三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ヨセミテ国立公園2日目 / Yosemite Day 2. Meeting Eric
Day51: 2010年9月13日
Yosemite Nat'l Park Day 2
17,989 to 18,159km = 170km

朝一にGracier Pointに行きます。や、イイ眺めだ!ハーフドーム(Half Dome)とヨセミテバレーが一望出来ます。人気があるのがわかりますな。ワシが来てから続々と人が来ます。早く来て良かった。

今日はハーフドームが湖面に映るミラーレイク(Mirror Lake)とロウワーヨセミテフォール(Lower Yosemite Fall)のトレッキングとMiraposaのジャイアントセコイアを見に行くことにしました。


バス停まで戻り今度はヨセミテフォールへ。ヨセミテフォールは世界で5番目に落差がある滝です。期待しちゃいます。しかーし!水が全然流れていない!雪解水が無くなるとこの滝は枯れるのだとか…。春先が1番ですね。 ちなみに水が枯れた後のヨセミテフォールはヨセミテウォールと呼ばれてます。座布団一枚!

日暮れまであと少し。またGlacier Pointに夕日を見に行こうかと思いましたが、遅い車に引っ掛かり日は沈んでしまいました。明日また来よう。
キャンプ場に戻るとBMW R1150GSに跨った奴がいます。彼はColoradoから来たEric。キャンプ場が満杯なのでどうしょうか考えていたとのこと。ワシのサイトに来るように誘いました。
彼から聞いたのですが、今現在El Capitanに挑戦している人がいます。彼は肢体がうまく動かせないのですが、6インチずつ登って行ってます(望遠鏡で撮ったビデオを見せてもらいました)。6日間かかるそうです。世の中スゴイ人もいるものですね。
Day51: 13Sept2010
Yosemite Nat'l Park Day 2
17,989 to 18,159km = 170km
It was really cold last night. I couldn't really sleep. When I got up this morning, there was frost on my tent. The thermometer in FS was showing 0℃. It was really, really cold.
I went to Glacier Point first thing in the morning. The view was awesome. I could see Half Dome and Yosemite Valley with a glance. No wonder it is voted as a No.1 viewpoint. More and more people came while I was there.
As I didn't wanna miss out a camping site at Camp4, I went there in the morning. After I registered and built the tent, I went to Visitor Centre.
Had lunch and went to Mirror Lake trail. Around half hour walking, lots of horse shits on the trail, I was at Mirror Lake but almost no water! No reflection of Half Dome, but the scenery is good there.
Then went to Lower Yosemite Fall. But there is no water! I was so disappointed and head back to the campground.
I rode to Miraposa to see Giant Sequoia. The road was winding and great but I stuck behind slow cars. It took 1 hour to get there.
Giant Sequoias are great! They are so huge and I can feel full of life.
There was still some time before the sunset. I wanted to see the sunset at Glacier Point, so I pushed on. But I stuck behind slow cars again and missed the sunset.
Back to the campground and I saw a guy on BMW R1150GS. He is Eric from Colorado, riding around North America. As the campground was full already, he was thinking to find another campground. I invited him to my camp site.
He has been out fir 6 weeks and has got so many incidents! Hit by a deer, a car and etc. But he and his bike are still in good shape!
He told me that there is a guy, Steve, climbing up El Capitan right now. He has no control on his limbs. That is really amazing story. Eric was watching him climbing for an hour and now Steve is his new hero!
When having dinner, Eric went to his bike to get some foods and two guys trying to move his bike.
He was ready to confront them, but they were just trying to get their car space.
But later one of the guy came to our camp site and confessed he dropped Eric's bike. After checking, Eric found out his helmet is broken, so the guy paid for the damage.
It was crazy night, a bear was walking around our tents in the middle of night. When I heard "Bear! Bear!" I released my bear spray safety lock and came out from the tent, but the bear was gone already.
What a night!
Yosemite Nat'l Park Day 2
17,989 to 18,159km = 170km
今日はハーフドームが湖面に映るミラーレイク(Mirror Lake)とロウワーヨセミテフォール(Lower Yosemite Fall)のトレッキングとMiraposaのジャイアントセコイアを見に行くことにしました。
日暮れまであと少し。またGlacier Pointに夕日を見に行こうかと思いましたが、遅い車に引っ掛かり日は沈んでしまいました。明日また来よう。
キャンプ場に戻るとBMW R1150GSに跨った奴がいます。彼はColoradoから来たEric。キャンプ場が満杯なのでどうしょうか考えていたとのこと。ワシのサイトに来るように誘いました。
彼から聞いたのですが、今現在El Capitanに挑戦している人がいます。彼は肢体がうまく動かせないのですが、6インチずつ登って行ってます(望遠鏡で撮ったビデオを見せてもらいました)。6日間かかるそうです。世の中スゴイ人もいるものですね。
Day51: 13Sept2010
Yosemite Nat'l Park Day 2
17,989 to 18,159km = 170km
It was really cold last night. I couldn't really sleep. When I got up this morning, there was frost on my tent. The thermometer in FS was showing 0℃. It was really, really cold.
I went to Glacier Point first thing in the morning. The view was awesome. I could see Half Dome and Yosemite Valley with a glance. No wonder it is voted as a No.1 viewpoint. More and more people came while I was there.
As I didn't wanna miss out a camping site at Camp4, I went there in the morning. After I registered and built the tent, I went to Visitor Centre.
Had lunch and went to Mirror Lake trail. Around half hour walking, lots of horse shits on the trail, I was at Mirror Lake but almost no water! No reflection of Half Dome, but the scenery is good there.
Then went to Lower Yosemite Fall. But there is no water! I was so disappointed and head back to the campground.
I rode to Miraposa to see Giant Sequoia. The road was winding and great but I stuck behind slow cars. It took 1 hour to get there.
Giant Sequoias are great! They are so huge and I can feel full of life.
There was still some time before the sunset. I wanted to see the sunset at Glacier Point, so I pushed on. But I stuck behind slow cars again and missed the sunset.
Back to the campground and I saw a guy on BMW R1150GS. He is Eric from Colorado, riding around North America. As the campground was full already, he was thinking to find another campground. I invited him to my camp site.
He has been out fir 6 weeks and has got so many incidents! Hit by a deer, a car and etc. But he and his bike are still in good shape!
He told me that there is a guy, Steve, climbing up El Capitan right now. He has no control on his limbs. That is really amazing story. Eric was watching him climbing for an hour and now Steve is his new hero!
When having dinner, Eric went to his bike to get some foods and two guys trying to move his bike.
He was ready to confront them, but they were just trying to get their car space.
But later one of the guy came to our camp site and confessed he dropped Eric's bike. After checking, Eric found out his helmet is broken, so the guy paid for the damage.
It was crazy night, a bear was walking around our tents in the middle of night. When I heard "Bear! Bear!" I released my bear spray safety lock and came out from the tent, but the bear was gone already.
What a night!