三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
グランドキャニオン: サウスリム / Grand Canyon South Rim
Day39: 2010年9月1日
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
今日は6時に起きて7時には出発の準備ができました。売店にWiFiがあるのでメールをチェックしてから出発。ノースリムの見所Point ImperialとVista Encantadaなどに行くつもりだったんですが、道が封鎖されてます…。仕方がないのでサウスリムに行くことに。ノースリムからサウスリムまで飛べば16キロ。しかし鳥では無いので、陸路だと345キロの遠回りしなければなりません。
Jacob Lakeでとりあえず給油。オイルをチェックすると窓の半分以下なのでオイルを足すことに。もうオイル交換してから3000キロ以上走ってますからね。
89号線に入りマーブルキャニオン地帯(Marble Canyon)を走ります。ここら辺はナバホインディアン(Navajo)の居留地があるみたいで道端に露店を出してアクセサリーとか売ってます。風景も良いですよ。

キャメロン(Cameron)で64号線に入りサウスリムへ。途中View Pointとあるので入ってみると、入園料1ドル。View Pointにお金を払うの初めてです。小コロラド川渓谷(Little Colorado River Gorge)だそうです。ナバホの土地にあるので彼らが管理しているようです。なかなか見晴らしが良いですよ。グランドキャニオンに負けてないかも。1ドルは安いな。ここでも露店で色々売ってます。魅力的なのもありますが、荷物になるので買いません。
デザートヴュウ(Desert View)でサウスリムと最初の絶景です。見晴台もあってなかなかいいですね。




Day39: 2010年9月1日
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
I got up at 6am and checked e-mail (General Store has WiFi) and left there at 7:30am.
I was gonna go to Point Imperial and Vista Encantada but the road was closed! I gave up and headed to South Rim. If you can fly, it is 16km to South Rim, but on land it is 345km!
At Jacob Lake I checked the engine oil level. It was below half of the check window, so I topped it up. It's been more than 3,000km since the service at Anderwerks.
I opened the pannier and found oil was leaking. Also water got inside. That's no good. Anyway I wiped off oil and water.
Marble Canyon area is beautiful. There is Navajo Indian Reserve around here, so beside the road I could see lots of stoles selling Native arts.
At Cameron Turing into the route 64. I saw "View Point" sign and I turned in. There was a gate and the entree fee of $1. This is Little Colorado River Gorge, located in Navajo Tribal Park.
The view was great. It is nothing less than Grand Canyon. $1 is a bargain.
Entering South Rim from East Entrance. Desert View is the first stop. Here has a watch tower and the view is so good. I prefer South than North.
Arriving at Grand Canyon Village after so many view points. The campground costs $18 a night. I will stay for 2 nights.
Unfortunately, the rim trail around Visitor Centre is under construction and closed. But still I could enjoy other parts of the rim trail and see lots of magnificent views of the canyon.
Tomorrow I will take shuttle buses to go around the park.
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
今日は6時に起きて7時には出発の準備ができました。売店にWiFiがあるのでメールをチェックしてから出発。ノースリムの見所Point ImperialとVista Encantadaなどに行くつもりだったんですが、道が封鎖されてます…。仕方がないのでサウスリムに行くことに。ノースリムからサウスリムまで飛べば16キロ。しかし鳥では無いので、陸路だと345キロの遠回りしなければなりません。
Jacob Lakeでとりあえず給油。オイルをチェックすると窓の半分以下なのでオイルを足すことに。もうオイル交換してから3000キロ以上走ってますからね。
キャメロン(Cameron)で64号線に入りサウスリムへ。途中View Pointとあるので入ってみると、入園料1ドル。View Pointにお金を払うの初めてです。小コロラド川渓谷(Little Colorado River Gorge)だそうです。ナバホの土地にあるので彼らが管理しているようです。なかなか見晴らしが良いですよ。グランドキャニオンに負けてないかも。1ドルは安いな。ここでも露店で色々売ってます。魅力的なのもありますが、荷物になるので買いません。
デザートヴュウ(Desert View)でサウスリムと最初の絶景です。見晴台もあってなかなかいいですね。
Day39: 2010年9月1日
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
I got up at 6am and checked e-mail (General Store has WiFi) and left there at 7:30am.
I was gonna go to Point Imperial and Vista Encantada but the road was closed! I gave up and headed to South Rim. If you can fly, it is 16km to South Rim, but on land it is 345km!
At Jacob Lake I checked the engine oil level. It was below half of the check window, so I topped it up. It's been more than 3,000km since the service at Anderwerks.
I opened the pannier and found oil was leaking. Also water got inside. That's no good. Anyway I wiped off oil and water.
Marble Canyon area is beautiful. There is Navajo Indian Reserve around here, so beside the road I could see lots of stoles selling Native arts.
At Cameron Turing into the route 64. I saw "View Point" sign and I turned in. There was a gate and the entree fee of $1. This is Little Colorado River Gorge, located in Navajo Tribal Park.
The view was great. It is nothing less than Grand Canyon. $1 is a bargain.
Entering South Rim from East Entrance. Desert View is the first stop. Here has a watch tower and the view is so good. I prefer South than North.
Arriving at Grand Canyon Village after so many view points. The campground costs $18 a night. I will stay for 2 nights.
Unfortunately, the rim trail around Visitor Centre is under construction and closed. But still I could enjoy other parts of the rim trail and see lots of magnificent views of the canyon.
Tomorrow I will take shuttle buses to go around the park.