三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
リノ!三馬力さんとの再会 / Reno! Seeing my old friend Niomii
Day53: 2010年9月15日
Yosemite Nat'l Park to Reno
18,278km to 18,611km = 333km

ヨセミテから先ずは東へ。395号で進路を北に取ります。モノレイク(Mono Lake)は中々の景色です。ネバダ州が近づくにつれ気温が上がっていきます。
ネバダ州の州都カーソンシティー(Carson City)手前のGardnervilleのマックで三馬力さんからのメールをゲット。無事にサンフランシスコに着いたみたいです。まだ宿を取ってないので、ワシがリノに先に着くので抑えることに。
Day53: 15Sept2010
Yosemite Nat'l Park to Reno
18,278km to 18,611km = 333km
Last night a bear was crawling around our tents again. I felt the bear was near by but I did not get up and was half sleeping.
I got up at 8am and started to puck up. Brian was ready by 8:30am, and we said Good-bye. We will see each other again in Mexico.
As I was talking to other people at the camp site, it became 10am. Eric was also ready to go, so we said Good-bye and took off to other ways. I'm sure we will meet again.
I exited the perk from East side and took the route 395 to North. Mono Lake is worth to stop to see. It is quite beautiful.
The closer I got to Nevada, it got hotter. Once I crossed the boarder, gas price drops. I guess California puts higher tax on gas.
At Gardnerville, I got an e-mail from my old friend Niomi. He arrived at San Francisco and heading to Reno. He and his friend are coming to Reno for the Air Races.
I arrived Reno at 5pm. I found a Motel costs $45 for 3 people a night. After put away my baggages, I took shower. It was so good as I hadn't taken shower for 5days.
Niomi and his friend arrived at 8pm. We went to a Chinese buffet for dinner.
We were chatting till 1:30am! It's time to go to sleep.
Yosemite Nat'l Park to Reno
18,278km to 18,611km = 333km
ネバダ州の州都カーソンシティー(Carson City)手前のGardnervilleのマックで三馬力さんからのメールをゲット。無事にサンフランシスコに着いたみたいです。まだ宿を取ってないので、ワシがリノに先に着くので抑えることに。
Day53: 15Sept2010
Yosemite Nat'l Park to Reno
18,278km to 18,611km = 333km
Last night a bear was crawling around our tents again. I felt the bear was near by but I did not get up and was half sleeping.
I got up at 8am and started to puck up. Brian was ready by 8:30am, and we said Good-bye. We will see each other again in Mexico.
As I was talking to other people at the camp site, it became 10am. Eric was also ready to go, so we said Good-bye and took off to other ways. I'm sure we will meet again.
I exited the perk from East side and took the route 395 to North. Mono Lake is worth to stop to see. It is quite beautiful.
The closer I got to Nevada, it got hotter. Once I crossed the boarder, gas price drops. I guess California puts higher tax on gas.
At Gardnerville, I got an e-mail from my old friend Niomi. He arrived at San Francisco and heading to Reno. He and his friend are coming to Reno for the Air Races.
I arrived Reno at 5pm. I found a Motel costs $45 for 3 people a night. After put away my baggages, I took shower. It was so good as I hadn't taken shower for 5days.
Niomi and his friend arrived at 8pm. We went to a Chinese buffet for dinner.
We were chatting till 1:30am! It's time to go to sleep.
三馬力さん ご無沙汰してます。NSTCのTERRYです。