyon!! North Rim
Day38: 2010年8月31日
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
8時には用意が出来て出発。Sunrise Pointに行きます。もう太陽が登ってしまったせいか、昨日と方が良かったです。それから公園内の見所を回って11時まで堪能しました。ここは良い所ですね。
ここからザイオン国立公園(Zion Nat'l Park)へ。近いので1時半には着きました。ザイオンと聞くとユダヤのパレスチナ移住問題を思い出します。しかもワシはいまベーグル持ってるし。


テントを張ったら早速Bright Angel Pointへ。グランドキャニオン、やりますな。ヒツジさんも大興奮です。これがあのグランドキャニオンかぁ~、と勘当しながら風景を見てました。
Day38: 31Aug2010
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
I wanted to wake up before the sunrise but it was too cold to get up. I got up at 7am and was ready to go by 8am.
I went to Sunrise Point. As the sun had already gone up, the view was prettier yesterday. Anyway I went through all view points in the park and had great time.
By 11am, I came back to Visitor Centre. Here has free WiFi, so I checked e-mail. Also made a couple of calls. One was to Asiana air, they confirmed my cancellation of the ticket and refunded. Another one was to Kenji, who I met in Yellowstone. He told me I can stay at his place in Las Vegas. But somehow I could not get through to him...
I tried a few times but the same result. Kenji, please e-mail me if you see this!
I went to Zion Nat'l Park. It is very close to Bryce. The entrance fee is again $12. It was very hot and the road is under construction. I gotta stop many times and waited under the sun. I was't enjoying at all. Finally around 2:30pm, I arrived at Visitor Centre. Visitors must take a shuttle bus to those scenic points. I looked around the centre and I found nothing really fascinating in Zion, so I decided to leave. I'm sorry to those who like Zion Nat'l Park but I did not have good time there. May be next time.
As I did not want to go through the same road again, I took the Route 9 to west and took the route 59 to east. I wasted $12 and 2hours and half there.
Now I am in Arizona, 5th State of this trip. I had to wind 1 hour backward. Arrived at North Rim of Grand Canyon around 4:30pm. The entrance fee is $12 and the campground is $18.
Quickly set up the tent and went to Bright Angel Point.
Yes, the view is magnificent! This is Grand Canyon!! Mr. Sheep was also so excited.
Tomorrow I will go around the view points of North Rim, then ride to South Rim, where 356km away from here.
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
8時には用意が出来て出発。Sunrise Pointに行きます。もう太陽が登ってしまったせいか、昨日と方が良かったです。それから公園内の見所を回って11時まで堪能しました。ここは良い所ですね。
ここからザイオン国立公園(Zion Nat'l Park)へ。近いので1時半には着きました。ザイオンと聞くとユダヤのパレスチナ移住問題を思い出します。しかもワシはいまベーグル持ってるし。
Day38: 31Aug2010
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
I wanted to wake up before the sunrise but it was too cold to get up. I got up at 7am and was ready to go by 8am.
I went to Sunrise Point. As the sun had already gone up, the view was prettier yesterday. Anyway I went through all view points in the park and had great time.
By 11am, I came back to Visitor Centre. Here has free WiFi, so I checked e-mail. Also made a couple of calls. One was to Asiana air, they confirmed my cancellation of the ticket and refunded. Another one was to Kenji, who I met in Yellowstone. He told me I can stay at his place in Las Vegas. But somehow I could not get through to him...
I tried a few times but the same result. Kenji, please e-mail me if you see this!
I went to Zion Nat'l Park. It is very close to Bryce. The entrance fee is again $12. It was very hot and the road is under construction. I gotta stop many times and waited under the sun. I was't enjoying at all. Finally around 2:30pm, I arrived at Visitor Centre. Visitors must take a shuttle bus to those scenic points. I looked around the centre and I found nothing really fascinating in Zion, so I decided to leave. I'm sorry to those who like Zion Nat'l Park but I did not have good time there. May be next time.
As I did not want to go through the same road again, I took the Route 9 to west and took the route 59 to east. I wasted $12 and 2hours and half there.
Now I am in Arizona, 5th State of this trip. I had to wind 1 hour backward. Arrived at North Rim of Grand Canyon around 4:30pm. The entrance fee is $12 and the campground is $18.
Quickly set up the tent and went to Bright Angel Point.
Yes, the view is magnificent! This is Grand Canyon!! Mr. Sheep was also so excited.
Tomorrow I will go around the view points of North Rim, then ride to South Rim, where 356km away from here.
すいません何度も電話でれなくて! メール送りましたよ!! 今日ベガスですか?? ついたらいつでも電話ください!
すいません何度も電話でれなくて! メール送りましたよ!! 今日ベガスですか?? ついたらいつでも電話ください!
了解です! お待ちしてます☆